Building Emergency Plan Responsibilities and Requirements
Department Head or Designated Representative
- Appoint the building deputy or designated representative to develop, coordinate, and distribute the BEP to building residents.
- Review the plan prior to submission to the University Police and Emergency Preparedness offices.
- Departments are responsible to ensure all people in their building are aware of exit routes and location of their building Emergency Assembly Area (EAA).
Building Deputy or an individual designated by the department head to prepare the BEP
- Prepare, coordinate, and distribute the BEP to building occupants.
- Ensure the BEP is readily available and used during emergency incidents.
- Review the BEP annually to ensure information and procedures are current.
- List all Critical Operations in the BEP for first responder reference and use.
- Assist in the development of internal emergency notification procedures ensuring building occupants are notified of the emergency.
- Assist in building evacuation.
- Perform monthly fire extinguisher inspection(s) in their building.
- Report to Emergency Assembly Area (EAA).
- Provide any incident information to the nearest public safety official as soon as possible.
- Collect and provide essential information to emergency response personnel (e.g. location of incident, persons in building, special hazards, etc.).
- Develop additional building specific information that makes the BEP more effective (e.g. specific procedures for any assigned individual that requests additional assistance, evacuation maps, emergency assembly area, etc.).
- Include in the BEP any additional information as directed by the department head or the individual responsible for the building.
Building Occupants
- Purdue policy requires immediate evacuation when any fire alarm sounds within a building. All faculty, staff, students and any other individuals within the building must promptly evacuate the building using the nearest designated exit routes.
- Personnel may briefly delay evacuating if they need time to shut down electrical and other equipment, especially any that involves flame, explosive vapors, or hazardous materials.
- All building occupants will follow instructions relevant to public safety issued by the building deputy, or fire and police personnel.
- Know the evacuation routes and location(s).
- After exiting the building, occupants are to go directly to their designated Emergency Assemble Area (EAA) and follow guidance provided by the building deputy (or designated safety representative) and emergency responders.
- No one may re-enter building until authorized to do so by fire or police department officials.
- All building occupants must be familiar with the BEP. Read it carefully. If you have any questions, consult your building deputy, department safety coordinator or safety committee representative. Keep the following tips in mind as you read through the document.
- Be familiar with:
- The Purdue Fort Wayne Emergency Warning Notification System—Purdue FW ALERT, Rave Guardian, Rave Panic Button, and the emergency handbook.
- When and how to evacuate the building.
- Know your evacuation routes, exit points, and location to report for roll call after evacuating the building.
- When and where to shelter in place within the building.
- Locations of emergency materials that may be needed in an emergency such as emergency telephones and fire pull alarms.
- Proper procedures for notifying emergency responders about an emergency in the building or work area (dial 911 for emergency notification) or download the Rave Panic Button.
- Additional building specific procedures and requirements.
- Training is an integral part of the safety and preparedness program for your building. It is the responsibility of each department head and supervisor to ensure all building occupants are trained or made aware of the Building Emergency Plan for the building(s) they occupy.
- Building Deputies (or BEP Developers) are highly encouraged to annually exercise the BEP, with the assistance of University Police or the Emergency Preparedness office as/if needed, to validate procedures and to ensure building occupants understanding. The exercise should be based on a simulated emergency event that highlights building shelter in place or evacuation procedures.
- Any lessons learned that require changes to the BEP should be incorporated into the BEP and a copy forwarded to the police ([email protected] 260-481-6827) and Emergency Preparedness Office ([email protected] 260-481-5493).
- Participation in Severe Weather/Tornado drills: building deputies and other building leaders are encouraged to practice and test their building emergency plans by organizing a shelter-in-place drill. Such a drill is designed to ensure that building occupants know what to do in an emergency, ensure that there is adequate space in shelter-in-place locations and test the functionality of weather radios, computers and other communication devices.
BEP Requirements
- The BEP must be reviewed annually to ensure information and procedures are current. The Police Department and Emergency Preparedness Office will also review the BEP and maintain a copy for use by Emergency Operations Center.
- If there are no significant changes that warrant a BEP revision, send an email to the Emergency Preparedness Office at [email protected] and Chief Anthony Harrison at [email protected] indicating the BEP has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
Contact the police or emergency preparedness if further assistance is needed.