Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Purdue Fort Wayne Brand Marketing Update
November 8, 2017
Dear Colleagues,
Over the summer, the university contracted with SimpsonScarborough to conduct market research regarding the branding of the institution as we transition to Purdue University Fort Wayne. The research included collecting qualitative and quantitative data, conducting communications audits, and reviewing secondary data to provide a thorough understanding of our current brand. This fall, SimpsonScarborough continued their work with us to assist in developing our core brand strategy, positioning, and targeted messaging that will drive our future marketing objectives and branding efforts.
As a result of these findings and part of the rebranding efforts, the future Purdue University Fort Wayne school colors will be black and gold. While there are several factors that played into this decision, the findings of the market research are clear: the Purdue University brand is known for academic quality and is recognized as being a quality brand locally, nationally and globally. As a result, the brand equity of Purdue will serve to enhance and elevate perceptions of Purdue Fort Wayne. Yet we also know that our campus has its own personality and assets, unique from the main campus that will be capitalized on and highlighted through our marketing and brand positioning statements. To be clear, determining our colors is just one step in the process of rebranding our institution and we will continue working to develop the creative pieces of our brand. A brand implementation team comprised of university stakeholders has been engaged in the process and will be critical to the brand rollout.
During the transition, marketing collateral pieces were developed for enrollment management staff who have been actively recruiting students to apply for admission for the fall 2018 semester, including a new admissions microsite. Please share this link to prospective students interested in applying to attend Purdue Fort Wayne: https://purdue.pfw.edu
Finally, while I am new to the campus and community, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet many people during my visits in October and my first week as your Chancellor. What I can say, with confidence, is that the institution’s legacy is more about our people—our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and advocates. As such, you are critical to our future—your support is greatly needed during this time of transition, and I pledge to continue to earn it. As I shared in my welcome message to campus last week, there are challenges ahead but together, we will work to transform those challenges into opportunities. I am truly excited about the future of Purdue Fort Wayne and working with all of you on the next chapter in the history of this incredible institution.
Ronald L. Elsenbaumer