Admissions and financial aid
Trail Guide
Your Adventure Continues
Thank you for taking time to visit Purdue Fort Wayne. If you want to discover even more about the Herd, take a look around this site. And if you’re ready to take the next step toward becoming a Mastodon, apply today.
Student Life
With countless events, activities, and student organizations, there’s always something to do on (and off) campus.
The Classroom Experience
Classroom experiences are so important to overall academic success. To ensure that you get in the right classes—the ones to help you achieve your goals—keep in touch with your advisor
Academic Opportunities
As a Mastodon, you’ll have countless opportunities to enhance your college experience—and résumé. What will you choose?
As a member of the Herd, you’ll always have the support you need to succeed.
Fitness, Sports, and More
You’ll find everything you need for your health and wellness at PFW, including personal training sessions and figuring out your college-work-life balance. And when you’re up for a different kind of heart-racing experience, check out Mastodon athletics. (You’ll Feel the Rumble.)
Financial Aid
Discover tons of financial aid options to help you earn your prestigious Purdue degree. We’ll assist you in navigating your options for success.
Our City
Small-town charm. Big-city opportunities. Fort Wayne is perfectly sized for all your needs (and wants). So get out there and roam around the city we call home.
Step Up
The Herd Is Waiting for You
Take your next step to make the Mastodon life yours.