In the News
Boost from biennial budget for PFW music building project draws media attention statewide
A proposed music technology building on the Purdue University Fort Wayne campus is receiving a major funding boost from Indiana’s new two-year appropriations budget approved by the state legislature April 28. The project includes the construction of a 26,000-square-foot facility to house the PFW School of Music’s popular music, music industry, and music technology programs. The 146 students studying in these three programs during the just-completed spring semester made up 52% of the School of Music’s total enrollment.
This state-of-the-art, on-campus center is needed to replace the significantly smaller Purdue Fort Wayne Sweetwater Music Center that opened in 2018. News of the funding update was picked up statewide. Access some of that coverage using the links provided below.
PFW music facility gets state boost | The Journal Gazette (subscription required) | May 4
CBS4 Indianapolis | May 4
FOX 59 Indianapolis | May 4
WANE 15 at 11 p.m. | May 3
WANE 15 at 6 p.m. | May 3
FOX 55 at 5 p.m. | May 3
New state budget to help PFW with new music tech building | Inside INdiana Business (subscription required) | May 3