Academic Regulations Grades

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  • 6.0: Grades
  • 6.1: Basis of grades. The instructor is responsible for explaining to students, preferably in writing at the beginning of an academic session, the course requirements and grading system to be used. Each student shall be assigned a grade in each course in which the student is enrolled at the close of the session.
    • The student is responsible for the completion of all required work in each course, by the time of the last scheduled meeting of the course or other deadline set by the instructor, unless the student has officially withdrawn from the course, or unless the student and the instructor have agreed that a grade of Incomplete will be assigned.
  • 6.2: Semester grades. The following grades may be assigned:    
Grade Meaning
A, A+, A- Outstanding achievement
B, B+, B- Above-average achievement
C, C+, C- Average achievement
D, D+, D- Below-average achievement; lowest passing grade
Except in the computation of GPA, these grades are referred to simply as A, B, C, or D grades
F Failure, or unauthorized discontinuance of class attendance; no credit
I Incomplete; a temporary record of passing work which (1) was interrupted by circumstances beyond the student's control or (2) represents satisfactory work-in-progress in an independent-study or self-paced course. This grade does not affect GPA computations.


Unremoved Incomplete, Failing; Recorded for failure to achieve a permanent regular grade by the deadline stated in these regulations. This directed grade counts in all respects as a failing grade, affecting GPA computations.

IN Unremoved Incomplete-Not Passing; for a credit course taken under the pass/not pass option and in which the student received a PI grade. This directed grade counts the same as an IF grade except that it does not affect GPA computations.
IU Unremoved Incomplete-Unsatisfactory; for a zero credit course in which a student received an SI grade. This directed grade counts the same as an IF grade except that it does not affect GPA computations.
NC Completion of the course as an auditor; carries no credit.
NP Not passing grade when enrolled under the P/NP enrollment option. Purdue University students who receive this grade will have a grade of N recorded on official transcripts. This grade does not affect GPA computations.
NS Not Submitted; assigned when a grade is not submitted by the instructor.

Passing Grade; under the P/NP option, equivalent to a grade of A, B, or C. This grade does not affect GPA computations.


Incomplete - Pass; no grade; same as I except that the student was enrolled in a credit course under the pass/not pass option. It is a temporary record of passing work which (1) was interrupted by circumstances beyond the student's control or (2) represents satisfactory work-in-progress. This grade does not affect GPA computations. 


Satisfactory, credit; awarded by the Registrar upon satisfactory performance in a course offered only on an S/U basis, or on a departmental/divisional examination, or another award of special credit, or completion of a zero-credit course. This grade does not affect GPA computations.


Incomplete - Satisfactory; no grade; same as I except that the student was enrolled in a satisfactory/unsatisfactory graded course. It is a temporary record of passing work which (1) was interrupted by circumstances beyond the student's control or (2) represents satisfactory work-in-progress. This grade does not affect GPA computations.


Withdrew; a record of the fact that the student officially withdrew from a course or was administratively withdrawn from a course for nonpayment of fees.

  • 6.3: Pass/Not-pass option. In order to provide students with the opportunity to broaden their educational foundations with minimal concern for grades earned, this alternative grading system, the pass/not-pass option is established. A student who is enrolled in a letter-graded course under this option has the same obligations as those who are enrolled in the course for credit with letter grade. In such cases, the instructor will not be informed which students have elected this option. The instructor's final grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, or C- for these students are changed to the grade of P by the Registrar, as indication of passing the course. The instructor's final grades of D+, D, D-, or F are changed by the Registrar to grades of NP, as indication of not passing the course. The registrar's class roster will indicate which students in a letter-graded course have elected this option. Grades of P and NP are not used in computing the GPA. Students who receive a grade of NP will have a grade of N recorded on official transcripts.

Exercise of this option is subject to three limitations:

  • 6.3.1: The option is open to all students in the University subject to the regulations of the college/school in which the student is enrolled. In particular, the college/school will specify under what conditions a course that is passed under this option may be used to satisfy its graduation requirements. Additionally, a department or college/school may specify that certain courses intended only for students in that department or college/school are available only on the pass/not-pass grading basis.
  • 6.3.2: Subject to the regulations of the student's college/school, a student may elect this option in any course that does not already appear on the student's academic record as completed with letter grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, or F and in which the student is otherwise eligible to enroll for credit with letter grade.
  • 6.3.3: The student may not elect this option for more than 20 percent of the total credit hours required for graduation.
  • 6.4: Incompletes. A grade of I, PI or SI is a temporary record of passing work for a course graded as regular, pass/no pass or satisfactory/unsatisfactory, respectively, which (1) was interrupted by circumstances beyond the student's control or (2) represents satisfactory work-in-progress in an independent-study or self-paced course. A student must have a majority of the required coursework completed (as determined by the instructor) before the instructor is permitted to assign the grade of incomplete. The instructor who reports an incomplete grade shall file in the Registrar's Office a statement that includes the following information:
    • The reason for the incomplete
    • The requirements for completion of the course
    • The grade for the course to date
    • The time limit allowed for completion of the course, shall not exceed one calendar year. An instructor may change the incomplete to a regular letter grade if requirements for completion of the course are not met within the specified period.
    • Given extenuating circumstances, and approval of the instructor and the instructor's dean/division director, the time limit may be extended for a period not to exceed one additional calendar year.
    • The Registrar's Office shall change the incomplete grade to a grade of IF, IN or IU for regular, pass/no pass, or satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade modes, respectively unless the student graduates or removes the incomplete within the time allowed.
    • If the student re-enrolls in the same course while the incomplete is still on the record, and the course is not repeatable for credit, the original incomplete shall remain on the record permanently.
    • Students transferring resident credit for a course bearing an unremoved incomplete shall have the incomplete grade recorded but subject to the limitation of one calendar year from the time the grade was originally recorded at the relevant campus. At the end of this period, if the student has not graduated or provided evidence that the incomplete has been changed to a permanent grade, the Registrar's Office shall change the unremoved incomplete grade to a grade of IF, IN or IU for regular pass/no pass, or satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade modes, respectively. 
  • 6.5: Final grade report. Each student's complete record for the session and the student's cumulative GPA shall be reported to the student, to the student's major department, and to the student's school/division.
  • 6.6: Changes of grade
  • 6.6.1: An instructor who discovers, within 30 days of the grade-processing deadline, that a grade reported for a student was in error shall promptly submit to the Registrar a statement, on a form specified by the Registrar and countersigned by the instructor's department chair/division director, of the circumstances of the error and of the change to be incorporated in future GPA's. Correction of errors after this time shall also require the approval of the instructor's dean/division director.
  • 6.6.2: The Registrar shall inform the student, the department chair/division director, and the dean of the change of grade.
  • 6.6.3: A student may retake any course. Unless the course is described in the Bulletin or its supplement as repeatable for credit, credit will be given only once for a repeated course, and only the most recent grade earned will be incorporated in GPA calculations.
  • 6.6.4: A student may seek to effect a change of grade through the grade-appeals procedure established by the Fort Wayne Senate.