Honors Showcase archive
Honors Program
Honors Showcase Archive
See those who came before you.
We’re exceptionally proud of our honors students. To recognize their hard work, we’ve put together this archive which spans the past few years. Take a look at what Mastodons before you did. It may even help inspire some ideas of your own.
Title: Expanding Music Therapy’s Reach: A Community Partnership for Pre-Clinical Training at Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House of Northeast Indiana provides support services to families of pediatric patients 21 years and younger. Families are offered all the comforts of home to ease the burden of the hospital stay when the child’s home may be hundreds of miles away. The therapeutic use of music for children with critical illnesses can make a positive impact on their healing journey as well as provide the family with a safe space to connect and process shared experiences (Neugebauer, 2012, pp. 481-482). This creative endeavor supports the establishment of a new community partnership between the PFW music therapy program, the Ronald McDonald House, and the neonatal intensive care unit and pediatric unit of Parkview Hospital, where the House is located. Receiving a Purdue Service-Learning Grant played a crucial role in launching this endeavor. By purchasing instruments and materials specifically for use in the hospital setting, we offer music experiences that promote overall health and wellness. These include reducing stress and anxiety, providing distraction during painful medical procedures, and creating opportunities for emotional expression. Live music offers the “introduction of something uniquely human into an otherwise sterile and potentially frightening and painful environment” (Schneider, 2005, p. 221). Currently, the student music therapist, supervised by a professional music therapist, has partnered with the child life specialist on the pediatric unit to offer services. Individual sessions are offered in hospital rooms on the pediatric unit, while both group sessions and individual sessions are held in the House itself.
This new community partnership will provide ongoing education and training for future undergraduate and graduate music therapy students interested in pursuing a career in music therapy in a medical setting. These service-learning opportunities address a significant gap in the community’s access to music therapy services in the healthcare system, while also promoting education and advocacy for the future employment of professional music therapists in the area. In this presentation, I will discuss the process of establishing this partnership and share the experiences of both myself and the patients during music therapy sessions.
Title: Light in August: Recontextualizing Poetry through Music
Michelangelo, over the centuries since his passing, has become a household name—even a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. We know the artist’s character as “tortured” or “lonely,” but what if this wasn’t the case at all? What if this cultural giant’s disposition was much more complex than what we conceptualize at surface level?
Michelangelo’s expression of his relationships through poetry drastically altered the contemporary understanding of his personality. His deeply rooted religious and educated thinking guides his mindset through Augustinian, Petrarchan, and Neo-Platonic values. His poetry has guided my own writing, using his words, beliefs, and relationships to craft a new product: an original song that I have written, recorded, and produced in accordance with sight and desire—two main teachings in a principle Michelangelo studied heavily.
The song, then broken down through a study in semiotics, will better elucidate the symbols from a communicative standpoint. Through an independent study led by Dr. Steven Cody, Michelangelo’s well-documented writings serve as the foundation for a continued exploration of communication and music.
The goal of this study blends scholarly research and artistic expression to showcase the timeless impact of the humanities on contemporary culture. This project only scratches the surface of the influence that music, art history, and communication can have on the subjects that surround us.
Title: The Modulation of N-cadherin in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is an umbrella term to describe conditions produced by exposure to alcohol in the womb. It can lead to a number of physical deformities, behavioral dysregulation, and cognitive impairment, and is present in up to 5% of the population. While the outcomes of fetal alcohol exposure are clear, the mechanisms through which brain development is modulated are not. A previous study indicated significant differential regulation of the protocadherin protein family in rats exposed to ethanol in utero. N-Cadherins, which this study aims to focus on, are specific to neuronal cells and act as bridge molecules to hold neurons in place for them to interact, leading to new and strengthened connections. If N-cadherins are down-regulated, this would have a negative impact on learning and storing information.
The goals of this study are to (a) confirm that prenatal alcohol exposure results in reduced cadherin expression in the hippocampus and (b) extend this analysis to other brain regions implicated in behavioral dysfunction after prenatal alcohol exposure, such as the striatum and prefrontal cortex. These molecular results, combined with behavioral learning studies— impulse control and problem-solving—will provide a more comprehensive view of the changes in the brains of those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. While this data is currently being collected, this study is hypothesizing the resulting effects of downregulation of N-cadherins in each part of the brain and how that will impact behavior and learning capabilities. The current study is utilizing low-to-moderate doses of alcohol during the first and second trimester of gestation. Future aims will be to modulate the amount of ethanol given during different gestation periods to gain a clearer understanding of the effects of alcohol on a developing brain.
Title: The Integration of Music Therapy in Correctional Settings for PTSD Rehabilitation
This presentation explores music therapy’s potential as a supplemental therapeutic treatment option to be used in conjunction with traditional therapy approaches to facilitate and support the healing journey for incarcerated individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recent literature and public policy reforms have increasingly incorporated rehabilitative practices within incarcerative facilities due to the growing understanding that mental health concerns are a prominent issue within prison populations. The very environment of prison itself can exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions due to the shame of being labeled a criminal, threats of violence, social isolation, and the loss of privacy and autonomy, further suggesting that the implementation of therapeutic mechanisms is necessary. Untreated mental health conditions, such as PTSD, can heighten an individual’s risk of abusing illicit substances and increase recidivism rates. Recidivism refers to the act of reoffending; it is the future engagement in any manner of criminal behavior following one’s first instance of violating the law, even if the future crime differs from the initial crime. Traditional, trauma-informed therapeutic mechanisms—such as Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), and Cognitive Processing Therapy—have been endorsed for their treatment of PTSD. However, the individualized nature of these treatments creates a substantial limitation regarding their accessibility within correctional facilities, whereas group therapy sessions are a more feasible mechanism for delivering therapeutic treatment to the incarcerated community. This presentation aims to suggest that music therapy be implemented as a complementary intervention to group therapy by providing an additional safe space where those who are incarcerated may be offered a unique and creative outlet to further their healing journey. In sum, it will be argued that the integration of music therapy as an additional therapeutic educational opportunity within correctional facilities has the potential to enhance mental health outcomes for offenders simultaneously battling PTSD. Blending the elements of therapeutic engagement and creative expression will not only aid individual recovery from PTSD but also align with the American criminal justice system’s broader shift toward a treatment-oriented approach to reduce recidivism and foster a culture of emotional well-being.
Title: Examining the Impact of Isolate Type, Delayed Recall, and Working Memory on Memory Performance
The Von Restorff effect, also known as the isolation effect, posits that an item that stands out from a group of similar stimuli is more likely to be remembered (von Restorff, 1933). This effect is commonly observed in list learning, where a distinct item, such as one with a unique color, tends to be more memorable. Von Restorff noted that mere difference isn’t enough; distinctiveness must make the item stand out either conceptually (e.g., semantically different) or perceptually (e.g., physically different in color or size) (von Restorff, 1933, as cited in Bireta & Mazzei, 2016). The distinctiveness hypothesis suggests that unique items receive more cognitive focus during encoding, enhancing memory recall. Supporting this, other research found that distinctiveness improved memory recall in both younger and older adults (Bireta et al., 2008). Similarly, Howe et al. (2000) demonstrated that distinctiveness bolstered long-term memory in children, though the effect varied with age and type of distinctiveness. Attentional resource theory explains this by suggesting that distinct items attract more attention, which leads to deeper processing and improved memory encoding. Further research explores the role of attention in distinctiveness. Bireta and Mazzei (2016) found that perceptual isolation supports memory recall even under divided attention, indicating an automatic processing effect, whereas conceptual isolation requires focused attention. Smith and Mulligan (2018) examined the interaction between distinctiveness and the Attentional Boost Effect (ABE), concluding that primary distinctiveness (e.g., perceptual isolation) enhances memory independently of attentional boosts.
This study builds on previous research examining the Von Restorff Effect, exploring how both theories of attention and distinctiveness contribute to enhanced recall for items isolated by perceptual and conceptual differences in memory tasks when recall is delayed, all while also assessing working memory as a covariate. The sample included undergraduate peers, family members, and other individuals with whom the researcher had a personal connection. Participants were randomly assigned to an isolate condition (font size, highlight, or conceptual manipulation) and recall condition (1 task delay or no delay), then instructed to study a list of items that were presented one at a time. Participants who were assigned to the “no delay” condition were immediately prompted to recall the list. Participants in the “delay” condition were asked to complete as many multi-step math problems as possible in 3 minutes, which was then followed by the list recall task. Following the study-test portion, all participants completed an alpha span task to assess their working memory. This study is still in progress and has not obtained official results, though findings from this study may improve our understanding of working memory and the encoding process.
Title: Latin American Deviations from the American Constitution
The American experiment is a source of international fascination. Nations across the globe have looked to the United States with interest as it fought and defeated the greatest empire known to man in war and as a result of the nation’s new institutions and system of government. Many Latin American countries have looked toward the United States as a model when seeking independence from colonial powers. Several of these nations adopted similar ideas in their institutional structure, but there are many notable cases where they deviated significantly. This paper will analyze three major Latin American countries—Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina—and examine how these nations deviated from the United States Constitution and why.
Two rival answers exist to explain this deviation. The first takes a pessimistic view of American institutions and the nation’s constitution. It suggests that Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, which once mirrored the American Constitution, have since moved away due to the inefficiency of those institutions. The second answer acknowledges the divergence but argues that these nations still share constitutional and institutional similarities with the United States, asserting that the changes in these nations’ systems are driven by situational and cultural needs, rather than inefficiency. While both answers contain elements of truth, this research paper will demonstrate that the second argument better explains the matter. The paper will provide specific instances of constitutional similarities and differences and conclude by illustrating how these nations still generally maintain institutional systems similar to those of the United States.
Title: Expanding Music Therapy’s Reach: A Community Partnership for Pre-Clinical Training at Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House of Northeast Indiana provides support services to families of pediatric patients 21 years and younger. Families are offered all the comforts of home to ease the burden of the hospital stay when the child’s home may be hundreds of miles away. The therapeutic use of music for children with critical illnesses can make a positive impact on their healing journey as well as provide the family with a safe space to connect and process shared experiences (Neugebauer, 2012, pp. 481-482). This creative endeavor supports the establishment of a new community partnership between the PFW music therapy program, the Ronald McDonald House, and the neonatal intensive care unit and pediatric unit of Parkview Hospital, where the House is located. Receiving a Purdue Service-Learning Grant played a crucial role in launching this endeavor. By purchasing instruments and materials specifically for use in the hospital setting, we offer music experiences that promote overall health and wellness. These include reducing stress and anxiety, providing distraction during painful medical procedures, and creating opportunities for emotional expression. Live music offers the “introduction of something uniquely human into an otherwise sterile and potentially frightening and painful environment” (Schneider, 2005, p. 221). Currently, the student music therapist, supervised by a professional music therapist, has partnered with the child life specialist on the pediatric unit to offer services. Individual sessions are offered in hospital rooms on the pediatric unit, while both group sessions and individual sessions are held in the House itself.
This new community partnership will provide ongoing education and training for future undergraduate and graduate music therapy students interested in pursuing a career in music therapy in a medical setting. These service-learning opportunities address a significant gap in the community’s access to music therapy services in the healthcare system, while also promoting education and advocacy for the future employment of professional music therapists in the area. In this presentation, I will discuss the process of establishing this partnership and share the experiences of both myself and the patients during music therapy sessions.
Title: The Integration of Music Therapy in Correctional Settings for PTSD Rehabilitation
This presentation explores music therapy’s potential as a supplemental therapeutic treatment option to be used in conjunction with traditional therapy approaches to facilitate and support the healing journey for incarcerated individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recent literature and public policy reforms have increasingly incorporated rehabilitative practices within incarcerative facilities due to the growing understanding that mental health concerns are a prominent issue within prison populations. The very environment of prison itself can exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions due to the shame of being labeled a criminal, threats of violence, social isolation, and the loss of privacy and autonomy, further suggesting that the implementation of therapeutic mechanisms is necessary. Untreated mental health conditions, such as PTSD, can heighten an individual’s risk of abusing illicit substances and increase recidivism rates. Recidivism refers to the act of reoffending; it is the future engagement in any manner of criminal behavior following one’s first instance of violating the law, even if the future crime differs from the initial crime. Traditional, trauma-informed therapeutic mechanisms—such as Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), and Cognitive Processing Therapy—have been endorsed for their treatment of PTSD. However, the individualized nature of these treatments creates a substantial limitation regarding their accessibility within correctional facilities, whereas group therapy sessions are a more feasible mechanism for delivering therapeutic treatment to the incarcerated community. This presentation aims to suggest that music therapy be implemented as a complementary intervention to group therapy by providing an additional safe space where those who are incarcerated may be offered a unique and creative outlet to further their healing journey. In sum, it will be argued that the integration of music therapy as an additional therapeutic educational opportunity within correctional facilities has the potential to enhance mental health outcomes for offenders simultaneously battling PTSD. Blending the elements of therapeutic engagement and creative expression will not only aid individual recovery from PTSD but also align with the American criminal justice system’s broader shift toward a treatment-oriented approach to reduce recidivism and foster a culture of emotional well-being.
