First-time User

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Need to Activate Your PFW Account?

After you have received your letter of Admission, to the university, you should complete the following steps to activate your PFW account. 

Note: These steps are not for Purdue Fort Wayne Employees who are also students. Employees should use their existing employee username to access student systems.

  1. In a web browser go to the Account Management Service page.
    1. You will see a screen of information describing the account activation process.
    2. Read the information.
  2. Click Continue.
    1. You will be presented with the Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users.
    2. If desired, click Print or Email me a copy.
    3. The guidelines are also available in every student handbook/planner.
  3. Read the terms then type Yes in the text box, if you agree to the terms.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Enter your last namebirth date, and either the last 4 digits of your social security number or your PFW ID number.
  6. Click Continue.
    1. The resulting page will contain your username and email address. Be sure to write these down and keep them in a safe place.
    2. Note: If you receive an error that your account could not be found, please re-enter the information carefully in step 6. The maximum number of attempts to activate your account per session is 20. If you are unsuccessful in activating your account after 20 attempts, you can click the Exit and Close Window button and re-open the Activate Account application.
  7. Enter a password for your account at the bottom of the page.
    1. Follow the password conventions listed.
    2. Note: Do not write your password down.
  8. Click the Submit Password and Activate Account button.
    1. You should see a message stating that your account is activated.
  9. Enter a security question and answer.
    1. This can be used to reset your password if forgotten.
  10. Click Submit.
    1. You can now use your account to log into goPFW, access the student computing labs, online course work, etc.


Help Desk Hours

7:30 a.m.–8 p.m.
7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Contact the Help Desk

[email protected]