Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Invitation to 2020 Commencement Ceremony
February 17, 2020
Dear Campus Community,
The spring semester is well underway, and we are nearing one of my most favorite days of the year—commencement. This is the day our campus community comes together to celebrate and honor our graduates and their families. It reminds us that everything we do is so worthwhile.
Purdue University Fort Wayne and Indiana University Fort Wayne once again will celebrate a combined commencement ceremony. I invite and encourage all faculty and staff to participate in this very special day in the life of our university.
The ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 13, beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum. The graduation celebration and diploma distribution will immediately follow the ceremony.
Please use this online form to reserve your seat and, if needed, arrange for rental regalia/apparel. For more information about the ceremony, parking, robing, and more, visit the faculty and staff page on the commencement website.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Ron Elsenbaumer