American Society of Microbiology
Student Organizations
What We Do
Mastodons in microbiology.
Join the American Society of Microbiology to supplement what you learn in the classroom and inspire the next generation of microbiologists to pursue their education. The society can connect you to professional contacts to help you get a job after college.
- Promote student interest and further improve the quality of the microbiology program at Purdue Fort Wayne
- Promote interest in microbiology for high school students
- Promote high school students’ attendance at Purdue Fort Wayne
- Provide aid for students in microbiology at Purdue Fort Wayne with respect to academic curriculum, research, and employment
- Promote student participation in local, state, and national ASM meetings
Section I: Eligibility
- All active students (undergraduate and graduate) who have paid chapter dues and who are in good standing with the ASM are eligible.
- Associate members and faculty members who have paid chapter dues and are in good standing with the ASM are eligible.
- Fifty-one percent of the total membership must be currently enrolled students of Purdue Fort Wayne, and only those members may vote, hold office, and represent the organization or university in an official capacity; in addition, there is a membership requirement
of a minimum of eight members per organization. - Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination and harassment per the
polices of the Purdue Fort Wayne Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct as stated in Part 1, Section A, Items 3; furthermore, it is understood that members of the above organization will not, at any time, engage in hazing.
Section II: Types of Membership
- Active voting membership shall be open to all students currently enrolled in at least 1 credit hour at Purdue Fort Wayne, and who have paid club dues; each voting member must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA at Purdue Fort Wayne.
- Inactive, nonvoting membership shall be open to interested individuals; however, these individuals may not hold office; inactive members shall not compose more than 25 percent of the total membership.
Section III: Dues
- Dues shall be payable by the second fall meeting.
- $5 shall be paid to the ASM as
annual membership. - Failure to pay dues within a reasonable length of time shall terminate one's membership from the chapter.