Title: Light in August: Recontextualizing Poetry through Music
Michelangelo, over the centuries since his passing, has become a household name—even a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. We know the artist’s character as “tortured” or “lonely,” but what if this wasn’t the case at all? What if this cultural giant’s disposition was much more complex than what we conceptualize at surface level?
Michelangelo’s expression of his relationships through poetry drastically altered the contemporary understanding of his personality. His deeply rooted religious and educated thinking guides his mindset through Augustinian, Petrarchan, and Neo-Platonic values. His poetry has guided my own writing, using his words, beliefs, and relationships to craft a new product: an original song that I have written, recorded, and produced in accordance with sight and desire—two main teachings in a principle Michelangelo studied heavily.
The song, then broken down through a study in semiotics, will better elucidate the symbols from a communicative standpoint. Through an independent study led by Dr. Steven Cody, Michelangelo’s well-documented writings serve as the foundation for a continued exploration of communication and music.
The goal of this study blends scholarly research and artistic expression to showcase the timeless impact of the humanities on contemporary culture. This project only scratches the surface of the influence that music, art history, and communication can have on the subjects that surround us.
Title: Examining the Impact of Isolate Type, Delayed Recall, and Working Memory on Memory Performance
The Von Restorff effect, also known as the isolation effect, posits that an item that stands out from a group of similar stimuli is more likely to be remembered (von Restorff, 1933). This effect is commonly observed in list learning, where a distinct item, such as one with a unique color, tends to be more memorable. Von Restorff noted that mere difference isn’t enough; distinctiveness must make the item stand out either conceptually (e.g., semantically different) or perceptually (e.g., physically different in color or size) (von Restorff, 1933, as cited in Bireta & Mazzei, 2016). The distinctiveness hypothesis suggests that unique items receive more cognitive focus during encoding, enhancing memory recall. Supporting this, other research found that distinctiveness improved memory recall in both younger and older adults (Bireta et al., 2008). Similarly, Howe et al. (2000) demonstrated that distinctiveness bolstered long-term memory in children, though the effect varied with age and type of distinctiveness. Attentional resource theory explains this by suggesting that distinct items attract more attention, which leads to deeper processing and improved memory encoding. Further research explores the role of attention in distinctiveness. Bireta and Mazzei (2016) found that perceptual isolation supports memory recall even under divided attention, indicating an automatic processing effect, whereas conceptual isolation requires focused attention. Smith and Mulligan (2018) examined the interaction between distinctiveness and the Attentional Boost Effect (ABE), concluding that primary distinctiveness (e.g., perceptual isolation) enhances memory independently of attentional boosts.
This study builds on previous research examining the Von Restorff Effect, exploring how both theories of attention and distinctiveness contribute to enhanced recall for items isolated by perceptual and conceptual differences in memory tasks when recall is delayed, all while also assessing working memory as a covariate. The sample included undergraduate peers, family members, and other individuals with whom the researcher had a personal connection. Participants were randomly assigned to an isolate condition (font size, highlight, or conceptual manipulation) and recall condition (1 task delay or no delay), then instructed to study a list of items that were presented one at a time. Participants who were assigned to the “no delay” condition were immediately prompted to recall the list. Participants in the “delay” condition were asked to complete as many multi-step math problems as possible in 3 minutes, which was then followed by the list recall task. Following the study-test portion, all participants completed an alpha span task to assess their working memory. This study is still in progress and has not obtained official results, though findings from this study may improve our understanding of working memory and the encoding process.
Title: The Modulation of N-cadherin in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is an umbrella term to describe conditions produced by exposure to alcohol in the womb. It can lead to a number of physical deformities, behavioral dysregulation, and cognitive impairment, and is present in up to 5% of the population. While the outcomes of fetal alcohol exposure are clear, the mechanisms through which brain development is modulated are not. A previous study indicated significant differential regulation of the protocadherin protein family in rats exposed to ethanol in utero. N-Cadherins, which this study aims to focus on, are specific to neuronal cells and act as bridge molecules to hold neurons in place for them to interact, leading to new and strengthened connections. If N-cadherins are down-regulated, this would have a negative impact on learning and storing information.
The goals of this study are to (a) confirm that prenatal alcohol exposure results in reduced cadherin expression in the hippocampus and (b) extend this analysis to other brain regions implicated in behavioral dysfunction after prenatal alcohol exposure, such as the striatum and prefrontal cortex. These molecular results, combined with behavioral learning studies— impulse control and problem-solving—will provide a more comprehensive view of the changes in the brains of those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. While this data is currently being collected, this study is hypothesizing the resulting effects of downregulation of N-cadherins in each part of the brain and how that will impact behavior and learning capabilities. The current study is utilizing low-to-moderate doses of alcohol during the first and second trimester of gestation. Future aims will be to modulate the amount of ethanol given during different gestation periods to gain a clearer understanding of the effects of alcohol on a developing brain.
Title: Latin American Deviations from the American Constitution
The American experiment is a source of international fascination. Nations across the globe have looked to the United States with interest as it fought and defeated the greatest empire known to man in war and as a result of the nation’s new institutions and system of government. Many Latin American countries have looked toward the United States as a model when seeking independence from colonial powers. Several of these nations adopted similar ideas in their institutional structure, but there are many notable cases where they deviated significantly. This paper will analyze three major Latin American countries—Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina—and examine how these nations deviated from the United States Constitution and why.
Two rival answers exist to explain this deviation. The first takes a pessimistic view of American institutions and the nation’s constitution. It suggests that Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, which once mirrored the American Constitution, have since moved away due to the inefficiency of those institutions. The second answer acknowledges the divergence but argues that these nations still share constitutional and institutional similarities with the United States, asserting that the changes in these nations’ systems are driven by situational and cultural needs, rather than inefficiency. While both answers contain elements of truth, this research paper will demonstrate that the second argument better explains the matter. The paper will provide specific instances of constitutional similarities and differences and conclude by illustrating how these nations still generally maintain institutional systems similar to those of the United States.
Title: Neurodivergent Community Building Program
Abstract: This honor’s project pursued the possibility of creating space for those who identify as neurodivergent to connect and find community through a social program. The Neurodivergent Community Building Program was created intentionally, without goals of shaping behavior or having the expectation of normative behavior. Rather, an emphasis is placed on the importance of allowing teens to be together, with no pressure to behave in any way besides what makes them comfortable, which can be uncommon in other public spaces. The range of needs within the description for neurodivergent is wide. It includes individuals with autism spectrum disorder, sensory sensitivities, intellectual disabilities, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and more. Each individual is entering with unique needs; that in order to feel comfortable in the program, need to be met. The goal of the Neurodivergent Community Building Program is that it will allow for a wide variety of needs to be met, all while maintaining the freedom of allowing the teens to be themselves. The program considers the multifaceted challenges that arise for individuals with disabilities, such as an increase in the risk of homelessness and a higher rate of college dropout, and acts as a preventative measure against those challenges through community building practices. It is important to understand the behavior of individuals in the program through the lens of sociological and psychological approaches. These help the foundation of the program stand strong in the belief that behavior is communication, and provide a space for these individuals to be heard, even in non-normative ways. Providing opportunities for individuals to be involved in the greater community outside of the program is a crucial element that will serve to network and assist teens in finding avenues of passion that can lead to purpose later in their life, creating barriers to the statistics currently facing those identifying as neurodivergent. Through the three pillars of the program: specific space, cultivating community, and growing to go, the Neurodivergent Community Building Program aims to empower teens to make a difference and make it known that they are important members of today’s world.
Title: The Melancholic Joy of Heritage
Abstract: The Melancholic Joy of Heritage is a two-part literary project that explores the cultural impact Mexican and American society have on publishing and literature through an essay and a manuscript. The essay, titled “Publishing in the United States and Mexico,” explores how the publishing industry in the United States and Mexico reflects the values present within those societies. This essay analyzes the cultural differences between the two countries and how they affect distribution of authors’ works within a highly interconnected and globalized world. The United States and Mexico have their own national publishing standards, but globalization has had a large effect on how those standards were established and how they are currently changing. The significance of this change reveals the complex role American hegemony has in publishing, which consequently affects how authors are published within and across borders. These nuances are important to understand for anyone looking to publish internationally. “The Melancholic Joy of Heritage” is a collection of short stories and poems that explore the author’s identity as a Mexican American person living in the United States. In order, the entries in this collection are The Sugar Skull’s Smile, On the Road to Valladolid, En Camino a Valladolid, Hello Señor Tree, and How Do You Say, “I Love You?”. These texts focus on the traditions and rituals found in daily life and magnifies them to explore the role they have in the author’s life. This manuscript was created with the knowledge that there has been an increase in Latino representation in novels as publishing has expanded its markets. However, the current representation in the market has gaps in the stories it tells and the people it depicts, so this manuscript offers an additional voice. The combination of Spanish and English throughout the text shows the author’s bilingual upbringing is integral to how they perceive the world through a combination of their American and Mexican culture.
Title: Capturing the Sound: Challenges Live Sound Engineers Face in Live Music Venues
Abstract: Live sound engineers face a multitude of challenges on a daily basis, as they are responsible for ensuring the quality of sound during live performances, events, conferences, and other occasions where sound reinforcement is needed. These challenges can range from technical difficulties to environmental factors at outdoor venues to the acoustics of the venue itself. In this project, I will be exploring these challenges to determine what steps are necessary to combat these challenges. My hypothesis is that acoustics are the most challenging for live sound engineers to face in a venue. I will be explaining how acoustics and sound works in a venue, what equipment is used to measure sound in a venue, providing data and charts and graphs to visually communicate the information gathered, and concluding what methods work the best for most venues. The strengths of this project are that I will have multiple specimens for study, and be able to explore the way sound works in the venues we as students use every day, which with my findings will allow future uses to be tailored to the best ability of the acoustics of each venue. My project is limited in that all of these spaces are indoors, and outdoor venues require different approaches for acoustic calculations because you are dealing more with the environment than indoor spaces do. I will be taking measurements of rooms commonly used on campus for live music, such as Auer Hall and the Recital Hall, as well as the Rehearsal Room and Tracking Room at the Sweetwater Music Center in order to create a larger participant pool. This will require the use of acoustic measurement software and a microphone that can be used to collect the acoustic data. Some obstacles that I anticipate include getting access to all of these spaces and being able to collect the necessary data to explain the acoustic issues in each space and what methods would be employed to combat them. I expect that with my results I will find that each space has some acoustic errors and that they can be easily remedied by using equipment that will allow for those errors to be corrected, as I expect for certain frequencies to ring out (to reverberate in the space and take longer to die out than other frequencies) and need to be corrected so that the overall sound is more flat (no one frequency sticks out more than another.) From this research I want to learn what kinds of issues acoustics can create for live sound engineers and what can be done to correct them to create the best live sound experience possible for an audience.
Title: Effects of Sampling Time in Stress Physiology of Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
Abstract: Fish welfare and performance in aquaculture systems has become an increasingly popular research topic. Several sampling protocols require the fish to be sampled within the first few minutes of being extracted from their environment to avoid their stress response altering results regarding their physiological or immunological parameters. However, this time limit is seemingly arbitrary. Stress is anything that alters the body away from homeostasis, which is controlled by hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline is pumped rapidly through the body to create a fight or flight response within seconds of a stressor. Cortisol takes some time to release from the adrenal glands after a stressful event but remains elevated for several hours following the stressor. Cortisol causes an increase in blood glucose to supply more energy and availability of substances to perform tissue repair. Red blood cell count also increases with stress as the fish manage to cope with higher oxidation levels. For these reasons, blood glucose and packed cell volume are good indicators of the level of stress an organism is experiencing. In this experiment, we compared the results between Nile tilapia that were anesthetized immediately after extraction from their environment versus Nile tilapia that were anesthetized after fifteen minutes of handling stress. The goal of the experiment was to reason why fish should be sampled in a short amount of time after extraction. A comparison in physiological and immunological parameters was conducted to analyze the difference between six fish with no stress and six fish with fifteen minutes of stress. The fish that experienced a longer sampling time exhibited signs of stress through their higher glucose levels. However, there were no significant differences between the control and stressed group, indicating that Nile tilapia may be hardy enough to resist stress in the first fifteen minutes before sampling. Further research with a larger sample size should be conducted to suggest if prolonged sampling times cause a stress response in tilapia.
Title: Anticipating Future Family Structures
Abstract: This research project, titled “Anticipating Future Family Structures“, will attempt to predict potential family structures in response to the ever-changing social norms and values in America. Social, economic, and technological changes will be looked at and used to predict how the family structure will look in the future based on the changes in the family structure in the past. Current social trends, norms, and values that are shaping the family structure will be analyzed. Key drivers and disruptive influences will be identified, and potential future family structures will be described through speculative predictions. Changing gender norms including roles and economic shifts brought about by these changes will be looked at in relation to how they change family relationships and structures. Newer family structures will also be looked at such as single parent families, LGBTQ families, childless families, and stepfamilies to identify potential challenges and opportunities as well as how they can alter social norms, cohesion, and a person’s overall well-being. By attempting to predict future potential family structures in America, this project helps provide a potential understanding of where family structures are headed and how they can alter society as we know it. By understanding the changes, we can anticipate the future familial structure and the impact that it will have on society, allowing us to take proactive measures to help shape the transformations that are inevitable as well as give a general insight on how society will shape family dynamics and the overall well-being of Americans. Scholarly literature will be reviewed to understand the changes to the family structure and what societal changes happened that resulted in those familial structure changes. There will be multiple family structure scenarios that will be predicted based on critical factors such as technological advancements and projected societal changes. Based upon the predicted family structures, potential advantages and disadvantages will be analyzed for not only the individuals, but also for families, communities, and society in America.
