Lecture / Reading
February 14, 2024
Anthropology Club Lunchtime Lecture Series Presents: Professor Mary Encabo Bischoff - I Speak; therefore, I Can Teach: English Language Teaching & Learning in a Multilingual World
Kettler Hall, Room G46
Anthropology Club Lunchtime Lecture Series Presenter will be Prof. Mary Encabo Bischoff, TENL Program Director & Director of Youth Programs
Are you considering a career abroad through teaching English? Do you have the desire to volunteer in a local non-profit, teach English, and work with immigrants and refugees? Find out if you have what it takes to stand out among the sea of (well-meaning) American English teachers and English language teaching assistants. In addition, learn about the history and current progress of the English Language Partners (ELP) program, which began as an alternative to in-person field experiences but has morphed into a growing virtual “Silk Road” connecting PFW students and alumni with individuals across 4 continents every semester.
For more information, contact [email protected]
President: Forrest Rommel
Admin: Dr. Richard Sutter
FREE PIZZA provided