About Clio

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Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, a double-blind peer-reviewed international interdisciplinary journal, publishes scholarly essays that explore the connections between history, literature, and the arts. Humans understand themselves and their cultures, even create themselves and their cultures, through stories. Sometimes we call those stories “history,” and sometimes we call them “literature.” Clio is interested in the interconnectedness of these two disciplines, as well as the philosophical work that supports these kinds of inquiries. We publish researched essays at the intersections of these disciplines—that is, not simple expositions of historical events or uncontextualized “readings” of literary texts, but articles that are interdisciplinary in argument and method. Essays should be accessible to an interdisciplinary scholarly audience.

Clio has been in existence for over 50 years and is published in both print and electronic form, with full-text availability through EBSCO academic databases such as Biography Reference Center, History Abstract with Full Text, History Reference Center Plus, and Humanities Source.

Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
Purdue University Fort Wayne
2101 East Coliseum Blvd.
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499 USA
[email protected]

Send packages/parcels to:
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen
5190 St. Joe Road
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne, IN 46835 USA