Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
November 2017
As I begin my time as the chancellor of IPFW, I wanted to share how excited I am to be here. Prior to starting on November 1, I had the great fortune of spending time on campus meeting with stakeholders as well as interacting with various leaders who all have a vested interest in the success of our university. Throughout these conversations, common themes have emerged: a passion for the students we serve and our commitment to serving the northeast Indiana region.
The university’s commitment to helping students pursue their dreams and providing them with a life-changing experience is something in which we should all take great pride. As I’ve shared in various venues, my journey in higher education has now come full circle as I humbly take on a leadership role within the Purdue system—the same institution that offered me so much opportunity as a first-generation college student. I am much like many of the students we serve, and the university is in the unique position to change thousands of lives by offering them a higher education to which they may not otherwise have had access.
And, as we move closer towards the university’s realignment, I realize there is much yet to be done but have every confidence that, together, we will make this transition seamless for our students, who remain our number one priority. This is a critical juncture in the life of the institution, and there is much work ahead to ensure its bright future. We will look back on the institution’s rich history of prioritizing an excellent education to the region and beyond, and also our commitment to accessibility and affordability.
There is no question that there will be challenges, but together, we will work hard to transform those challenges into tremendous opportunities and reality. This will be the PFW way, and I am excited to get started!
With tremendous enthusiasm,
Ron Elsenbaumer