Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, a double-blind peer-reviewed international interdisciplinary journal, publishes scholarly essays that explore the connections between history, literature, and the arts. Humans understand themselves and their cultures, even create themselves and their cultures, through stories. Sometimes we call those stories “history,” and sometimes we call them “literature.” Clio is interested in the interconnectedness of these two disciplines, as well as the philosophical work that supports these kinds of inquiries. We publish researched essays at the intersections of these disciplines—that is, not simple expositions of historical events or uncontextualized “readings” of literary texts, but articles that are interdisciplinary in argument and method. Essays should be accessible to an interdisciplinary scholarly audience.
Clio has been in existence for over 50 years and is published in both print and electronic form, with full-text availability through EBSCO academic databases such as Biography Reference Center, History Abstract with Full Text, History Reference Center Plus, and Humanities Source.
Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
Purdue University Fort Wayne
2101 East Coliseum Blvd.
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499 USA
[email protected]
Send packages/parcels to:
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen
5190 St. Joe Road
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne, IN 46835 USA
Table of Contents (PDF)
- Volume 51, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)
- Volume 51, Issue 1 (Fall 2023)
- Volume 50, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
- Volume 50, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
- Volume 50, Issue 1 (Fall 2022)
- Volume 49, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
- Volume 49, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)
- Volume 49, Issue 1 (Fall 2021)
- Volume 48, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
- Volume 48, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
- Volume 48, Issue 1 (Fall 2020)
- Volume 47, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)
- Volume 47, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
- Volume 47, Issue 1 (Fall 2019)
- Volume 46, Issue 3
- Volume 46, Issue 2
- Volume 46, Issue 1
- Volume 45, Issue 3
- Volume 45, Issue 2

- Volume 45, Issue 1
- Volume 44, Issue 3
- Volume 44, Issue 2
- Volume 44, Issue 1
- Volume 43, Issue 3
- Volume 43, Issue 2
- Volume 43, Issue 1
- Volume 42, Issue 3
- Volume 42, Issue 2
- Volume 42, Issue 1
- Volume 41, Issue 3
- Volume 41, Issue 2
- Volume 41, Issue 1
- Volume 40, Issue 3
- Volume 40, Issue 2
- Volume 40, Issue 1
- Volume 39, Issue 3
- Volume 39, Issue 2
- Volume 39, Issue 1
- Volume 38, Issue 3
- Volume 38, Issue 2
- Volume 38, Issue 1
- Volume 37, Issue 3
- Volume 37, Issue 2
- Volume 37, Issue 1
- Volume 36, Issue 3
- Volume 36, Issue 2
- Volume 36, Issue 1
- Volume 35, Issue 3
- Volume 35, Issue 2
- Volume 35, Issue 1
- Volume 34, Issue 4
- Volume 34, Issue 3
- Volume 34, Issue 1&2
- Volume 33, Issue 4
- Volume 33, Issue 3
Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
Purdue University Fort Wayne
2101 East Coliseum Blvd.
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne IN 46805-1499, USA
[email protected]
Send packages/parcels to:
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
5190 St. Joe Road
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne, IN 46835, USA
Specific Guidelines:
(If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can download it for free from the Adobe Reader web site.)
General Submission Guidelines:
Essays and review articles should present well-focused arguments of approximately 20-30 pages (5,000-9,000 words, including footnotes). Conference papers or dissertation chapters must be revised to make fully developed, self-sufficient arguments. Clio will not consider any submissions that are currently under consideration at any other journal.
Manuscripts should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition (with footnotes kept to a minimum). List name and affiliation on a separate cover sheet, but include only the essay’s title on the manuscript itself to facilitate blind reading of submissions. Please include an abstract of 150-200 words that summarizes the key points of your article.
Electronic essay submissions only: please submit documents in Word (.docx) format only.
We also need complete contact information, including preferred email address, and street address. If submitting an article, please send your text as an email attachment to [email protected]. If submitting a book review or review article, please also send a copy of your review to the commissioning editor - Lachlan Whalen.
You may expect a decision regarding publication within four months.
Copy editing and related queries will be handled via email using MS Word's Track Changes and Comments functionality extensively. Book reviews are solicited by the book review editors.
Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of Historyc/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, editorPurdue University Fort Wayne2101 East Coliseum Blvd.English Department, LA 145Fort Wayne IN 46805-1499, USA[email protected]260.481.0148
Send packages/parcels to:
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
5190 St. Joe Road
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne, IN 46835, USA
View a printable version of the Clio Subscription, Back Order, and Permissions Rates (PDF) (Valid through June 30, 2025)
- U.S.
- Individual: USD $60
- Institutional: USD $120
- International
- Individual: USD $80
- Institutional: USD $160
Single Copies:
- U.S.
- Individual: USD $25
- Institutional: USD $50
- International
- Individual: USD $30
- Institutional: USD $60
Student Rate:
Students receive a 50% discount. Please include a scan of valid student id or other proof with subscription order. (If using our online store to submit your order, please send proof to [email protected] prior to ordering.)
Reprint Permissions:
$400 plus applicable royalties - all payments split evenly with authors, but permission granted through Clio. Please send request to Managing Editor with full details regarding the publication in which the piece will be reprinted, including publisher and media type(s).
Accepted at any time in subscription year but will not cover any issue currently in production. Refunds in U.S. dollars only.
By check or money order in U.S. dollars. Payment expected prior to start of new or end of current subscription. Credit card payments accepted through our online storefront. Invoices sent upon request.
Send claim requests for missing or damaged print issues to [email protected]. Free replacement copies will only be sent if claims are made within four months of order or publication, whichever is later; and only one free replacement copy will be sent per issue.
Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
Purdue University Fort Wayne
2101 East Coliseum Blvd.
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne IN 46805-1499, USA
[email protected]
Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
Purdue University Fort Wayne
2101 East Coliseum Blvd.
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne IN 46805-1499, USA
[email protected]
Send packages/parcels to:
c/o Dr. Lachlan Whalen, Editor
5190 St. Joe Road
English Department, LA 145
Fort Wayne, IN 46835, USA