Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
In-Person Commencement Returns to Coliseum on Friday, June 18
March 31, 2021
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
We have some wonderful news to share with you!
University leaders, in close consultation and collaboration with officers of the Student Government Association, have developed a plan for Purdue Fort Wayne to return to the Memorial Coliseum for an in-person commencement ceremony on Friday, June 18.
The ceremony will include both Purdue Fort Wayne and Indiana University Fort Wayne students from this year’s graduating Class of 2021, as well as those who graduated in 2020 but missed out on a formal commencement ceremony as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. The event will also be livestreamed.
You will recall that the university initially announced in early March that an in-person ceremony would not be possible again this year, given the impact of COVID-19 at the time. While an outdoor procession, ceremony, and celebration were being planned, much has changed in the past few weeks that has allowed us the flexibility to pivot and pursue options that simply didn’t seem possible or even prudent at the beginning of March.
Most importantly, the state’s vaccination program has moved exceptionally fast during the past few weeks, and vaccinations opened up today for those 16 years old and above. By moving the date to June 18—a month later than our previous commencements—many more members of our university community will have had the opportunity to be vaccinated. Another contributing factor is the relatively low incidence of positive cases and quarantines we have experienced at Purdue Fort Wayne.
While we realize this change might cause some scheduling issues for students and families who were expecting to be on campus for the previously planned outdoor event, we also know that the vast majority of our graduating students will treasure the special moments and memories of an in-person ceremony—the pomp and circumstance of the academic procession, walking across the stage and appearing on video screens, formal photos in regalia, etc.
Given that we are still in a pandemic, however, there will be some necessary modifications to the ceremony, and the university will continue to meet or exceed guidance from the state and county health departments and other public health authorities. We fully expect that masks will be required except for the moment graduates walk across the stage and are photographed. Due to social distancing protocols, tickets likely will be required and limited to 2-4 tickets per participating graduate, and there will be no after-party following the event. Additionally, depending on anticipated numbers, we may need to schedule two ceremonies that day to accommodate graduates and their guests.
Many details are still being confirmed, and the university will communicate additional information during the coming weeks.
All candidates for graduation, including those who received their degrees in 2020, will be receiving information from our University Events and Ceremonies office, including instructions regarding RSVPs, commencement apparel, and diplomas. Information will also be available on our commencement website.
We are both delighted that this iconic milestone in the lives of our students and their families will be returning, and we are grateful for the support of the Student Government Association, which unanimously passed a resolution in favor of the plan. This is yet another indication of the resilience and determination that our university community continues to exhibit during what has been a very challenging year.
Ron Elsenbaumer
Derrik West
Student Body President