Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
PFW Expects to Award 4 Percent Merit Increase for Fiscal Year 2024
May 17, 2023
Dear Colleagues,
Following the conclusion of a very successful academic year, I am writing to share some additional good news with you.
The Purdue Fort Wayne executive leadership team is working to implement a 4 percent merit allocation that is intended to be fulfilled in two steps as follows:
- The initial 2 percent merit pool will be effective July 1, 2023.
- Contingent upon fall 2023 enrollment, retention, and revenue, we would like to implement an additional 2 percent merit allocation on January 1, 2024. More information regarding the feasibility of an additional 2 percent in January will be communicated following fall enrollment census.
Each vice chancellor and unit head reporting to the chancellor will also receive a small merit pool to distribute at their discretion for exceptional, demonstrated performance, effective July 1.
All merit increases will be applied to permanent base salaries for eligible faculty and staff. To be eligible for a merit increase, a faculty or staff member must have been in a benefits-eligible position on January 1, 2023; must currently be in good standing; and must not have received any other recurring increase during 2023.
You’re likely aware that Purdue University recently announced merit increases for the West Lafayette campus. As a reminder, the annual budget for each institution in the Purdue system is developed and managed by the respective institution. Pay increases are subject to the financial health of the individual institution and the availability of funds in its annual budget. Each institution, therefore, develops, announces, and administers its own plan for merit increases.
We trust that the merit increase for FY 2024 will further affirm the value we place on recruiting and retaining an outstanding workforce.
Thank you for all that you do to contribute to Purdue Fort Wayne’s success.
Ron Elsenbaumer