School of Music
Audition Requirements
for Piano and Organ
B.M. (Performance) degree, 400 level
Prospective piano performance majors must play a memorized audition consisting of works in each of the following four categories:*
- J. S. Bach - a Prelude and Fugue from The Well-Tempered Clavier (preferably) or a similar work, such as a Toccata or at least two movements from a dance suite
- A work of the Classical period, such as a representative sonata movement or set of variations by Haydn, Mozart, or Beethoven (example: Beethoven, Sonata Op. 10, No. 1, first movement)
- A work of the romantic period, such as a character piece by J. Brahms or a Nocturne by F. Chopin
- A 20th or 21st century work, such as a Prelude by Debussy
*Works at the level above or higher are acceptable for the audition. The selected repertoire should include as much variety of tempo, character, and playing style as possible. Be prepared to also play major and minor scales and arpeggios, and to sight read.
B.M.E. (Music Education), B.S.M.T. (Music Therapy), B.S. (Music and an Outside Field), B.M. (Music Technology) degrees, 300 level
Prospective piano concentration students (majors in the above degree programs whose main instrument is the piano) must play a memorized audition consisting of works chosen from three of the following four categories:*
- J. S. Bach: an Invention, dance movement, or similar work (example: Gavotte, from Bach‘s G Major French Suite)
- Haydn, Mozart, or Beethoven: a sonata movement, set of variations, or similar work (example: Mozart’s d minor Fantasy)
- A short work from the romantic period, such as a Song Without Words by F. Mendelssohn
- A short twentieth-century work, such as a piece from Bartók’s Mikrokosmos, vol. 4
*Works at the level above or higher are acceptable for the audition. The selected repertoire should include as much variety of tempo, character, and playing style as possible. Be prepared to also play major and minor scales and arpeggios, and to sight read.
Music Minor/Pre-Music/Secondary Piano Study, 200 level
Prospective piano students in the above areas who wish to study at the 200 level (see also below regarding 100 level study) should prepare an audition consisting of a minimum of two pieces in contrasting styles, with at least one being performed by memory. Be prepared to also play scales and arpeggios, and to sight read. Repertoire at the following level or higher is acceptable:
- Pieces from J. S. Bach’s Anna Magdalena Notebook
- Haydn’s Gypsy Dance
- Schumann’s Album for the Young
- Pieces Op. 27 or 39 by Kabalevsky
Note: Music majors whose main instrument is not piano and who have a Piano Proficiency requirement may only take applied piano lessons once their Piano Proficiency Examination is completed.
Music Minor/Secondary Piano Study, 100 level
Prospective piano students in the above areas who wish to study at the 100 level should prepare a few selections or excerpts that best represent their piano playing for an interview. You may be asked to sight read as well.
Note: Music majors whose main instrument is not piano and who have a Piano Proficiency requirement may only take applied piano lessons once their Piano Proficiency Examination is completed.
Prospective Organ Students with organ background:
Be prepared to play:
- A Baroque organ piece such as a Prelude and Fugue by J. S. Bach
- A contrasting 19th or 20th century work
- A hymn
You also will be asked to sight read
Prospective students without an organ background may study organ at the collegiate level with sufficiently strong keyboard skills. Be prepared to play on the piano music at the level of:
- Two-Part Invention by J. S. Bach
- Haydn or Mozart Sonata movement
You also will be asked to sight read