Phi Sigma Rho
Student Organizations
What We Do
Friendship and Community
We’re a sorority on campus that fosters and maintains the inspired ideals of friendship, scholarship, and encouragement upon which we were founded.
- To foster and maintain the inspired ideals of friendship, scholarship and encouragement upon which Phi Sigma Rho was founded
- To foster and provide the broadening experience of sorority living with its social and moral challenges and responsibilities for the individual and the chapter
- To develop the highest standard of personal integrity and character
- To promote academic excellence and support personal achievement while providing a social balance
- To aid the individual in the transition from the academic environment to the professional community
Section I: Qualifications
- Fifty-one percent of the total membership must be currently enrolled students at Purdue Fort Wayne and only those members may vote, hold office, and represent the organization/university in an official capacity.
- The minimum membership requirement is ten members.
- Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination and harassment per the policies of the Purdue Fort Wayne Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct as stated in Part I, Section A, Items 3 and 4.
- All active members must
- be a student who identifies as female and enrolled in a full-time program of study leading to a collegiate degree awarded within the College of Engineering Technology and Computer Science,
- not be a member of a Panhellenic or other recognized social sorority,
- be invited to join the chapter through a mutual selection recruitment process, and
- have satisfactorily completed the sorority’s membership education requirements and the chapter’s program of membership education.
Section II: Types of Membership
- Active member is any member who has completed membership requirements, has been initiated as a collegiate student, and is presently either a member or an affiliate member of an active chapter. Only active members have voting privileges.
- Active members in cooperative education may choose to be placed on Cooperative Status during their work sessions. These members will not be required to participate in chapter events and will not be allowed to hold a chapter office during the Cooperative Status period but may participate in chapter events. Active members on Cooperative Status are not exempted from membership dues. Members on Cooperative Status are exempted from the requirement to attend mandatory meetings and events. Active members of Cooperative Status may vote in elections.
- An active member may request or be placed on Inactive Status due to events that would limit her time commitment to the chapter. These members will not have voting privileges and will not be allowed to hold a chapter office. Circumstances may include trying to raise grades; undergoing personal difficulties such as a serious financial, health or academic problem; enduring a family-related situation; time-limitations due to a scholarship, honor, educational event or other activity that may bring recognition to the Sorority; and situations as specified by the chapter bylaws. Active members on Inactive Status are not exempted from membership dues. Members on Inactive Status are exempted from the requirement to attend mandatory meetings and events.
- An active member that has transferred to this university from a university at which a chapter of the sorority exists may become an affiliate member of this chapter. These members are exempt from annual dues and voting privileges.
- Honorary member may be chosen from the women engineers, engineering technologists, and university administrators who have distinguished themselves by at least ten years of outstanding services in teaching, professional practice, or research in their discipline and exceptional service or assistance to the sorority in an advisory, participatory, or financially supportive manner. Honorary members can be inducted after a confirmation vote of three-fourths of the voting membership and the national committee approves it. Honorary members shall be initiated into the sorority as provided in this constitution but shall not have voting privileges in the active chapter and shall be exempt from all dues.