Health and Wellness
December 1, 2023
Employee Well-being at Work: Holiday Crafting
Walb Student Union, Suite 222–226
Join us for the third annual Handmade Gifts workshop. We will be making ornaments to keep or share for this year's holiday crafts. Come any time between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., but please allow an hour to complete all the crafts.
The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Please register by Wednesday, November 29.
give to others. be mindful.
Social Wellness During the Holidays
Potlucks/carry-ins at work. Holiday office parties. Shopping for gifts. Going out to dinner with friends. Family gatherings. The holidays offer all kinds of ways to get together socially with co-workers, friends, and family. While these activities can be fun, they can also add emotional, financial, physical, and social stress.
How can you maintain your health and well-being during the holidays? Be mindful of your emotions, pay attention to what makes you happy, and set boundaries. You can also decide which activities are a priority and establish a budget so you don't overspend.
One way to lessen the financial aspect of the holidays is to make inexpensive, yet thoughtful gifts. Making handmade crafts—either as a gift or for yourself—can be calming and help you de-stress. Handmade gifts show that you spent time to make a specific gift for someone special to you. Plus giving to others, whether it is through a gift or your time, activates the "feel good" hormones in the brain.
You can also invite your friends to join you for an hour of fun where you can talk, de-stress and relax as you learn how to make handmade ornaments at the Employee Well-being at Work event presented by employee health coach Lindsay Bloom.