Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Important News About Diplomas
October 12, 2018
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
There has been much discussion the past two weeks regarding what may or may not appear on diplomas awarded at Purdue University Fort Wayne.
I had the privilege of meeting with about 100 students yesterday morning who had assembled in Kettler Hall to express their perspectives and concerns. During the discussion, I conveyed that I intended to share their concerns with the Purdue University Board of Trustees at its meeting earlier today in West Lafayette.
By the end of the meeting with students, however, I learned from Purdue University President Mitch Daniels—and was able to report to the students—that their voices had been heard and that the Purdue University Board of Trustees had decided it would not be making any major changes to the diplomas. Instead, new verbiage at the bottom of each diploma will merely alter the long-standing practice of identifying the city in which the diploma was received and instead will now name the campus at which the degree was earned.
Purdue University issued a news release today that includes the full announcement. I am also attaching a rendering of the diploma that will be used in the future for Purdue University Fort Wayne graduates.
I want to thank all of you who have shared your thoughts on this subject. Transparency, honesty, and open dialogue will continue to serve us well as we work together to build the identity, reputation, and future of Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Ron Elsenbaumer