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Generation Action 2024 Connections Fair

Generation Action

Student Organizations

What We Do

Action that matters

Join the Generation Action to learn about and spread the knowledge of reproductive health. We want to provide accurate and unbiased information about pregnancy.

  • Advocate for and educate about reproductive health on Purdue Fort Wayne campus and in the Fort Wayne community; reproductive health topics include but are not limited to: abortion, contraception, STIs, HIV/AIDS, rape culture, safer sex, and sexuality
  • Provide accurate and unbiased information about options regarding pregnancy (i.e., abortion, adoption, parenting) and a safe space to explore those options
  • Promote an intersectional feminist perspective by recognizing and criticizing the various facets of oppression (e.g., sexism, racism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia) and realizing how they intersect with one another

Section I: Qualifications

  • Fifty-one percent of the total membership must be currently enrolled students at Purdue Fort Wayne and only those members may vote, hold office, and represent the organization or university in an official capacity.
  • The minimum membership requirement is eight members.
  • Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination and harassment per the policies of the Purdue Fort Wayne Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct as stated in Part I, Section A, Items 3 and 4.
  • Membership is open to nonstudents. Those members will not have any vote towards officers.
  • Members must participate in at least one activity (e.g., movie nights, chalking, posting of flyers) and attend at least one regular meeting each academic semester.

Section II: Types of Membership

  • Voting membership shall be open to all students currently enrolled in at least 3 credit hours at Purdue Fort Wayne.
  • Nonvoting memberships may be held by faculty, staff, alumni, non-Purdue Fort Wayne students, or community members.

Section III: Financial Obligation

  • Dues will be $5 for an academic year. If the member chooses to, they can provide their time as “sweat dues” instead of direct cash dues, in which the member will provide a specific amount of time toward assistance in projects (e.g., fundraising endeavors, button making). This time will be no less than one hour and no more than three hours.