Title: Analyzing the Gaza Crisis Through an International Law Perspective: The Crimes of the Powerful
Abstract: With its complex political, social, and humanitarian elements, the Gaza situation continues to be an enormous barrier on the international stage. A complex web of legal problems regulated by international law is at the center of this problem, affecting both possible paths for settlement and the conversation around it. This abstract provides an overview of the Gaza crisis from the perspective of international law, with the goal of clarifying the legal frameworks backing the dispute and investigating the consequences for relevant parties. Being aware of Gaza as a seized territory under international law—a position confirmed by multiple legal officials and international bodies—is fundamental to the study. This classification involves an array of legal duties for the world's nations as well as the occupying power, including the law of occupation, human rights law, and humanitarian law. This abstract aims to clarify the liberties and obligations included in the legal structure controlling the Gaza issue by means of a thorough analysis of pertinent legal sources, including United Nations resolutions, and customary international law. The ongoing conflict in Gaza raises questions about adherence to international humanitarian law's core standards, particularly regarding moderation and distinguishing in military battles. The legal guidelines controlling both sides' behavior are examined to clarify the difficulty of upholding these laws in asymmetric warfare. It is crucial to consider the historical background, actions of the involved parties, and negotiation options to fully understand the legal consequences of the issue. To sum up, a careful examination of the Gaza issue from the perspective of international law stresses the legal aspects that shape and influence the conflict. Through a study of the rights, responsibilities, and transparency systems included throughout international regulations, the aim of this analysis is to improve our awareness of the complex issues that underlie the situation in Gaza.
Title: Correlation of the Gene CG45002 with Obesity in Drosophila melanogaster
Abstract: Obesity is a chronic, serious disease with a global impact. While we may have a good understanding of environmental influences on obesity, the genetic influences are less known. In our research, we used Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. Loss of the adipokinetic hormone receptor (AKHR) in fruit flies induces obesity. This receptor is the analogue for the human glucagon receptor, with inhibition leading to a lack of fat breakdown. Fruit flies were chosen as a model organism because they have fast reproduction rates, short lifespans, low cost up-keep, and they share many of the same genes with humans. This means our research could lead to advances in human medicine and gene therapies. In the lab, we cross flies lacking AKHR with flies of the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). The flies from the DGRP each have only one difference in their genome, allowing us to look at how that one specific difference influences the obesity of their offspring. We held environmental factors constant, as to only look at genetic influences on obesity. A preliminary Genome-Wide Analysis (GWA) was completed, and the next steps of our research will include a complete GWA on all the completed strains. Based on the preliminary GWA, ten top candidate modifier genes were identified. Of these genes, I will be conducting a literature review on the Intron; CG45002. This gene has many common human orthologs, including myotrophic lateral sclerosis, autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 33, and spinal muscular atrophy. These are just a few of the conditions associated with this gene. A quick look at autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 33 revealed that a common symptom is abnormal growth patterns, including decreased body weight. The goal of this review is to develop a better understanding of this gene’s characteristics and interaction with the AKHR pathway. The results of this study will allow us to identify therapeutic targets and prognostic indicators in humans.
Title: The Potential Impact of a Deviated Septum on Singing
Abstract: Up to 80% of people have a deviated septum. This research project analyzes the impact that a deviated septum can have on the singing voice of an individual with this feature. Inspired by her own journey as a vocalist with a more severe deviated septum, Madison reflected on her experiences as a vocal student at Purdue University Fort Wayne and analyzed how she struggled to phonate particular sounds in the way her voice teacher had desired. She could not achieve the sensation in her resonators in the way that her voice teacher initially presented it to her. This research analyzes the human body, specifically the resonators, to determine how an obstruction in the nasal passage could affect the voice of an individual and how they are to produce desired sounds. This project contains a study with the Purdue University Fort Wayne voice faculty as its participants. The study was done through a survey containing questions over the faculty’s knowledge or assumptions on the deviated septum and the impact it may have on the singing voice. Voice teachers were also asked how they address the impact of a deviated septum in the singing voice of their students, if at all. The purpose of this project is to find out what is known by researchers and local collegiate voice teachers about the deviated septum and its relation to the voice. The goals of this project are to bring to light the effects that a deviated septum can have on the singing voice and determine what further research may need to be done on this topic as it affects up the vast majority of the population.
Title: Banking on Community: Does Community Bank Performance Spur Local Economic Growth?
Abstract: Community banks are supposed to play a vital role in the economy by providing financial services to localities, businesses, and people that are often overlooked by regional and national banks, giving these overlooked groups the opportunity for economic growth. This paper aims to further investigate this link by evaluating whether the financial performance of community banks plays a role in the economic expansion of the localities that they service. The format of this research is a longitudinal study of all community banks located within the United States over the course of the five years spanning from 2017 through 2021. The data analysis will be done at the county level, with the percentage change in real county gross regional product (GRP) regressed on the weighted average net income ratio of all community banks located within that county alongside other macroeconomic variables. The analysis will feature a one year lag between the bank performance and economic growth indicators since GRP is considered a lagging economic indicator. The goal of this research is to gauge whether community banks are incentivized to have mutually beneficial relationships with the areas that they service.
Title: The Irish Graveyard: The Men Behind the Paulding County Canals
Abstract: In the early 19th century, land throughout the Midwest was surveyed to plan the canals that connected the nation. After surveying the best paths for the canals, it was decided that the intersection of the Wabash-Erie Canal and the Miami-Erie Canal would be within Paulding County, Ohio. This construction project attracted laborers from throughout Ohio and beyond. The work within Paulding County began with the construction of the Miami-Erie Canal in 1837, followed by the Wabash-Erie Canal in 1841. The construction of two canals simultaneously meant that Paulding County was in dire need of workers, so local farmers and residents joined forces with incoming laborers to complete the canals. The canals were completed in 1847, and Paulding County’s residents were optimistic that these canals would allow the county to flourish. Junction, a canal town at the intersections of the two Paulding County canals, was projected to easily outgrow Fort Wayne. However, as maintenance costs soared and railroads swiftly became the nation’s preferred means of transportation, Junction and other Paulding County towns rapidly declined. Despite the overall failure of the canal endeavor, the county saw a dramatic population jump. The canal project also assisted in establishing county leadership and easing tensions between Irish immigrants and Paulding County's founding families. The unique situation of Paulding County canal construction created interesting dynamics between the involved parties, and men like Alexander Latty rose to the occasion to keep the project afloat. After previously overseeing a section of the Miami-Wabash Canal, Latty was tasked with overseeing the construction of both Paulding County canals. Latty and his associates made decisions that would have lasting consequences for Paulding County's infrastructure, labor conditions, and local politics. The histories and motivations of people like Latty emphasize the importance of individual actors and their contributions. Their actions and intentions provide powerful insight into the conditions of canal construction and their lasting impact on Paulding County residents.
Title: Ending Endometriosis
Abstract: Endometriosis is a chronic, incurable disease that affects 1 in 10 women. It is an extremely painful, fast-growing disease that can infiltrate the uterus, the appendix, ovaries and even go as far as to spread to the brain. The symptoms can range anywhere from bloating, fatigue, extreme cramping, back pain, painful intercourse and even go as far as to cause infertility. Each person with endometriosis can experience these symptoms differently, but it still majorly affects quality of life. Despite there being over 6.5 million women in the United States affected by endometriosis, there are still no cures, no solid, accurate medications and hardly any support from the medical world. Even being diagnosed with endometriosis is extremely difficult due to the fact that most medical professionals are quick to brush symptoms off as a “bad menstrual cycle.” So, how do you “get” endometriosis? Endometriosis typically occurs when the endometrial-like tissue from the uterus grows outside of the uterus in places like the ovaries, intestines, appendix, rectum and more. However, there is little research on how women “get” endometriosis and why certain women get certain stages. As stated previously, there are no cures, but there are ways to keep it at bay and even subside pain for an unknown amount of time. Typically, these “band-aids” are done by IUDs, birth control, progesterone, ablation, excision surgeries, and even a partial or full hysterectomy. Despite all of these expensive treatments, endometriosis can still return and grow back more aggressive than before. It is vital that a cure is found quickly, as more and more women become affected by and diagnosed with endometriosis. Through visual imagery and communication, I hope to express what living with endometriosis is like and to provide tangible, simple ways to advocate for those who suffer. My intention is to leave viewers with a burden for women who experience endometriosis and to feel, even for a moment, what the symptoms could be like. The most effective outcome of this project would be that the audience could walk away better equipped and informed to discuss endometriosis and to fight for a cure. Each image shown in the presentation will correlate with research, statistics and quotes from that specific symptom or event. I hope to use my own personal experience with endometriosis as a way to relate my audience to my subject and to develop a connection between the two. Endometriosis, although chronic and incurable, is fought bravely by 1 in 10 women and we should step up and push for better, more affordable treatment and diagnosis.
Title: West German Occupation Memory 1945-1949
Abstract: In the aftermath of World War II, the Western Allies of Great Britain, France, and the United States set up an occupation regime in western Germany. While the three occupation zones would eventually come together to form West Germany, before that point the occupation regime had control over the governmental decisions of the post-war state. This would include the formation of the collective memory of the war. Collective memory in history refers to how a culture retains and passes on memory of historical events from one generation to the next that allow for the formation of a cultural identity through these shared perceptions of historical events, it also includes discussion and analysis of how those cultural memories may be changed by internal cultural forces as well as external forces on the culture. The occupation regime in western Germany following the war used several tactics to achieve their goals of forming the post war collective memory of the West German people. This included in the beginning legal proceedings of putting high ranking Nazi officials on trial, such as was seen at Nuremberg. Films showcasing the horrors of the Holocaust were also shown to the public as part of a reeducation campaign. The reeducation campaign would continue, being incorporated into a large denazification program that would include the rehabilitation of former Nazis into West German society and propaganda campaigns to disparage the return of similar sentiments in the German public. Other major programs included political reform of the West German state, which meant a supervised democratic system, as well as economic reform and rebuilding of the country. The occupation regime however faced difficulties from the outset, and new ones would arise that would lead to contention on how to handle West Germany. In the beginning, the British and the French had their own occupation zones, but due to the damage they themselves suffered during the war, they had difficulty maintaining an occupation regime. Each also had their various approaches to handling the occupation and what they wished to gain from it and how they believed it was best to rebuild. Another major issue would be the beginning of the Cold War, and the rearmament of West Germany. This, largely an American effort, would also eventually be one of the reasons for the ending of the occupation regime and the formation of the full West German state. This too would impact collective memory and move West Germany into a new age. In all, this research paper hopes to discuss the nature of the western allies and their occupation regime in western Germany, and how their policies and actions shaped West German collective memory of the war.
Title: Philharmonic Philosophies: Standards of Orchestral Flute Performance Practice
Abstract: Beginning in the 18th century, distinct national styles of orchestral flute playing emerged in Europe. The German and French flute schools—the two most influential—diverged. The German style became known for a heavy sonic aesthetic and a strong, loud sound, not unlike a brass instrument. The French school, in contrast, valued timbral sensitivity and pushed the flute’s expressive capabilities akin to operatic vocal styles. National schools of pedagogy and performance developed from a variety of factors including national traditions, compositional taste, degree of isolation or connectedness to other countries, and the presence or absence of influential professional players. In the 20th century, developments such as instrument material and construction, recording technology, new concert spaces, and increased mobilization led to the convergence of previously differentiated styles into a single international standard. This international sound, I argue, grew in the neutral ground of the United States and spread around the world in the second half of the twentieth century. In this presentation, I argue that within the scope of Western orchestral performance practice, a current international standard of flute performance developed in the United States from the French style with some German influence. In this presentation, I dissect and perform excerpts from the standard orchestral flute repertoire by French and German composers. These curated examples condense a survey of differences in standards of orchestral flute playing based on their country of origin. I will also demonstrate the sonic and technical capabilities of a wooden flute made in the style of 18th-century models. All Western orchestras employed wooden flutes. In the 19th century, adoption of the 1847 metal Boehm model mechanism lagged in Germany but accelerated in France, a crucial distinction that impacted the standards of sound and projection for orchestral performers. In the performance of my selected excerpts, I will highlight differences in the philosophies of flute standards in French and German music. The aim of my research is to advocate for greater inclusion of historical performance practice education in tertiary institutions, including schools of music and conservatories. I conclude by summarizing why understanding this history is valuable to performers today.
