Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Search Commences for Chief Diversity Officer
May 26, 2020
Dear Campus Community,
I am pleased to announce that the search for Purdue Fort Wayne’s first chief diversity officer has begun. We paused the search during the university’s initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March, but we are now ready to begin in earnest.
You will recall that a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion was one of the top priorities that emerged early on during the university’s strategic planning process. It was subsequently identified as one of the top three priorities for immediate action as we begin implementation of the strategic plan.
I think it speaks volumes for our university community that this is the first element of the strategic plan to be activated. This is a tremendous opportunity to make a significant commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and I am so pleased that we are one step closer to achieving this milestone.
As recommended by our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Planning Team, the chief diversity officer position will report directly to me and will be part of the university’s senior leadership team.
I have asked Jerry Lewis, vice chancellor for communications and marketing, to serve as chair for this important search. A broad-based search committee has been assembled that includes the following members:
Adolfo Coronado, College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science
Melissa Gruys, Doermer School of Business
Tracey Hanton, Career Services, Office of Students Affairs
Shubitha Kever, TRIO Student Support Services, Office of Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management
Christine Kuznar, Athletics, Office of Financial and Administrative Affairs
Isabel Nuñez, School of Education
Jordan Sanderson, The Resource Center, Office of Student Affairs
Andia Walker, Human Resources, Office of Financial and Administrative Affairs
James Williams, College of Visual and Performing Arts
Melissa Helmsing, Human Resources (Ex Officio)
The position will be posted and advertised later this week, and the search will begin immediately. I encourage anyone who is interested and qualified to apply for the position. Additionally, if you are aware of potential candidates, please encourage them to apply.
Thank you for your support—and thank you in advance to the search committee—as this search gets underway.
Ron Elsenbaumer