Hazard Communication
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Environmental Health and Safety
- Hazard Communication
The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation. HCS may also be referred to as the Right-to-Know Law or RTK. The citation number is 29CFR1910.1200. HazCom, as it may also be called, is a standard intended to protect employees from physical and health hazards that they work with or may be exposed to.
Purdue University has an active HCS program that uses a train the trainer approach to meeting compliance requirements. The program covers all employees of the University including full-time, part-time, temporary, and student employees that are NOT engaged in the laboratory use of chemicals.
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) conducts the training for work area trainers. These trainers are known as designated trained individuals or DTIs. DTIs serve as the work area coordinators for HazCom including initial implementation and continued maintenance of the program in their work areas. Individuals that are to be the DTIs must attend a training/orientation session. The DTI training is a 2-4 hour course that covers the requirements of the Law, requirements of the University's program, an abbreviated review of Industrial Hygiene concepts, and a short example of how to establish the program in their work area. Hands on class exercises may also be used to demonstrate program requirements and concepts.
EHS conducts program audits annually to assess work area compliance.
Hazard Communication Written Compliance Manual
For questions about the Hazard Communication Standard and HazCom DTI Training contact PFW EHS.
Emergency Contacts
- Emergencies:
- Dial 911