Title: Enhancing Student Interest in Engineering through Scalable Outreach Activities
Abstract: The goal of this project is to increase STEM student interest in engineering through the development and implementation of a curriculum of engineering-based activities. Each activity has a modified version of it that can be implemented depending on the age group present (elementary through middle school students or high school students) with the modifications being created based on existing state standards and expectations of students within their respective age group. Activities that are adaptable for different age groups will reflect the general knowledge of the students and their ability to understand various engineering concepts while still allowing them to engage with the activities without being discouraged. Each event where the project was implemented was already STEM based, so the goal of these activities was to increase student interest in engineering fields and careers specifically. The activities developed include a PV solar panel and wind turbine activity, a robotics engineering activity, and mousetrap car activity. These activities were all chosen to showcase a wide variety of engineering fields. The activities were held at the Future Leaders of T.E.C. and Sci-Tech events on the Purdue Fort Wayne campus, along with the City Life extra-curricular group in Fort Wayne. Procedure documents for each activity were created, allowing for university staff or any student hosting an engineering outreach event to have access to activity resources and procedures for future use. Observational data and activity feedback from participating staff and program leaders was recorded to adjust the activities and heighten their effectiveness for future implementation.
Title: MIXtape EP
Abstract: I seek to create a 5 or 6 song EP that demonstrates not only the skills I’ve acquired throughout my time at Purdue Fort Wayne, but also my diverse taste in music. The reason I aim to complete this project is not only to demonstrate what I’ve learned, but also offer myself a challenge to put the skills to the test and create my first really big project as a Music Production major. My biggest goal for this project is for each song to be different in genre, ranging anywhere from Reggaeton/Latin, to Indie/Alternative, Hip-Hop/RnB, and Synth Pop. While my goal seems simple in scope, some obstacles I will be sure to face in this project will be on the mixing/mastering side of things (making each song sound good and up to proper listening quality). I feel confident in my ability to produce 5 to 6 complete songs, but mixing and mastering them to a high quality will be the most challenging part of the process for me as I will also aim to work on them solely on my personal laptop rather than spend too much time in our Sweetwater campus studio. I want to demonstrate the basic knowledge I’ve learned while also pushing myself to mix and master the songs to the best of my ability. Another challenge will be to not procrastinate and tell myself I have a lot of time and push things off until March or April. I have a pretty good groundwork so far; I have one song pretty much completely produced (arranged but still needed to be mixed) and at least 3 or 4 halfway. Timeline: ● End of February: Have 5 to 6 songs produced ● Beginning of March: Start mixing of songs ● Beginning of April: Start mastering of songs ● End of April: Project completed In terms of the research process, I will mostly be utilizing the textbook Audio Production Tips: Getting the Sound Right at the Source by Peter Dowsett as well as Youtube. I will be producing everything in the audio production software Studio One and mixing and mastering in ProTools. A majority of my songs will be based on samples I find in the audio sample software program Splice but I want to challenge myself to sing on at least 1 or 2 of the 6. I expect my results to be a decently-well composed EP (extended play) that showcases the several different genres I’m interested in. I hope to learn how well I can create 6 songs and what type of artists I can be creatively.
Title: Neurodivergent Community Building Program
Abstract: This honor’s project pursued the possibility of creating space for those who identify as neurodivergent to connect and find community through a social program. The Neurodivergent Community Building Program was created intentionally, without goals of shaping behavior or having the expectation of normative behavior. Rather, an emphasis is placed on the importance of allowing teens to be together, with no pressure to behave in any way besides what makes them comfortable, which can be uncommon in other public spaces. The range of needs within the description for neurodivergent is wide. It includes individuals with autism spectrum disorder, sensory sensitivities, intellectual disabilities, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and more. Each individual is entering with unique needs; that in order to feel comfortable in the program, need to be met. The goal of the Neurodivergent Community Building Program is that it will allow for a wide variety of needs to be met, all while maintaining the freedom of allowing the teens to be themselves. The program considers the multifaceted challenges that arise for individuals with disabilities, such as an increase in the risk of homelessness and a higher rate of college dropout, and acts as a preventative measure against those challenges through community building practices. It is important to understand the behavior of individuals in the program through the lens of sociological and psychological approaches. These help the foundation of the program stand strong in the belief that behavior is communication, and provide a space for these individuals to be heard, even in non-normative ways. Providing opportunities for individuals to be involved in the greater community outside of the program is a crucial element that will serve to network and assist teens in finding avenues of passion that can lead to purpose later in their life, creating barriers to the statistics currently facing those identifying as neurodivergent. Through the three pillars of the program: specific space, cultivating community, and growing to go, the Neurodivergent Community Building Program aims to empower teens to make a difference and make it known that they are important members of today’s world.
Title: Banking on Community: Does Community Bank Performance Spur Local Economic Growth?
Abstract: Community banks are supposed to play a vital role in the economy by providing financial services to localities, businesses, and people that are often overlooked by regional and national banks, giving these overlooked groups the opportunity for economic growth. This paper aims to further investigate this link by evaluating whether the financial performance of community banks plays a role in the economic expansion of the localities that they service. The format of this research is a longitudinal study of all community banks located within the United States over the course of the five years spanning from 2017 through 2021. The data analysis will be done at the county level, with the percentage change in real county gross regional product (GRP) regressed on the weighted average net income ratio of all community banks located within that county alongside other macroeconomic variables. The analysis will feature a one year lag between the bank performance and economic growth indicators since GRP is considered a lagging economic indicator. The goal of this research is to gauge whether community banks are incentivized to have mutually beneficial relationships with the areas that they service.
Title: The Melancholic Joy of Heritage
Abstract: The Melancholic Joy of Heritage is a two-part literary project that explores the cultural impact Mexican and American society have on publishing and literature through an essay and a manuscript. The essay, titled “Publishing in the United States and Mexico,” explores how the publishing industry in the United States and Mexico reflects the values present within those societies. This essay analyzes the cultural differences between the two countries and how they affect distribution of authors’ works within a highly interconnected and globalized world. The United States and Mexico have their own national publishing standards, but globalization has had a large effect on how those standards were established and how they are currently changing. The significance of this change reveals the complex role American hegemony has in publishing, which consequently affects how authors are published within and across borders. These nuances are important to understand for anyone looking to publish internationally. “The Melancholic Joy of Heritage” is a collection of short stories and poems that explore the author’s identity as a Mexican American person living in the United States. In order, the entries in this collection are The Sugar Skull’s Smile, On the Road to Valladolid, En Camino a Valladolid, Hello Señor Tree, and How Do You Say, “I Love You?”. These texts focus on the traditions and rituals found in daily life and magnifies them to explore the role they have in the author’s life. This manuscript was created with the knowledge that there has been an increase in Latino representation in novels as publishing has expanded its markets. However, the current representation in the market has gaps in the stories it tells and the people it depicts, so this manuscript offers an additional voice. The combination of Spanish and English throughout the text shows the author’s bilingual upbringing is integral to how they perceive the world through a combination of their American and Mexican culture.
Title: The Irish Graveyard: The Men Behind the Paulding County Canals
Abstract: In the early 19th century, land throughout the Midwest was surveyed to plan the canals that connected the nation. After surveying the best paths for the canals, it was decided that the intersection of the Wabash-Erie Canal and the Miami-Erie Canal would be within Paulding County, Ohio. This construction project attracted laborers from throughout Ohio and beyond. The work within Paulding County began with the construction of the Miami-Erie Canal in 1837, followed by the Wabash-Erie Canal in 1841. The construction of two canals simultaneously meant that Paulding County was in dire need of workers, so local farmers and residents joined forces with incoming laborers to complete the canals. The canals were completed in 1847, and Paulding County’s residents were optimistic that these canals would allow the county to flourish. Junction, a canal town at the intersections of the two Paulding County canals, was projected to easily outgrow Fort Wayne. However, as maintenance costs soared and railroads swiftly became the nation’s preferred means of transportation, Junction and other Paulding County towns rapidly declined. Despite the overall failure of the canal endeavor, the county saw a dramatic population jump. The canal project also assisted in establishing county leadership and easing tensions between Irish immigrants and Paulding County's founding families. The unique situation of Paulding County canal construction created interesting dynamics between the involved parties, and men like Alexander Latty rose to the occasion to keep the project afloat. After previously overseeing a section of the Miami-Wabash Canal, Latty was tasked with overseeing the construction of both Paulding County canals. Latty and his associates made decisions that would have lasting consequences for Paulding County's infrastructure, labor conditions, and local politics. The histories and motivations of people like Latty emphasize the importance of individual actors and their contributions. Their actions and intentions provide powerful insight into the conditions of canal construction and their lasting impact on Paulding County residents.
Title: Capturing the Sound: Challenges Live Sound Engineers Face in Live Music Venues
Abstract: Live sound engineers face a multitude of challenges on a daily basis, as they are responsible for ensuring the quality of sound during live performances, events, conferences, and other occasions where sound reinforcement is needed. These challenges can range from technical difficulties to environmental factors at outdoor venues to the acoustics of the venue itself. In this project, I will be exploring these challenges to determine what steps are necessary to combat these challenges. My hypothesis is that acoustics are the most challenging for live sound engineers to face in a venue. I will be explaining how acoustics and sound works in a venue, what equipment is used to measure sound in a venue, providing data and charts and graphs to visually communicate the information gathered, and concluding what methods work the best for most venues. The strengths of this project are that I will have multiple specimens for study, and be able to explore the way sound works in the venues we as students use every day, which with my findings will allow future uses to be tailored to the best ability of the acoustics of each venue. My project is limited in that all of these spaces are indoors, and outdoor venues require different approaches for acoustic calculations because you are dealing more with the environment than indoor spaces do. I will be taking measurements of rooms commonly used on campus for live music, such as Auer Hall and the Recital Hall, as well as the Rehearsal Room and Tracking Room at the Sweetwater Music Center in order to create a larger participant pool. This will require the use of acoustic measurement software and a microphone that can be used to collect the acoustic data. Some obstacles that I anticipate include getting access to all of these spaces and being able to collect the necessary data to explain the acoustic issues in each space and what methods would be employed to combat them. I expect that with my results I will find that each space has some acoustic errors and that they can be easily remedied by using equipment that will allow for those errors to be corrected, as I expect for certain frequencies to ring out (to reverberate in the space and take longer to die out than other frequencies) and need to be corrected so that the overall sound is more flat (no one frequency sticks out more than another.) From this research I want to learn what kinds of issues acoustics can create for live sound engineers and what can be done to correct them to create the best live sound experience possible for an audience.
Title: Ending Endometriosis
Abstract: Endometriosis is a chronic, incurable disease that affects 1 in 10 women. It is an extremely painful, fast-growing disease that can infiltrate the uterus, the appendix, ovaries and even go as far as to spread to the brain. The symptoms can range anywhere from bloating, fatigue, extreme cramping, back pain, painful intercourse and even go as far as to cause infertility. Each person with endometriosis can experience these symptoms differently, but it still majorly affects quality of life. Despite there being over 6.5 million women in the United States affected by endometriosis, there are still no cures, no solid, accurate medications and hardly any support from the medical world. Even being diagnosed with endometriosis is extremely difficult due to the fact that most medical professionals are quick to brush symptoms off as a “bad menstrual cycle.” So, how do you “get” endometriosis? Endometriosis typically occurs when the endometrial-like tissue from the uterus grows outside of the uterus in places like the ovaries, intestines, appendix, rectum and more. However, there is little research on how women “get” endometriosis and why certain women get certain stages. As stated previously, there are no cures, but there are ways to keep it at bay and even subside pain for an unknown amount of time. Typically, these “band-aids” are done by IUDs, birth control, progesterone, ablation, excision surgeries, and even a partial or full hysterectomy. Despite all of these expensive treatments, endometriosis can still return and grow back more aggressive than before. It is vital that a cure is found quickly, as more and more women become affected by and diagnosed with endometriosis. Through visual imagery and communication, I hope to express what living with endometriosis is like and to provide tangible, simple ways to advocate for those who suffer. My intention is to leave viewers with a burden for women who experience endometriosis and to feel, even for a moment, what the symptoms could be like. The most effective outcome of this project would be that the audience could walk away better equipped and informed to discuss endometriosis and to fight for a cure. Each image shown in the presentation will correlate with research, statistics and quotes from that specific symptom or event. I hope to use my own personal experience with endometriosis as a way to relate my audience to my subject and to develop a connection between the two. Endometriosis, although chronic and incurable, is fought bravely by 1 in 10 women and we should step up and push for better, more affordable treatment and diagnosis.
