School of Music
Audition requirements for strings, guitar, and harp
Degree Programs
Students may pursue a Bachelor of Guitar Performance (BM), Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.), a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Music and an Outside Field or a B.S. in Music Therapy with guitar (L300) as their principal instrument.
Acceptance into any degree program in the Department of Music including conditional admission status of pre-music, requires a successful audition in the applied performance area. The instructor will interview the student, usually by telephone, to determine whether or not the candidate is ready to meet the audition requirements. Students who do not have a strong classical background and are not ready for the L400/L300 audition may audition for L200. L200 admits the student on a pre-music major standing. L200 students are allowed to study at that level for two semesters to prepare for completing a successful guitar concentration (L300) audition.
L400 (Guitar Performance (BM) majors) audition requirements:
- One movement from Cello Suite 1 by J.S. Bach
- Select one from the following: One Pavan by Luis Milan, One study between 4-20 from Twenty Studies for the Guitar by Fernando Sor (Segovia Edition), One study between 5-10 from Etude Simples by Leo Brouwer
- Major Scales (demonstrating position shifts)
- Sight-reading.
- Aural perception evaluation.
L300 (Music Education, Bachelor of Science in Music and an Outside Field, and Music Therapy) audition requirements:
- One piece by a Renaissance or Baroque composer.
- One piece or study by a 19th- or 20th-century composer.
- Major scales.
- Sight reading.
- Aural perception evaluation.
In the audition the student must demonstrate a basic command of classical technique, including left- and right-hand position, right-hand alternation, rest and free stroke, and use of the nails. The student must also show an understanding of phrasing, dynamics, articulation, timbre and other facets of interpretation. All audition pieces are to be played at suggested tempo. At least one piece must be in a fast tempo. Also, L300 candidates are required to perform on a nylon-string classical guitar. The instructor must approve the candidate’s instrument before they can be admitted to the L300 level.
To be admitted to the L300 level the student must demonstrate facility in reading and performing pieces that have the following characteristics:
- Use of first through third positions.
- Mainly arpeggio or 2- to 3-part contrapuntal textures.
- Two-note slurs.
- Half bars.
- Sixteenth-note durational values and larger.
- Simple duple and triple meters and compound meter.
- Keys of C, G, D, A, E, F, Dm, Am, Em.
The candidate must have completed all material in Aaron Shearer’s Classic Guitar Technique, Vol I and through p. 140 of Frederick Noad’s Solo guitar Playing, Vol. I, or acquired an equivalent level of proficiency. In addition, the candidate must be able to perform all major scales in first position.
Suggested editions for audition pieces:
Noad, Frederick, Solo Guitar Playing Vol. I, Schirmer Books. Page 140 to end.
Noad, Frederick, Anthology Series – Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, Romantic
Noad, Frederick, 100 Graded Studies
Carcassi, Matteo, 25 Melodic and Progressive Studies, Op. 60
Brouwer, Leo, Etude Simples 1- 20.
Sor, Fernando 20 Studies (Segovia Edition)
Chilesotti, Oscar, Six Pieces of the Italian Renaissance
Milan, Luis, Six Pavans
Bach, J.S. Selected movements from Cello or Lute Suites
Royal Conservatory of Music, Guitar Series Frederick Harris Music. Vol. 3 or higher
L200 audition requirements:
- Perform two pieces/songs that best represent the candidate’s proficiency on the instrument. All auditions must be on an acoustic or classical guitar.
- The pieces may be performed in any style: jazz, finger-style acoustic, rock, etc.
- Demonstration of solid rhythm skills, knowledge of fundamental finger-board theory and technique is requisite.
- Scales keys of C, G, D, A, E, F, Dm, Am, Em
- Aural perception evaluation.
Applicants shall perform two contrasting works or movements. Examples of acceptable repertoire include an etude, sonata or concerto movement, or movement of a Suite for Solo Cello by J.S. Bach. The repertoire performed should demonstrate the applicant's highest level of technical and musical ability. Major scales (2 or 3 octave), sight-reading and aural perception will also be included in the audition. When calling to schedule your audition, indicate to the music secretary whether an accompanist will be needed for the audition.
Applicants should be prepared to perform one etude and one solo piece, or two contrasting movements from an extended solo piece. Major scales (2 or 3 octave), sight-reading and aural perception will also be included in the audition. When calling to schedule your audition, indicate to the music secretary whether an accompanist will be needed for the audition.
- One movement from a standard double bass concerto. Examples include: Capuzzi, Cimador, Dragonetti, Koussevitzky, etc.or 2 contrasting movements from a Baroque sonata. Examples include: Marcello, Vivaldi, Corelli, Fesch, etc.
- One study/etude (any composer such as Simandl, Kreutzer, Storch-Hrabe, Bille, Kayser, Sturm, etc.)
- One orchestral excerpt of applicant's choice
- One major or minor scale and arpeggio in 2 octaves
- Two contrasting works of applicants choice (one could be an etude from any composer such as Simandl, Kreutzer, Storch-Hrabe, Bille, Kayser, Sturm, etc.)
- One major or minor scale in 2 octaves