Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Commencement Celebration
March 3, 2021
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
As spring break approaches and we look ahead to the final weeks of the semester, I know our graduating students are looking forward to receiving their well-earned degrees and marking a tremendous milestone—graduation.
It was our sincere hope that we would be able to host a traditional commencement ceremony, as we have for decades. After careful evaluation and consideration, however, we have come to the conclusion that an in-person ceremony at the Coliseum simply is not a safe or responsible option. While Indiana’s restrictions on gatherings and crowd density have eased slightly during the past several weeks, a traditional commencement ceremony is just not feasible for an institution of our size.
While this is disappointing to all of us—especially our students and their families—this does not mean we can’t find a creative way to celebrate and recognize our graduates from Purdue University Fort Wayne, as well as those from Indiana University Fort Wayne.
We are in the process of planning an outdoor celebration that will offer graduates and their families an opportunity to mark the occasion in grand style. Planning is currently underway for a safe, socially distanced outdoor event with many of the elements of commencement. Think of it as a graduation parade—with graduates and their families in their cars—proceeding through campus down the full length of Mastodon Way.
Please mark your calendars now for Saturday, May 15, beginning at 6 p.m. More details, including safety protocols, will follow. Graduates from the Class of 2021, as well as the Class of 2020, will be invited to participate.
Additionally, during the coming weeks, all candidates for graduation will be receiving information from our University Events and Ceremonies office, including instructions regarding commencement apparel and diplomas. Information will also be available on our commencement website.
Graduating students, you’re almost there! We are committed to helping you cross the finish line to become newly minted Mastodon alumni.
Ron Elsenbaumer