Title: Effects of Sampling Time in Stress Physiology of Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
Abstract: Fish welfare and performance in aquaculture systems has become an increasingly popular research topic. Several sampling protocols require the fish to be sampled within the first few minutes of being extracted from their environment to avoid their stress response altering results regarding their physiological or immunological parameters. However, this time limit is seemingly arbitrary. Stress is anything that alters the body away from homeostasis, which is controlled by hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline is pumped rapidly through the body to create a fight or flight response within seconds of a stressor. Cortisol takes some time to release from the adrenal glands after a stressful event but remains elevated for several hours following the stressor. Cortisol causes an increase in blood glucose to supply more energy and availability of substances to perform tissue repair. Red blood cell count also increases with stress as the fish manage to cope with higher oxidation levels. For these reasons, blood glucose and packed cell volume are good indicators of the level of stress an organism is experiencing. In this experiment, we compared the results between Nile tilapia that were anesthetized immediately after extraction from their environment versus Nile tilapia that were anesthetized after fifteen minutes of handling stress. The goal of the experiment was to reason why fish should be sampled in a short amount of time after extraction. A comparison in physiological and immunological parameters was conducted to analyze the difference between six fish with no stress and six fish with fifteen minutes of stress. The fish that experienced a longer sampling time exhibited signs of stress through their higher glucose levels. However, there were no significant differences between the control and stressed group, indicating that Nile tilapia may be hardy enough to resist stress in the first fifteen minutes before sampling. Further research with a larger sample size should be conducted to suggest if prolonged sampling times cause a stress response in tilapia.
Title: West German Occupation Memory 1945-1949
Abstract: In the aftermath of World War II, the Western Allies of Great Britain, France, and the United States set up an occupation regime in western Germany. While the three occupation zones would eventually come together to form West Germany, before that point the occupation regime had control over the governmental decisions of the post-war state. This would include the formation of the collective memory of the war. Collective memory in history refers to how a culture retains and passes on memory of historical events from one generation to the next that allow for the formation of a cultural identity through these shared perceptions of historical events, it also includes discussion and analysis of how those cultural memories may be changed by internal cultural forces as well as external forces on the culture. The occupation regime in western Germany following the war used several tactics to achieve their goals of forming the post war collective memory of the West German people. This included in the beginning legal proceedings of putting high ranking Nazi officials on trial, such as was seen at Nuremberg. Films showcasing the horrors of the Holocaust were also shown to the public as part of a reeducation campaign. The reeducation campaign would continue, being incorporated into a large denazification program that would include the rehabilitation of former Nazis into West German society and propaganda campaigns to disparage the return of similar sentiments in the German public. Other major programs included political reform of the West German state, which meant a supervised democratic system, as well as economic reform and rebuilding of the country. The occupation regime however faced difficulties from the outset, and new ones would arise that would lead to contention on how to handle West Germany. In the beginning, the British and the French had their own occupation zones, but due to the damage they themselves suffered during the war, they had difficulty maintaining an occupation regime. Each also had their various approaches to handling the occupation and what they wished to gain from it and how they believed it was best to rebuild. Another major issue would be the beginning of the Cold War, and the rearmament of West Germany. This, largely an American effort, would also eventually be one of the reasons for the ending of the occupation regime and the formation of the full West German state. This too would impact collective memory and move West Germany into a new age. In all, this research paper hopes to discuss the nature of the western allies and their occupation regime in western Germany, and how their policies and actions shaped West German collective memory of the war.
Title: Anticipating Future Family Structures
Abstract: This research project, titled “Anticipating Future Family Structures“, will attempt to predict potential family structures in response to the ever-changing social norms and values in America. Social, economic, and technological changes will be looked at and used to predict how the family structure will look in the future based on the changes in the family structure in the past. Current social trends, norms, and values that are shaping the family structure will be analyzed. Key drivers and disruptive influences will be identified, and potential future family structures will be described through speculative predictions. Changing gender norms including roles and economic shifts brought about by these changes will be looked at in relation to how they change family relationships and structures. Newer family structures will also be looked at such as single parent families, LGBTQ families, childless families, and stepfamilies to identify potential challenges and opportunities as well as how they can alter social norms, cohesion, and a person’s overall well-being. By attempting to predict future potential family structures in America, this project helps provide a potential understanding of where family structures are headed and how they can alter society as we know it. By understanding the changes, we can anticipate the future familial structure and the impact that it will have on society, allowing us to take proactive measures to help shape the transformations that are inevitable as well as give a general insight on how society will shape family dynamics and the overall well-being of Americans. Scholarly literature will be reviewed to understand the changes to the family structure and what societal changes happened that resulted in those familial structure changes. There will be multiple family structure scenarios that will be predicted based on critical factors such as technological advancements and projected societal changes. Based upon the predicted family structures, potential advantages and disadvantages will be analyzed for not only the individuals, but also for families, communities, and society in America.
Title: Philharmonic Philosophies: Standards of Orchestral Flute Performance Practice
Abstract: Beginning in the 18th century, distinct national styles of orchestral flute playing emerged in Europe. The German and French flute schools—the two most influential—diverged. The German style became known for a heavy sonic aesthetic and a strong, loud sound, not unlike a brass instrument. The French school, in contrast, valued timbral sensitivity and pushed the flute’s expressive capabilities akin to operatic vocal styles. National schools of pedagogy and performance developed from a variety of factors including national traditions, compositional taste, degree of isolation or connectedness to other countries, and the presence or absence of influential professional players. In the 20th century, developments such as instrument material and construction, recording technology, new concert spaces, and increased mobilization led to the convergence of previously differentiated styles into a single international standard. This international sound, I argue, grew in the neutral ground of the United States and spread around the world in the second half of the twentieth century. In this presentation, I argue that within the scope of Western orchestral performance practice, a current international standard of flute performance developed in the United States from the French style with some German influence. In this presentation, I dissect and perform excerpts from the standard orchestral flute repertoire by French and German composers. These curated examples condense a survey of differences in standards of orchestral flute playing based on their country of origin. I will also demonstrate the sonic and technical capabilities of a wooden flute made in the style of 18th-century models. All Western orchestras employed wooden flutes. In the 19th century, adoption of the 1847 metal Boehm model mechanism lagged in Germany but accelerated in France, a crucial distinction that impacted the standards of sound and projection for orchestral performers. In the performance of my selected excerpts, I will highlight differences in the philosophies of flute standards in French and German music. The aim of my research is to advocate for greater inclusion of historical performance practice education in tertiary institutions, including schools of music and conservatories. I conclude by summarizing why understanding this history is valuable to performers today.
Title: Analyzing the Gaza Crisis Through an International Law Perspective: The Crimes of the Powerful
Abstract: With its complex political, social, and humanitarian elements, the Gaza situation continues to be an enormous barrier on the international stage. A complex web of legal problems regulated by international law is at the center of this problem, affecting both possible paths for settlement and the conversation around it. This abstract provides an overview of the Gaza crisis from the perspective of international law, with the goal of clarifying the legal frameworks backing the dispute and investigating the consequences for relevant parties. Being aware of Gaza as a seized territory under international law—a position confirmed by multiple legal officials and international bodies—is fundamental to the study. This classification involves an array of legal duties for the world's nations as well as the occupying power, including the law of occupation, human rights law, and humanitarian law. This abstract aims to clarify the liberties and obligations included in the legal structure controlling the Gaza issue by means of a thorough analysis of pertinent legal sources, including United Nations resolutions, and customary international law. The ongoing conflict in Gaza raises questions about adherence to international humanitarian law's core standards, particularly regarding moderation and distinguishing in military battles. The legal guidelines controlling both sides' behavior are examined to clarify the difficulty of upholding these laws in asymmetric warfare. It is crucial to consider the historical background, actions of the involved parties, and negotiation options to fully understand the legal consequences of the issue. To sum up, a careful examination of the Gaza issue from the perspective of international law stresses the legal aspects that shape and influence the conflict. Through a study of the rights, responsibilities, and transparency systems included throughout international regulations, the aim of this analysis is to improve our awareness of the complex issues that underlie the situation in Gaza.
Title: Enhancing Student Interest in Engineering through Scalable Outreach Activities
Abstract: The goal of this project is to increase STEM student interest in engineering through the development and implementation of a curriculum of engineering-based activities. Each activity has a modified version of it that can be implemented depending on the age group present (elementary through middle school students or high school students) with the modifications being created based on existing state standards and expectations of students within their respective age group. Activities that are adaptable for different age groups will reflect the general knowledge of the students and their ability to understand various engineering concepts while still allowing them to engage with the activities without being discouraged. Each event where the project was implemented was already STEM based, so the goal of these activities was to increase student interest in engineering fields and careers specifically. The activities developed include a PV solar panel and wind turbine activity, a robotics engineering activity, and mousetrap car activity. These activities were all chosen to showcase a wide variety of engineering fields. The activities were held at the Future Leaders of T.E.C. and Sci-Tech events on the Purdue Fort Wayne campus, along with the City Life extra-curricular group in Fort Wayne. Procedure documents for each activity were created, allowing for university staff or any student hosting an engineering outreach event to have access to activity resources and procedures for future use. Observational data and activity feedback from participating staff and program leaders was recorded to adjust the activities and heighten their effectiveness for future implementation.
Title: Correlation of the Gene CG45002 with Obesity in Drosophila melanogaster
Abstract: Obesity is a chronic, serious disease with a global impact. While we may have a good understanding of environmental influences on obesity, the genetic influences are less known. In our research, we used Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. Loss of the adipokinetic hormone receptor (AKHR) in fruit flies induces obesity. This receptor is the analogue for the human glucagon receptor, with inhibition leading to a lack of fat breakdown. Fruit flies were chosen as a model organism because they have fast reproduction rates, short lifespans, low cost up-keep, and they share many of the same genes with humans. This means our research could lead to advances in human medicine and gene therapies. In the lab, we cross flies lacking AKHR with flies of the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). The flies from the DGRP each have only one difference in their genome, allowing us to look at how that one specific difference influences the obesity of their offspring. We held environmental factors constant, as to only look at genetic influences on obesity. A preliminary Genome-Wide Analysis (GWA) was completed, and the next steps of our research will include a complete GWA on all the completed strains. Based on the preliminary GWA, ten top candidate modifier genes were identified. Of these genes, I will be conducting a literature review on the Intron; CG45002. This gene has many common human orthologs, including myotrophic lateral sclerosis, autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 33, and spinal muscular atrophy. These are just a few of the conditions associated with this gene. A quick look at autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 33 revealed that a common symptom is abnormal growth patterns, including decreased body weight. The goal of this review is to develop a better understanding of this gene’s characteristics and interaction with the AKHR pathway. The results of this study will allow us to identify therapeutic targets and prognostic indicators in humans.
Title: MIXtape EP
Abstract: I seek to create a 5 or 6 song EP that demonstrates not only the skills I’ve acquired throughout my time at Purdue Fort Wayne, but also my diverse taste in music. The reason I aim to complete this project is not only to demonstrate what I’ve learned, but also offer myself a challenge to put the skills to the test and create my first really big project as a Music Production major. My biggest goal for this project is for each song to be different in genre, ranging anywhere from Reggaeton/Latin, to Indie/Alternative, Hip-Hop/RnB, and Synth Pop. While my goal seems simple in scope, some obstacles I will be sure to face in this project will be on the mixing/mastering side of things (making each song sound good and up to proper listening quality). I feel confident in my ability to produce 5 to 6 complete songs, but mixing and mastering them to a high quality will be the most challenging part of the process for me as I will also aim to work on them solely on my personal laptop rather than spend too much time in our Sweetwater campus studio. I want to demonstrate the basic knowledge I’ve learned while also pushing myself to mix and master the songs to the best of my ability. Another challenge will be to not procrastinate and tell myself I have a lot of time and push things off until March or April. I have a pretty good groundwork so far; I have one song pretty much completely produced (arranged but still needed to be mixed) and at least 3 or 4 halfway. Timeline: ● End of February: Have 5 to 6 songs produced ● Beginning of March: Start mixing of songs ● Beginning of April: Start mastering of songs ● End of April: Project completed In terms of the research process, I will mostly be utilizing the textbook Audio Production Tips: Getting the Sound Right at the Source by Peter Dowsett as well as Youtube. I will be producing everything in the audio production software Studio One and mixing and mastering in ProTools. A majority of my songs will be based on samples I find in the audio sample software program Splice but I want to challenge myself to sing on at least 1 or 2 of the 6. I expect my results to be a decently-well composed EP (extended play) that showcases the several different genres I’m interested in. I hope to learn how well I can create 6 songs and what type of artists I can be creatively.
Title: The Potential Impact of a Deviated Septum on Singing
Abstract: Up to 80% of people have a deviated septum. This research project analyzes the impact that a deviated septum can have on the singing voice of an individual with this feature. Inspired by her own journey as a vocalist with a more severe deviated septum, Madison reflected on her experiences as a vocal student at Purdue University Fort Wayne and analyzed how she struggled to phonate particular sounds in the way her voice teacher had desired. She could not achieve the sensation in her resonators in the way that her voice teacher initially presented it to her. This research analyzes the human body, specifically the resonators, to determine how an obstruction in the nasal passage could affect the voice of an individual and how they are to produce desired sounds. This project contains a study with the Purdue University Fort Wayne voice faculty as its participants. The study was done through a survey containing questions over the faculty’s knowledge or assumptions on the deviated septum and the impact it may have on the singing voice. Voice teachers were also asked how they address the impact of a deviated septum in the singing voice of their students, if at all. The purpose of this project is to find out what is known by researchers and local collegiate voice teachers about the deviated septum and its relation to the voice. The goals of this project are to bring to light the effects that a deviated septum can have on the singing voice and determine what further research may need to be done on this topic as it affects up the vast majority of the population.
