Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Purdue Fort Wayne Open for In-Person Classes This Fall
June 19, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
Following almost two months of assessment, and with input from across the campus community, we are convinced that Purdue Fort Wayne can be open for in-person instruction this fall.
We look forward to welcoming students to campus in mid-August, and we’re busy preparing for their arrival.
We take very seriously our mission to provide a first-rate education for our students in an environment that is healthy, safe, and secure for all. “Students First” is one of our cherished institutional core values underpinning our Strategic Plan. Embodying the spirt of that imperative, our goal in opening up campus is to ensure that all students who seek a traditional college experience have access to the richest and fullest experience possible. We are committed to delivering just that within a campus environment that is changing during the next two months to meet their needs and expectations.
Please be assured that the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our top priority and continues to guide our decision-making as we plan intensively for the fall semester. We are guided by best practices and recommended protocols from the CDC and other public health officials. We also continue to rely on the significant expertise of our senior leaders and colleagues here on campus, as well as the resources and expertise of the PFW Prepared Committee. Additionally, we have the benefit of input and guidance from leaders in the Purdue University system, including the expertise of the Protect Purdue Medical Advisory Committee.
We reached our decision based on extensive discussions, research, and the examination of best practices being implemented within the Purdue University system, as well as at other institutions around the country. In early May, we established a Scenario Planning Committee that included 22 internal task forces composed of 140 faculty and staff dedicated to analyzing every aspect of the various scenarios we may encounter during the upcoming academic year. As that process was concluding in early June and based on the committee’s initial findings, reporting, and recommendations, we created the PFW Prepared Committee. PFW Prepared, which reports regularly to the executive leadership team, is charged with serving as a working group to address all aspects of the physical preparation of campus as we approach the fall semester.
Based on all this effort and expertise, we are confident in the approach we are taking to the 2020–21 academic year, as detailed below.
There will be much more information and many more details to be shared with incoming students and the university community throughout the summer. Meanwhile, I’d like to share some basic information about the following initiatives and activities that are currently underway and that will continue to evolve in the coming weeks.
Accommodations for Vulnerable Populations. As announced on June 9, a system-wide plan is now in place for identifying those in the university community who are most vulnerable to serious illness and establishing the process for making accommodations to provide a safe working environment. A website dedicated to the assessment process includes a secure intake form, which is specific to those employed on the Purdue Fort Wayne campus.
Faculty and Staff Work Arrangements. Faculty and staff who are able to do so should continue to work remotely through the end of July. Many staff and faculty will begin returning to campus in early August to prepare for students and the start of the fall semester. In order to further reduce the density of people on campus, employees in non-student-serving roles who are approved to work remotely will continue to do so until further notice. Department heads and unit managers, in consultation with their vice chancellors and deans, will continue to make decisions related to work arrangements for their employees.
Academic Calendar. The university is not planning any changes to the academic calendar. Classes will begin on August 24, and the rest of the fall semester will proceed as scheduled. Decisions about spring semester will be made at a later date.
Instruction. We are not planning any substantive changes to class schedules, although there will be mixed modalities for some classes/sections. For some classes, faculty members may be teaching classes in hybrid scenarios that involve a mix of in-person and online classes. Labs, studios, and field work will be conducted in modified in-person settings with students. Some classes may be moved to larger classrooms, to other locations on campus, or partially or fully online to accommodate more students and reduce density in classrooms.
Classrooms and Labs. We are undertaking a comprehensive approach to preparing classrooms and labs to maintain social distancing, provide protective barriers, decrease density, and provide enhanced cleaning and sanitization. This includes reconfiguring classrooms and strictly limiting the number of seats based on the size of each room. Classrooms will be cleaned and sanitized at least twice daily, and clear protective partitions will be installed in the front of all classrooms. Additional measures and procedures are being developed to control traffic flow in and out of classrooms and between classes.
Face Masks. To help ensure the safety of all students, faculty, and staff, the university is requiring face masks to be worn by everyone on campus, in every building, effective immediately and until further notice. The university has ordered 23,000 cloth masks that will be distributed free of charge to all students, faculty, and staff (two per person). As a good practice, masks should be worn in other high-density locations, such as in gatherings outside or transitioning in crowds to other buildings on campus.
