Theatre Performance
February 16, 2024
The Tempest
Williams Theatre
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Jeff Casazza
This fairy-tale romance/comedy begins when a violent and terrifying storm wrecks a ship and scatters the passengers throughout a mysterious, magical island, filled with spirits and witches. Among the passengers is Alonso, the King of Naples and his son Ferdinand. Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, has been stranded on this island for years after his brother tried to drown him and his daughter Miranda, Ferdinand’s love interest. Amid a grappling for control of the island, Alonso’s drunken butler and scaredy-cat court jester must deal with Caliban – a half man half witch and rightful heir of the island. Eventually Ferdinand and Miranda are married, and all wrongs are righted in true Shakespearean fashion. Rated G.
Feb. 16, 17, 22, 23, 24 8 p.m.
Feb. 18 2 p.m.
High School Matinee Feb. 20 (and Feb. 21 if needed) 9:30 a.m.
$5 Purdue FW Students/High School Students/Children Under 18
$18 Adults
$16 Seniors/Faculty/Staff/Alumni
$14 Groups of 10 or more
$14 Other College students with ID
Patrons are encouraged to call in advance to reserve their tickets. Please arrive early. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of management or at intermission.
Purdue Fort Wayne Box Office
Purchase Tickets Online
Purchase Tickets by Phone or in Person
Located in the PFW Music Center, Room 106
For more information on the Department of Theatre, visit our website at www.pfw.edu/theatre