Fall 2023 Honors Showcase Participant
"Scholarly Research to Build a Successful Blog to Promote Attractions in South Korea"
Major: Organizational Leadership
Minor: Hotel Management
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Haeik Park (Hospitality and Tourism Management)
Since COVID-19, the tourism industry has been negatively affected by fewer people traveling. Travel has decreased significantly for a couple of years and has recently picked up again. However, as the industry starts to pick up, the world has been introduced to a strong usage of technology for marketing. With the big Hallyu wave, South Korea has gained immense popularity internationally. This is shown through the increase in number of tourists visiting South Korea. This captured my attention back in the late 2000s while wanting to discover something new. In response to this, I became interested in South Korea and its culture. Through this project, I want to ultimately promote it to foreigners. Therefore, I did scholarly research about South Korea (destination image of South Korea, factors that contribute to destination image, motivation of travelers, behaviors of tourists, place identity, and destination loyalty) to get a better understanding. This project attempted to build credibility through 50+ scholarly articles, market research, and personal experience as a long-term tourist in South Korea. The objective of this research was to understand factors that impact the marketing of a destination. This project has helped me understand the marketing tools of South Korea and
Korea itself. Through the information gathered, I plan on creating a platform to communicate with new tourists of South Korea. This platform intends to create a friendly environment for potential travelers and first-time visitors to make them feel confident and comfortable navigating around the country. Understanding the process of tourists’ initial travel plans to execution, information such as detailed guidance to get around will be posted to give clarity to the traveler.
The expected outcome of the project was a strong foundation of factors that are significant to promoting travel and crafting the start of making the blog. This blog intends to have a focus market of young travelers traveling to South Korea for the first time to help them navigate around the country. Our results provide meaningful insights into destination marketing and place identity.
"Scholarly Research to Build a Successful Blog to Promote Attractions in South Korea"
Major: Organizational Leadership
Minor: Hotel Management
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Haeik Park (Hospitality and Tourism Management)
Since COVID-19, the tourism industry has been negatively affected by fewer people traveling. Travel has decreased significantly for a couple of years and has recently picked up again. However, as the industry starts to pick up, the world has been introduced to a strong usage of technology for marketing. With the big Hallyu wave, South Korea has gained immense popularity internationally. This is shown through the increase in number of tourists visiting South Korea. This captured my attention back in the late 2000s while wanting to discover something new. In response to this, I became interested in South Korea and its culture. Through this project, I want to ultimately promote it to foreigners. Therefore, I did scholarly research about South Korea (destination image of South Korea, factors that contribute to destination image, motivation of travelers, behaviors of tourists, place identity, and destination loyalty) to get a better understanding. This project attempted to build credibility through 50+ scholarly articles, market research, and personal experience as a long-term tourist in South Korea. The objective of this research was to understand factors that impact the marketing of a destination. This project has helped me understand the marketing tools of South Korea and
Korea itself. Through the information gathered, I plan on creating a platform to communicate with new tourists of South Korea. This platform intends to create a friendly environment for potential travelers and first-time visitors to make them feel confident and comfortable navigating around the country. Understanding the process of tourists’ initial travel plans to execution, information such as detailed guidance to get around will be posted to give clarity to the traveler.
The expected outcome of the project was a strong foundation of factors that are significant to promoting travel and crafting the start of making the blog. This blog intends to have a focus market of young travelers traveling to South Korea for the first time to help them navigate around the country. Our results provide meaningful insights into destination marketing and place identity.
Spring 2023 Honors Showcase Participants
“Stock Performance Prior and After Federal Holidays”
Majors: Economics, Public Policy
Minor: Mathematics
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Heather L.R. Tierney (Economics and Finance) and Dr. Daniel Boylan (Accounting)
This study investigates the relationship between federal holidays and stock performance in the United States. The aim is to explore how the market reacts to U.S. federal holidays and whether they have a significant impact on stock returns. A sample of 91 stocks from the NYSE Top 100 was selected with daily opening and closing prices from December 31st, 2015, to December 31st, 2018.
The methodology used in this study is based on an abnormal returns (AR) framework, which is a common tool used to measure the performance of stocks during specific events or periods. In this case, the AR framework is applied to analyze the impact of federal holidays on stock performance. A market model of the S&P 500 is used to derive abnormal returns, which are then analyzed on a pre-holiday and post-holiday basis.
To determine the significance of federal holidays on stock performance, the study calculates the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) for the event window. The cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) for the sample of stocks over the event window is emphasized using generalized sign tests. The CAAR is a measure of the average abnormal return for a group of stocks over a particular period.
The study uses a test statistic with normal approximation to the binomial distribution to identify positive cumulative abnormal returns. This is important because it allows the researchers to identify whether the impact of federal holidays on stock performance is statistically significant.
Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the relationship between federal holidays and stock performance in the United States. By analyzing a sample of 91 stocks from the NYSE Top 100, the study shows that federal holidays do have a significant impact on stock returns. The findings of this study can be useful for investors and traders who are looking to optimize their investment strategies based on the impact of federal holidays on stock performance.
“Experiments with Correlated Photons”
Majors: Physics and Mathematics Concentration in Optoelectronics and Photonics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mark Masters (Physics)
Light can be thought of as a steam of massless particles called photons. From an ordinary household light, photons are produced per second. We are doing experiments in the single photon regime in which we count single photons. To this end, we have completed two single photon experiments. These experiments are performed using correlated photons produced through a process known as spontaneous parametric down conversion in a beta barium borate crystal that creates two photons from a one, generated by a 405nm pump laser. Those correlated photons are detected using single photon avalanche photodetectors (SPADs). A critical aspect of the experiment is detecting the pair of correlated photons at the same time, as we are interested in explorations with single photons. We do this by detecting one of the photons, called the herald, and looking for the other, called the mate. In this way, the existence of the herald photon guarantees the existence of the mate single photon in the experiment. To detect the arrival of two photons simultaneously (known as a coincidence) we use the signal from the SPADs which goes to a coincidence counting unit (CCU). The CCU counts the arrival of photons at each SPAD and also counts the number of coincidences. An important part of the CCU is the detection window, Our first experiment is to determine which we found to be The next experiment determines the quality of our correlated photon source. We look at the number of true coincidences vs number of accidental coincidences resulting in 11 times more true coincidences than accidental. The third experiment, known as Grangier’s experiment, provides evidence that light is a photon by demonstrating the indivisibility of photons. The measurements from this experiment resulted in a parameter that strongly suggested indivisibility as it was 23 standard deviations away from indicating the opposite. Currently an experiment is in progress that seeks to demonstrate single photon interference (a photon interfering with itself).
“The Consequences of Emotions and Limited Working Memory on Gambling”
Major: Psychology
Certificate: Behavior Analysis Techniques
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Bendele (Psychology)
When thinking about decision making there are a variety of factors that can influence one’s decisions. Emotions, in particular negative emotions, are known to impact one’s decision-making such that one makes less than optimal decisions (Huh, et al., 2016). Another factor that can impact decision-making is how much working memory one has available (Pecchinenda, et. al., 2006). However, these two factors (emotions and working memory) have only been studied independently from each other rather than in conjunction with each other. The present research was designed to (a) explore the influence of emotion by looking at neutral, positive, and negative conditions on decision-making, (b) examine the effects of high or low working memory capacity on decision-making, and (c) looking at the effects of both emotions and working memory on decision-making. The decision-making task for this study involves playing a game of chance in which one decides on each turn whether to play or not. At the start of the study, one begins with an initial amount of hypothetical money. For each turn a circle (“spinner”) which is divided into three parts is shown. Each part of the spinner shows how much money could be added or subtracted from the hypothetical total if the arrow lands on that part. After seeing a spinner, the participant has the choice to “play” or “pass” on that round. Results of the spinner are then displayed. If one decided to play, then the amount indicated on the spinner is used to adjust the hypothetical balance. Two other tasks are completed during the study. Participants complete a writing task on either a positive, negative, or neutral situation, and a test of working memory capacity. It was hypothesized that (a) participants in the positive emotional state group produce advantageous decisions compared to their negative emotional group counterparts, while a third neutral group will have average scores compared to both. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that (b) high working memory capacity participants will choose more advantageously on the decision-making task than low working memory participants. The third hypothesis (c) stated that participants in the positive emotional valence group and high working memory group as well as the neutral group would correctly choose the “intermediate” decision spinner, while the negative emotional group will choose the good spinner but not the intermediate spinner. For the interaction of the variables, (d) participants in the positive emotional state group with high working memory capacity would choose the most advantageously out of all groups. The present findings may have important implications for decision-making in high emotion situations. The results may also impact PTSD clients and how they manage high-stress decisions in their life. These findings can be useful for all populations, clinical and non-clinical for assessing and handling hard decisions in one’s life.
“Healthcare Industry Day”
Majors: Finance and Political Science
Certificate: Bank Management
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Toole (Political Science)
This project consists of two parts, a research paper and the organization of an event also titled Healthcare Industry Day. This event occurred on March 16th and brought together speakers from the wider healthcare industry and Purdue Fort Wayne and Indiana University Fort Wayne students so that the latter might learn about career paths within major anchor institutions in Fort Wayne and Northeast Indiana. Speakers were chosen to give representation to non-medical fields in the healthcare industry that might otherwise be overlooked by students who are not coming from a medical academic background. These included an Administrative Specialist, a human resources specialist, a Public Safety Officer, a Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer, and an Assistant Chief Executive Officer. These speakers came from Dupont Hospital and Lutheran Hospital, and were asked to share with students in interactive half hour segments over the course of the day. Each segment began with the speaker sharing about their own personal and professional backgrounds. They then described their current positions and the importance those roles had in allowing healthcare institutions to operate and medical professionals to perform their duties. This was followed by the speakers walking students through the education and professional paths that would lead to similar roles. After the speakers concluded, students were given time for questions and the opportunity to receive the speakers’ contact information. The attendees also heard from the Director of Purdue Fort Wayne’s MBA program about the process of earning an MBA and the experiences of MBA students with medical backgrounds who have sought to move into administrative roles in their institutions. Business students in attendance were also awarded points towards the Doermer School of Business’ Passport to Success program.
The research paper portion is a study of market conditions that may have an impact on the employment prospects of Purdue Fort Wayne students and others who are seeking to enter professions in the broader healthcare industry. The paper consists of analysis of data drawn from publicly available sources including state agencies, NGOs, county and city chambers of commerce, and other institutions with a vested interest in Northeast Indiana’s healthcare and educational infrastructure. This paper also seeks to put these labor trends in the wider context of developments across Indiana and at the national level.
“Nativism and the New American “Demos”: Right-wing Populism and Immigration in the United States”
Major: Political Science
Minor: Spanish
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Toole (Political Science)
Who makes up the American “demos”? Philosophers and political scientists alike have grappled with the concept of who rightfully makes up the nation by which a democracy may be birthed. Similarly, discussions surrounding the proliferation of democracy and democratic consolidation have become of paramount importance in the field of Political Science. These discussions, however, take place at a time when we are seeing a global decrease in democratic rule and an increase in authoritarianism. In a seemingly connected fashion, populist movements on both ends of the political spectrum have seen a stark increase in support in recent years. I discuss in this paper specifically, how right-wing populist movements in the United States may act as an anti-democratic agent that erodes democratic consolidation, particularly when we examine the treatment of undocumented immigrants. Through examining several forms of quantitative and qualitative research, I concluded that the denial of citizenship, or certain political rights granted to citizens, does not inherently erode the democratic consolidation of the state as it does not exclude a portion of the population who are generally accepted as legitimate members of the citizenry from participating in the political society. However, the alienation of immigrants who are eligible and able to participate in the political society is highly undemocratic, and it is a nativist characteristic of right-wing populism that is discussed thoroughly in this paper.
“Equity, Burnout, and Challenges to American Literacy”
Major: English with writing concentration
Minors: Creative Writing and Business Writing
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Suzanne Rumsey (English)
American reading proficiency has been on a steady decline as of recently. About 130 million American adults read below a 6th grade reading level according to the US Department of Education. Additionally, about 66% of children studied by the National Assessment of Educational Progress have a reading level at or below a basic level, the lowest level of reading achievement designated by the NAEP. This is problematic for a number of reasons, including reading important government- or work-related documents, interpreting meaning and purpose from news articles, and reading published works with a critical eye. Clearly, something about the US education system needs to change, however, change at the federal level regarding education is difficult given that education is typically handled by state governments. The focus will be placed on what Indiana should do to increase the reading proficiency of its students through a series of equity policies, teacher support, and system restructuring. In order to determine what actions need to be taken regarding equity, common practices from Finnish education will be evaluated and adapted for the Hoosier school system. These common practices include free lunch for all students, mandatory meetings with a counselor, and a more flexible curriculum that focuses more on projects as opposed to testing. This would allow for students to explore specific topics that interest them and help them increase their understanding through the more natural experience of exploration as opposed to wrought memorization. In order to determine what actions need to be taken regarding teacher support, studies conducted in the United States will be analyzed to see what teachers feel are the most pressing of issues in their field. This will be done in combination with news reports on a variety of recent teacher strikes across the United States that highlight some of the issues that teachers are currently facing. This will solve the “teacher shortage” as some people will know it. While there is no shortage of qualified teachers available across the US, many of these teachers choose not to teach anymore for the many reasons that will be discovered and discussed by the sources used for these sections. Bringing back qualified teachers will decrease the overall workload on other educators and allow them to pay more personalized attention to students who are having trouble with their studies. Through a combination of policies aimed at supporting teachers and practices that introduce more equity into the school system, a plan for helping raise the reading proficiency of students in Indiana’s public school system will be laid out. The equity plans will help in ensuring that children of disadvantaged families receive the same learning opportunities as children of rich families while the teacher support policies will make sure educators have enough breathing room and fair pay to consider staying in the education field.