Social Distancing. Social distancing has become the norm, and we will continue to adhere to now-commonplace practices for distancing. Floor decals will help denote spacing in some public areas. Signage is being placed around campus with reminders for social distancing and hygiene.
Pedestrian Traffic. The university is developing a comprehensive plan for pedestrian movement, both inside and outside campus buildings and facilities. This includes adding clearly marked entrances and exits to buildings, as well as implementing changes to traffic patterns for hallways, stairwells, elevators, and sidewalks.
Personal Protective Equipment. A 90-day supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) is being assembled. These items are separate from PPE used by departments as part of the normally required PPE used in the routine operations of labs and clinics. Shipments of items like gowns, nitrile gloves, surgical masks, safety glasses, safety goggles, face shields, hand sanitizer, and decontamination foggers are arriving on campus daily.
Hand Sanitizer. Hand sanitizer stations, sanitizing wipes, and other disinfecting supplies will be located in all classrooms and throughout campus buildings.
Handwashing. The university strongly encourages frequent handwashing by all members of the campus community. While the CDC notes that touching a surface or object that has the virus on it is not the main way the virus spreads, good hand hygiene, including not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, is an essential protective measure that each person should follow.
Air Quality. Air handling units in all buildings have been undergoing inspections and upgrades, and will now be running 24/7 in order to provide maximum air circulation, air balance, and room air exchanges (six to 15 exchanges per hour). Air filters are being significantly upgraded with the highest-rated filters possible. Some filter units are being replaced with units with high-efficiency capacity.
Deep-Cleaning and Sanitization. The university has been implementing enhanced cleaning and sanitization protocols everywhere. While most faculty and staff have been working remotely since March, campus cleaning crews have been deep-cleaning classrooms, offices, computer labs, public areas, restrooms, etc. Enhanced sanitization protocols are in place and will increase as more people begin returning to campus.
Buildings. All campus buildings will be open, effective August 3. Many buildings on campus will continue to have restricted access through July 31, except for those being utilized for limited purposes for the second summer session, which begins on June 29.
Student Housing. Campus Housing is currently open with some students in residence over the summer. We continue to accept students for fall. Due to the high demand for housing, students are encouraged to act soon to secure a spot. All housing is apartment style and affords adherence to distancing standards and recommendations. There are no traditional dormitory-style rooms in housing.
Helmke Library. Helmke Library will reopen on July 1. We are taking measures to reduce the density of people throughout the library, including the Skybridge.
Common Areas. There will be limitations on usage of lounges, lobbies, dining areas, and recreational facilities in all buildings. This will be accomplished by removing or reconfiguring furniture, adjusting hours of operation, and restricting or limiting use where appropriate.
Dining. Campus dining venues will reopen on August 3, with only grab-and-go options planned through the fall semester. Additional specifics and information on catering will be forthcoming.
Campus Meetings. Business meetings and gatherings on campus will be limited to 25 people or fewer, with adherence to appropriate social distancing and health and safety protocols. Virtual meetings are strongly encouraged through December 31.
Campus Events. In order to provide intensive focus on students and the academic mission, external rentals and large-scale community events on campus are canceled or postponed through December 31. This will free up auditoriums, ballrooms, and other spaces for possible classroom use and will dramatically decrease the density of people on campus. Visitors will be allowed on campus on a limited basis for meetings and gatherings not to exceed 25 people and subject to enhanced health and safety and contact tracing protocols. Student Affairs events and programming for students are exempt from this limitation and will proceed with enhanced health and safety protocols with appropriate oversight. Athletics competitions and activities are an exception and will abide by NCAA and Horizon League directives and protocols.
We will continue to communicate regularly with the campus community during the coming weeks. We will include updates through Inside Purdue Fort Wayne, campus announcements, social media, and messages like this one. The latest information will always be available on the university’s COVID-19 website.
I want to extend my thanks to all of you who have been working tirelessly during the past months to continue to provide education and support for our students, to maintain essential operations and services, and to plan for the future of Purdue Fort Wayne, even under these most demanding circumstances. I am honored to be part of such an incredible team.
Ron Elsenbaumer