Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Search Commences for Vice Chancellor for Financial and Administrative Affairs
November 12, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that we have initiated the search to fill the vacant Vice Chancellor for Financial and Administrative Affairs position.
I have asked Carl Drummond, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management, to serve as chair for this important search. A campus-wide search committee has been assembled that includes the following members:
- Chair: Carl Drummond, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Susan Castleman, Operations Manager, Student Housing
- Kenneth Christmon, Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Admissions
- Philip Davich, Director of Managerial Accounting
- Gregory Eley, Director of Building Operations
- Douglas Hess, Director of Financial Aid
- Candace Inghram, Director of Development
- David Johnson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications and Marketing
- Andrew Kopec, Chair of Senate Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee, Associate Professor of English and Linguistics
- Zafar Nazarov, Associate Professor of Economics
- Ariana Papaik, Sergeant, University Police
- Tracey Peterson, Business Assistant, information Technology Services
- Beverly Redman, Chair and Professor of Theatre
- Ryan Sims, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
- Dimples Smith, Learning and Development Director, Human Resources
- Vic Spencer, Director of Student Government and the LGBTQ+ Resource Center
We will be assisted in the search by Isaacson, Miller, a highly respected executive search firm with deep expertise recruiting for these types of specialized leadership positions. They have particular expertise and success in recruiting for leadership positions in higher education.
The position will be posted and advertised soon, and our intention is to fill it as quickly as possible. I encourage anyone who is interested and qualified to apply for the position. Additionally, if you are aware of potential candidates, please encourage them to apply.
Thank you for your support—and thank you in advance to the search committee—as this search gets underway.
Ron Elsenbaumer