Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
New Study Cities Purdue Fort Wayne’s $8.9 Billion Impact on Northeast Indiana
April 23, 2019
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you the results of a new study that has been conducted to assess Purdue University Fort Wayne’s economic impact on Fort Wayne, the region, and the state. The study will be released publicly this afternoon.
Purdue Fort Wayne has an $8.9 billion total economic impact on Northeast Indiana annually and fuels 82,450 jobs in the region, according to the study, which was conducted by The Perryman Group, a firm well-known for its expertise in conducting economic impact studies.
While the majority of Purdue Fort Wayne’s annual economic benefits, not surprisingly, are centered in Northeast Indiana, the study also found that the university has an $11 billion total annual economic impact on the state of Indiana and fuels 101,999 jobs a year.
Purdue Fort Wayne’s impact on the region and the state, according to the study, reflects the annual economic benefits of employed graduates living in Indiana when multiplier effects are considered. Approximately 75 percent of the university’s 60,712 alumni—who attended Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne, as the university was previously known—live and work in Indiana.
The study also calculates the economic benefits of student and visitor spending, as well as recent, current, and planned campus construction.
We have long known our university provides extraordinary economic and social benefits, and this report clearly demonstrates the tremendous benefit Purdue Fort Wayne brings to Northeast Indiana and the Indiana economy. It is gratifying to have the institution’s enormous impact quantified and confirmed by an independent third party.
Additional details and the full report by The Perryman Group are available at pfw.edu/economic-impact/.
Ron Elsenbaumer