“IoT Gateway”
Majors: Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chao Chen (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is a rapidly growing industry that enables wireless communication and remote monitoring and control of devices. In response to the demand for IIoT solutions, Franklin Electric has tasked its senior design team with building an IoT gateway to accommodate a wide range of use cases for its electric and diesel motors, including electric motor drives, residential wells, farmland applications, wastewater pumps, etc.
The objective of the senior design team's project was to build an IoT gateway with an enclosure rated NEMA 3R to protect electrical equipment in various applications, including industrial, building, and utility. The team planned to shield the IoT gateway from electromagnetic and radio frequency interference and incorporate external antennas for better wireless range. Additionally, the team included an EMI shield for the cellular module and CANBUS hardware to communicate with Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and other devices reliably. Furthermore, the IoT gateway had featured an external sensing interface for temperature cycle testing, electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing, and hardware testing, along with SD card storage and a USB port for direct communication with other monitoring devices. Finally, the team implemented PCB changes using Altium Designer.
The expected outcome of the project was a fully functional IoT gateway capable of monitoring and controlling devices remotely using Wi-Fi, cellular network, or USB cable connections while protecting signals from disruption and interference. This solution allowed Franklin Electric to monitor and avoid electrical, mechanical, and environmental faults in its motors and provide greater visibility and control to its customers.
“The Evolution of Labor Union Stratification and Its Impact on Political Power and Public Perception”
Majors: Political Science and Economics
Minor: History
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nodir Adilov (Economics and Finance) Dr. Heather L.R Tierney (Economics and Finance)
The research paper for the honors project showcase, inspired by the literature review, focuses on "The Evolution of Labor Union Stratification and Its Impact on Political Power and Public Perception." The study aims to understand the changes in labor union structure and how these transformations have affected their influence in politics and their perception among the general public.
A key concept in the research is the "theory of scarcity," which posits that union membership is influenced by the scarcity of resources and jobs. This theory, as discussed in the literature review, is supported by Selig Perlman's work and has been further refined by later economists. Another central element in the research is labor union stratification, which is analyzed using Nelson Lichtenstein's "State of the Union" and Joseph McCartin's "Collision Course." These sources provide a comprehensive historical account of significant developments in the American labor movement, highlighting the decentralization and fragmentation of the postwar bargaining system.
The research paper will explore the evolution of labor union stratification and its impact on political power and public perception by examining the historical context and the role of scarcity in shaping the labor movement. Through the analysis of key events, such as the PATCO strike and the rise of alternative bargaining practices, the study will seek to determine the underlying factors that have contributed to the decline in support for collective bargaining.
By investigating the various elements that have shaped the labor movement and union stratification, the research aims to provide valuable insights into the reasons behind the waning influence of unions in politics and public perception. Ultimately, the study will contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of labor union stratification and its implications on political power and public perception, offering potential avenues for revitalizing the labor movement and addressing the challenges faced by unions today.
“A Small Business Analysis: Hop River Brewing Company”
Major: Hospitality Management
Certifications: TIPS and CHIA
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Wenjia Han (Hospitality and Tourism)
The paper focuses on building a business plan to help small businesses connect to their primary source of revenue which is the local community. The bond between the local community and the small business depends on a variety of factors such as the type of business and its current presence in the community.
Hop River Brewery Company was the model used in this project as a small business and the style of the writing was formed to target the business owners as a consulting report for their business. Hop River Brewing Company is a microbrewery business located in Fort Wayne who has been operating for five years. Consulting was done for them to determine what their biggest difficulties have been and provide solutions that could be applied to their business.
Through in-depth research into their company, their local and national competitors, and their customer reviews on three different platforms a survey was then supplied to their consumers on site which was constructed on the findings of initial research. After the survey was conducted, the data was then analyzed to inform possible solutions. The more vital solutions provided were divided into three areas, beer, food, and service/environment as these were the areas which were found to need more attention. Solutions ranged from collaboration with local food trucks to productivity on social media, to collaboration with local artists.
“Characterizing Genetic Modifiers of Obesity through the AKHR Pathway”
Major: Biology
Associate: Chemical Methods
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Certificate: Biology Research
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Palu (Biology)
Obesity poses a global health issue, affecting over 2.1 billion people. This complex metabolic disease can be attributed to both environmental and inherited factors. As the latter is less well understood, the genetic contribution to obesity poses a topic of interest. It is known that processes such as lipid metabolism and hormone signaling are often disrupted in obese individuals. However, there is limited understanding on what genes affect these processes and the extent in which they do so. Given this, the glucagon signaling pathway will be suppressed to model obesity in the fruit fly. Glucagon is involved in the stimulation of lipases, which are key enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fat. Inhibiting this action prevents this process from occurring and leads to obesity. This can be observed in Drosophila melanogaster through the loss of the adipokinetic hormone receptor (AKHR), the analogue for the glucagon receptor. AKHR normally induces a response to starvation and helps maintain metabolic homeostasis. Reducing expression of AKHR inhibits these responses, particularly fat breakdown. To determine if genetic background influences this phenotype, we are crossing a model of reduced AKHR expression with the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP), consisting of 200+ inbred, fully sequenced fly strains. This tool allows for the identification of variation associated with an obese or lean phenotype. To monitor variation in stored triglycerides and obesity, we use a larval density assay previously described in Reis et al. 2010 PloS Gen and other publications. As our quantitative readout we used the concentration of sucrose at which half the larvae for each strain float which is denoted as the FC50 value. Strains with lower FC50 values indicate higher fat content given that they float sooner because of lower density. The contrary can be observed for strains with higher FC50 values which are associated with a lean phenotype, floating later because of higher density. These values are used to run a genome-wide association analysis to identify candidate modifier genes. These modifier genes may increase or decrease one’s risk for obesity which can be targeted when designing treatment options. A preliminary GWA has already been completed allowing for a compilation of several candidate genes which are currently being investigated. Characterization of these modifiers will aid in determining which ones are most likely altering the disease model. The findings may be tested through density and biochemical assays in the near future. This will allow for further characterization of these genes, leading to advancement in therapeutics.
“ENTRE-U: Measuring the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Fort Wayne Universities (Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana Tech, Saint Francis)”
Major: Accounting Faculty
Mentor: Dr. Želimir William Todorović (Management and Marketing)
The concept of entrepreneurship has long fascinated researchers and has been the driving force behind America’s growth since its birth. Universities have always been one of the biggest cultivators of the entrepreneurial spirit due to their committed professors and state-of-the-art technology. Nevertheless, over the past few years funding for collegiate research has taken a staggering hit. Furthermore, researchers no longer have the incentive to turn a concept into a physical product. Whether this is due to state budget cuts, enrollment declines, the federal portion of funding steadily decreasing, or faculty being awarded tenure and promotion based on measures such as how much research money they bring in and how many papers they get published versus the number of patents, startups, or licensing revenue they earn from commercialization, there is an apparent concern for universities turning away from being an entrepreneurial beacon of America. Therefore, it is critical for universities to have the ability to measure how entrepreneurially oriented they are to invoke change and encourage patents or spinouts. The way entrepreneurial orientation can be measured is with the utilization of the ENTRE-U scale. This scale is a set of 23 questions that focus on four different factors: research mobilization, unconventionality, industry collaboration, and university policies. These four factors that comprise the ENTRE-U scale accurately measure the entrepreneurial orientation of a university with regards to their likelihood to promote entrepreneurial commercialization through patents or spinouts.
For the purpose of this study, the universities that will be researched are the University of Purdue Fort Wayne, the University of Saint Francis (Fort Wayne), and the University of Indiana Tech. The ENTRE-U survey was sent out to every department chair, department head, and program director of each of the stated universities. The heads of the departments received the survey because they are the most knowledgeable about what goes on in their department and have the most experience with what resources are available. This academic thesis will present the findings stemming from the ENTRE-U survey to help enhance the emphasis on entrepreneurship in Fort Wayne universities. Keywords: ENTRE-U, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial commercialization, universities, patents, spinouts
“Supporting the Female Caregiver in the 21st Century Workforce”
Major: Communications
Concentration: Rhetoric and Public Advocacy
Minor: Organizational Leadership
Faculty Mentor: Professor Marietta Frye (Organizational Leadership)
The amount of women in the workforce has significantly increased throughout the years. However, many women feel as if they are not properly supported in their professional careers in regard to women’s health issues, maternity leave, and family life. Thus, businesses are struggling to retain talent, specifically the female caregiver, due to this lack of support. This research study focuses on creating a cultural comparison of other countries' support systems for women across the world in relation to the United States’ policies. The study will explore the three areas mentioned above and provide a handbook for organizations to implement to increase retention.
When discussing the “female caregiver”, it is important to note that this includes female-identifying individuals who are the sole caregiver for their family (whether that is spousal support, being a mother, or taking primary care of another family member) and who experience a menstrual cycle/related biological female health issues. Through a comprehensive analysis of the minimal amount of existing research in this field, a new policy will be proposed for those in leadership positions at any given organization that promotes gender equality and a more supportive work environment for the female caregiver according to those three categories. With the adaptation of these new policies, organizations can expect to build a more loyal staff and decrease the turnover rate for their business.
“Theatre in Antiquity and its Relationship to Religion”
Major: History and Theatre
Minor: Sociology and Medieval Studies
Faculty Mentor: Professor Mark Ridgeway (Theatre)
The present study investigated theatre in antiquity and its relationship with religion; in addition, this study compared present-day theatre’s relationship with religion as a means to understand how theatre has changed over time. Ancient theatre serves as the foundation to theatre as it is known today, despite the seemingly strong differences between the two worlds. In addition, knowledge of ancient theatre in many aspects is lost and misunderstood as texts over time have become partially or completely lost to time. It was understood the intense relationship between theatre of antiquity and religion, but it was yet to be discovered the extent of this relationship as well as how deeply it affected the theatrical society around it. The focus of this study was to dive deeper into the knowledge of ancient theatre with a small glimpse into how theatrical society has been changed by the foundations of theatre. However, while there is much research defining and exampling theatre of antiquity and its relation to religion, there is little research examining how these factors have carried on into modern-day theatre. This study utilized information compiled by previous researchers as well as detailed through a few examples of primary resources from antiquity in order to portray a broad understanding of the theatre of antiquity accurately and effectively. Broad understandings of the culture and theatre of antiquity allowed for conclusions to be made about theatre that will help push research forward. Furthermore, discovered was how deeply theatrical antiquity has affected modern-day theatre—a point of research many do not take into consideration. Having a base knowledge of theatre in antiquity not only enriches the current research but provides a stepping stool for future studies. Overall, this study aims to provide a deeper understanding of theatre of antiquity in areas that are sparser in information as well as detail how this tradition of theatre has carried on into today’s world.
“Eleemosynary: Flying with Costume Design”
Major: Theatre with a concertation in Design and Technology
Minor: Creative Writing
Faculty Mentor: Professor Austin Rausch (Department of Theatre)
“Charitable; the giving of alms.” This is Eleemosynary by Lee Blessing. The play follows the lives of the Westbrook women, Dorothea, Artie and Echo. The audience members are transported through the memories of these women and learn what makes them so different from each other and the ways that they are the same. Eleemosynary was a realized production from the Department of Theatre in the Fall Semester of 2022 and was directed by Professor Jeffrey Casazza. The main challenge of designing costumes for the production was creating distinct looks for each character while finding ways to connect them together. A particularly poignant element to consider is the construction of the wings from 1958, crafted by Dorothea herself. It had to maintain resilience and ease of movement while also appearing homemade. These problems were resolved through the design process. The design process begins with the play. It must be read through several times then analyzed by developing a research bible. The costume research was conducted during the time of the play, the Eighties, although the wings were inspired by contemporary sources. Several sketches were presented at the production meetings, which are a series of meetings that occur with the director, production coordinator, and the scenic, costume, and lighting designers. These positions are primarily held by the professors of the Department of Theatre. All departments collaborate together in order to resolve any potential issues before they occur. Once the director approves of the designs, final renderings are created with the casted performers. A budget sheet for all costume pieces required is made. Anything costume-related is relayed to the costume shop, run by Clinical Assistant Professor Jeanne Pendleton. Most costume pieces were either pulled from stock or bought online, then altered to fit the actress. Dorothea’s costume was entirely built in the shop by the students and the costume shop supervisor because it was too specific to find online or in stock. This was the same for the wings. The last step is observing the costumes and wings in rehearsals to solve any last-minute problems. Finally, the costumes and wings are ready for the production. The costume designs were well researched and constructed in a thoughtful manner. The costumes contrasted the scenic design but did not pull focus from it. The performers felt confident in their costumes and performed without any issues. Color and silhouettes became a major asset in defining each character. The idea of color interaction and color mixing drove the designs. Dorothea’s flowing clothes shows off her playful side. In comparison, Artie’s suit reveals her distant nature. Echo is somewhere in the middle because of the influences of both women in her life. The wings themselves are constructed like a quilt. Doing so made them lightweight and simple to wear. Costume design is a great communication tool to provide insight on a characters’ personality. Echo says that words gives her the ability to fly. The same happens with costumes. Costumes gives designers the opportunity to fly and reveal their voice.
