Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
A Safe and Relaxing Spring Break
March 3, 2021
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
It’s hard to believe we have marked the one-year anniversary of Purdue Fort Wayne’s—and the world’s—intensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have accomplished so much together during that time. While our university community has not been untouched by COVID-19, we are fortunate to have fared relatively well so far. I am certain our early planning, decisive actions, and steadfast adherence to protocols have helped limit the spread of the virus on our campus and in our community.
As we near the beginning of spring break this weekend, I want to take the opportunity to wish all of our students a well-deserved break from their studies. I hope you find some time to relax and recharge.
I also hope that you will do everything necessary to keep yourselves, your friends, and the university community healthy and safe. Please remember to continue to wear your masks, maintain social distancing, and use lots of hand sanitizer. We want everyone to have an easier sprint to the end of the semester. If you need extra masks, please don’t hesitate to ask. Free masks continue to be available.
As you return from spring break and begin to enjoy spring weather, I’m sure some classes will begin to move outdoors. Just a reminder to continue to wear your masks and observe social distancing protocols. Let’s not let down our guard.
Should there be any emergency information that needs to be communicated over spring break, you will be notified through official campus communications channels, including email and social media. The PFW Prepared website will always contain current information regarding all aspects of the university’s operations and protocols.
Finally, I want to express my sincere thanks to the entire campus community for your hard work, adaptability, and sheer determination that has gotten us this far. It’s nothing short of awe-inspiring.
Ron Elsenbaumer