PFW and IUFW Campus Will Be Closed Tuesday
The Purdue University Fort Wayne campus including Indiana University Fort Wayne will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 21, in anticipation of the dangerously cold conditions that are expected including subzero wind chill factors. Read More

About Us


Welcome to the Fort Wayne Chapter web site.

Sigma Xi - The Scientific Research Honor Society - is an international, private, non-profit, multidisciplinary research society whose programs and activities promote the health of the scientific enterprise and honor scientific achievement. Sigma Xi publishes the award-winning American Scientist magazine, awards hundreds of grants annually to promising student researchers and sponsors a variety of programs that serve science and society. Primary programmatic interests include research ethics, science and engineering education, the public understanding of science, international research networking, and the overall health of the research enterprise.

Sigma Xi is an honor society, with membership by invitation only, although many of our local events and presentations are open to the general public. This is the web site for the local chapter based at Purdue University Fort Wayne.