external employers
Career Development Center

Find your next hire in the Herd.
Your company deserves the best, and that’s what you’ll get from Purdue Fort Wayne. Our students and graduates are always ready for their next challenge. Determined to make a difference, our Mastodons are able to take the knowledge gained while earning their prestigious Purdue degree and use it to take on anything the world throws their way. Take a look at the best—your next dedicated professional awaits.
Connect with Students
Your chance to get to know a Mastodon.
Join or host a career-based event to meet our students—your potential candidates—and expand your organization’s brand awareness. After you sign up with Handshake, our
job-posting site, we’ll invite you to participate in educational workshops, panel presentations, networking events, and mock interviews with our students throughout the year.
Career Connections
Host a lunch for students who are interested in learning more about your company or simply set up a table and interact with students.
Talent Tuesdays
On selected Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., you have the opportunity to reserve a table, at no charge, where you can get to know our students. This is a great way to interact with a variety of our students who might eventually become part of your candidate pool—and we’ll even promote this event for you.
Two annual career fairs.
Purdue Fort Wayne coordinates two career fairs each year and these fairs are great recruiting events for your organization. In the fall, you can participate in the Mastodon Internship and Career Fair (for students seeking internship positions in the near future). In the spring, you can join us for the Mastodon Career Expo (for students seeking full-time employment upon graduation, as well as internships and part-time jobs).

Post your position.
Post your position.
Connect with Purdue Fort Wayne students (and alumni) through Handshake, a free online platform where you can post internships, co-ops, and jobs to expand your workforce.
Internships and Cooperative Education
Find a student that fits your role.
Employ Purdue Fort Wayne students and provide meaningful educational experiences. To find an intern for an academic internship or cooperative education, complete the following steps.
Create and post the position.
Create your position and put the description into Handshake, the platform used by Purdue Fort Wayne. Label your position as an academic internship or a cooperative education experience (which is alternating full-time work with full-time school) and post the position on Handshake.
Join us for the Mastodon Internship and Career Fair (offered in the fall) and the Mastodon Career Expo (offered in the spring), as well as other campus events that connect your organization to our students. If you need additional help, we can work with academic units to get you quality applicants.
Review applications and interview candidates.
Read through the submitted applications on Handshake and interview the top qualifying candidates. Use your same hiring process for an internship position or co-operative education experience.
Make an offer.
Select your top candidate and make an offer. You will need to complete the Hiring Agreement at least two weeks before the internship or co-op begins. The hiring agreement must be submitted each term, preferably at least two weeks before classes start.
Offer student academic credit option.
Students will be able to apply for academic credit for this internship or co-op experience. Students will contact the Career Development Center Experiential Learning Coordinator for assistance with requesting academic credit. With this option, you will be required to provide a student evaluation at the end of term. You will be emailed a link to the form from the Career Development Center. Follow the instructions and submit the evaluation online using the provided link. Summer experiences will have only one evaluation.
Pay your intern/co-op student.
Students should be paid during the internship or co-op experience. Some nonprofit organizations can be approved to hire students who receive Federal Work-Study (FWS) money. FWS funds will cover 70 percent of the student wages, though there are limits on total funds available per student per academic year. The EARN Indiana program is sponsored by the Indiana Commission on Higher Education and Indiana INTERNnet. Employers receive up to 50 percent matching funds for each eligible internship.
The Career Development Center can be used as a resource at any time. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Us
Have questions?
Contact the Career Development Center at [email protected] or 260-481-0689.
Kettler Hall, Room 109
2101 East Coliseum Boulevard
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805