“Effects of Trap Position and Bait Age on Capture Success of Freshwater Turtles”
Majors: Biology
Concentration: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Associate: Chemical methods
Certificate: Research
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mark Jordan (Biology)
When foreign stimuli, or novelties are placed into a natural environment. These stimuli can then become normal to species of the environment, and thus make it less likely for species to interact with said stimuli. This situation becomes problematic for population surveys using traps. This trend was seen to be true during the 5-year population survey at Eagle Marsh Nature Preserve as duration of survey affected capture success. Earlier days are seen with higher capture rates that then decrease during the remaining days. The purpose of this study is to test if habituation and novelty are linked to capture success, first by identifying the trend from the previous 5 years and applying changes to methodology. Changes consisted of trap movement and rebaiting of traps. The analysis of the five-year study shows that turtles caught per trap per night of the combined years shows that there is indeed a negative trend of capture success decreasing each day consistently across years. In order to see if this could be changed, two different methodology changes were tested over two weeks with one method being tested each week. Over this two-week time period 21 painted turtles and 8 common snapping turtles were captured. Some results of this study are inconclusive, this is due to the combined factors of raccoon interference with traps which resulted in half the traps being pulled. 8 of the 21 painted turtles were obtained from collapsible minnow traps. Results of this study provide evidence that possible methodology changes could play a key role in increasing capture success rates, as capture success minorly increased with rebating in week two.
“Blood, Plasma, and the 21st Century Immune System”
Major: Organizational Leadership
Minors: Event Management and Food and Beverage Management
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Kirchner (Organizational Leadership)
Multiple myeloma is a rare type of blood cancer that develops in the bone marrow affecting plasma cells. Normal plasma cells are transformed into cancerous multiple myeloma cells which accumulate in the bone marrow crowding out the normal plasma cells that help fight infection. A nonbeneficial antibody called M protein is a byproduct of this transformation which can in turn leave the body susceptible to kidney damage, bone destruction, and a weakened immune system. As the cancerous cells multiply, there is less space in the bone marrow for normal blood cells, resulting in decreased numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Multiple myeloma accounts for 1% of all cancers and approximately 10% of all hematologic malignancies according to The American Cancer Society. Roughly 35,730 new cases will be diagnosed in 2023 resulting in approximately 12,590 deaths.
I will conduct a literary review consisting of scholarly publications and peer-reviewed medical journals which will assist in analyzing the progression of treatment options for patients suffering from multiple myeloma. Over the past twenty years research and treatment options have increased exponentially. I will research multiple chemotherapy drug combinations, stem-cell therapy, and (CAR)T-cell therapy. I will also administer a research questionnaire to local oncology and hematology clinics in the Fort Wayne area for the sole purpose of gauging clinical responses on current treatment options.
“The Queering of Horror: The Analysis of Representation in Horror and Queerness”
Major: History Minors: Political Science, English, and Philosophy
Certificate: International Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stevie Schuerich (Political Science)
The representation of LGBTQ+ identities in horror films, and its effects of this representation, like increased homophobic attitudes and obfuscation of the truth about these communities, on the general population were examined in this study. The study draws from theories about the power culture has on the general populace, which reveals the link between representations of these identities on screen and the feelings of the general populace on these issues. Next, the methodology of encoding and decoding media is introduced, which will be the main way that these films are analyzed. Encoding involves the analysis of the screen text, while decoding focuses on the reception of these messages to the viewer. The next section of the paper analyzes three classic horror films: Frankenstein, Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs. To encode the messages that the makers of the films encoded within these films, articles about the films were consulted to see the messages that were placed within the films that involved LGBTQ+ identities (mainly homosexual and transgender identities). Scenes and dialogue from the movies themselves will also be examined to analyze the text without the influence of other writers. The last section of the project focuses on the decoding of these films by the audience. Sources like newspaper reviews are utilized to illuminate how these representations on screen have influenced the way that people view homosexuals and transgender people (which are the groups that are explicitly referenced in these films, but this reaction can apply to the whole community). This demonstrates how these representations are able to manifest real feelings about real people through their representation in film.
This project shows that even subtle representations are able to have major impacts on the reception of these groups to the public. These films, often hindered by the Hays Code which banned any explicit mention of homosexuality or other perceived abnormalities from the screen, had to include subtle references to these identities. However, these identities often manifest within the villains of these stories. These portrayals help perpetuate these negative traits to the communities, even if the films try to orient the viewer away from these connections. Audiences were still able to pick up on these messages being sent, which made many people further associate these identities as abnormal, subversive, and evil behaviors because of the way they were represented on film.
“Autoethnographic Approach on Classroom Management”
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Spanish
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Isabel Nunez (College of Professional Studies)
This project looks into Lydia’s lived experiences to see how they have shaped her. In this project, the author took an autoethnographic approach to highlight major moments within her education that stuck out to her as having an impact on her. Specifically, she will be looking at the way she was disciplined in the classroom while growing up and she will be aligning those to different classroom management systems. This project looks at key aspects of several classroom management styles with a brief description. Then they will be analyzed for which style of classroom management would work best for an individual based on their experiences and personality.
“Sticks and Stones: The Changing Structure of Free Speech Protections and the Consequences of Hate Speech Jurisprudence”
Major: Political Science
Minor: Philosophy
Certificates: Peace and Conflict Studies and International Studies
Faculty Mentor: Professor Georgia Wralstad Ulmschneider J.D. (Political Science)
This paper, in examining multiple seminal free speech and hate speech court decisions, investigates the changing nature and structure of free speech, and ultimately, hate speech jurisprudence in the American judiciary. Approaching this investigation through a philosophical analytical framework, this paper seeks to ask to what extent the shifting philosophical conceptions between individualism and communitarianism in the American Constitutional narrative affect the hierarchical ordering of values within a polity as it pertains to and plays out in speech jurisprudence. The paper begins by analyzing early speech trials such as Abrams v. United States (1919) and Whitney v. California (1927), which set the foundation for hate speech jurisprudence, before moving into second generation speech trials that deal with hate speech more specifically, including Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942) and Beauharnais v. Illinois (1952). Next, the paper examines the golden age of free speech, the Civil Rights era, in which free speech and racial equality are tethered. However, later cases, such as Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), see this trajectory warp, where advancement of equality and the advancement of speech are de-linked, resulting in dangerous implications for the health of speech and the state of democracy. Finally, this paper looks at more recent movements to counteract unbridled free speech, deals with the implications of the current standard of jurisprudential practice and what should be done moving forward.
“Prestige vs. Stigma: How the Power Differential Among Languages Impacts the Life of Accented Speakers”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minors: Linguistics and Special Education Mild Intervention K-12
Certificate: Gerontology
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Naomi Gurevich (Communication Sciences and Disorders) and Dr. Talia Bugel (International Language and Culture Studies)
Drawing parallels between the power differential among language varieties and that of world languages perceived as foreign accented speech in English, we examine the impact of such accents on individuals’ lives. Accentedness, as defined in language acquisition literature, is the extent of a foreign accent in one’s speech, which is thought of as depending on how much listeners perceive this speech to be different from their own variety.
We surveyed multilingual adults regarding the various ways their foreign language accents might impact their lives, and examined the association between accent thickness, the extent of impact on one's life, and which languages or language varieties were involved. Results tell the story of very different experiences among speakers that do not depend on the "thickness" of the accent or how comprehensible it is (e.g., an Arabic speaker in the Midwest vs. a Russian speaker in NYC). We conclude that the impact of having a foreign accent relates to the power differential among languages as well as to the “thickness” of the actual foreign accent and that this relationship is context/situation-specific. Gaining understanding into the impact of sociolinguistic and sociocultural power differentials will empower clinicians and educators to provide ethical, culturally aware, services to individuals with wide backgrounds of cultural and linguistic diversity. This would impact much of our scope of practice as SLPs, from providing accent modification treatment, to assessing and treating developmental and acquired communication disorders, to advocating for refugee communities, to navigating client and family education and counseling for culturally diverse populations.
“Biomarkers of Ischemic Stroke: Are Predictors of Stroke in the Near Future?”
Major: Biology
Associate: Chemistry
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jaiyanth Daniel
Stroke has been a rising concern globally due to its high and increasing occurrence, mortality rate, and disability associated with stroke patients. Ischemic stroke arises from blockage in the arteries leading to the brain, which disrupts the delicate systems which keep the brain and associated cells in homeostatic state, leading to temporary and permanent cell damage (infarctions), neuroapoptosis, neurotoxicity, necrosis, autophagy, brain cell death, and even disabilities. The current approved and effective treatment for ischemic stroke is recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). The treatment window for tPA to be effective and not risk hemorrhaging is within 4.5 hours of ischemic stroke symptom onset, so early diagnosis or predictive strategies are needed to quickly treat ischemic stroke patients. Brain imaging is an effective diagnostic method, but equipment can be limited in areas with low income. Research currently looks to identify biomarkers that can be obtained easily, such as through serum samples, to diagnose ischemic stroke and administer treatment within the effective time frame. Many potential biomarkers specific to brain tissues such as S100B, GFAP, MMP-9, and hs-CRP have been identified and tested, however, the specificity and sensitivity is not reliable and varies between tests. Biomarker panels consisting of combinations of identified markers have been constructed with those containing more markers (ex. S100B, B-type neutrotrophic growth factor, von Willebrand factor, MMP-9, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1) having higher specificity and sensitivity. Platelets are another potential venue to find biomarkers, as research in platelet receptor and platelet-volume-to-lymphocyte ratio have been tested with varying degrees of success, although more research is required. miRNAs have also been found to be differentially expressed in ischemic stroke patients, and there are many miRNAs that have been investigated for their potential as ischemic stroke identifiers. The research on ischemic stroke biomarkers is still very limited, as many proteins and molecules have been identified in ischemic stroke patients, but not many have high potential to be effective and cost-effective biomarkers that can be utilized in early ischemic stroke diagnosis.
"Content-Based Instruction in the Common Classroom"
Majors: English and Secondary Education
Minor: Psychology
Certificate: TENL
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lucas Rodesiler (School of Education)
In ELL (English Language Learner) classrooms, there is discussion about the benefits of CBI (Content-Based Instruction) for the purpose of language learning. The goal of this type of instruction is that students are learning the language through the content instead of using English as the lesson itself. Research has shown thus far that this method is significantly faster and more productive in teaching the new language to these learners. While grammar is important when learning another language, through CBI students experience and experiment with the language first, then when needed, the teacher with elaborate on grammatical concepts when questions arise. I believe that there is something that ELA classrooms can gain from this research as well. The inquiry is this: How can we implement CBI in an ordinary classroom where the students are already fluent in English? How could a lesson plan or curricula change by having native English speakers learn and grasp ELA content, standards, and grammar by exploring content and hands-on practice like CBI suggests? In an ELL classroom CBI could look like the following: Students are told that they will be learning about nature preservation. They are given sentence starters (i.e., “I think ___ is a good idea because…”) to scaffold the language that they already know and introduce new grammatical concepts. From there, students read articles, watch videos, take observations of the nature around them, and collaborate with other students. If students decide that they want to take “real world” action, the teacher can guide them in doing so (i.e., how to write a strong letter to a waste management company or an elected official, build a community/school garden based on the research that they have gained, etc…). CBI can offer a way for students to try, fail, and learn this concept in a safe space. In an ELA classroom, this can look similar. Students are told that they will be studying nature preservation. The class can brainstorm together some ideas that they already have but would like to explore further. The teacher can then help students identify different resources. For example, a teacher might pose questions like the following: Casual language in a resource could indicate that we need to use more caution, but why? How does the language in a source change or guide our thought process? Similarly to the ELL context, if students decide that they want to take “real world” action, the teacher can guide them on what steps to take to accomplish that. The purpose of CBI is to teach students that language mastery is not the goal. The goal is to teach students about language context and discovery, which will lead them to a deep understanding of the language they use in everyday life. This project is to showcase that CBI can and does fit within the context of an ELA classroom.
“Difficulties in Music Streaming Royalties: Examining Revenue from Licensing Agreements and Big Data Accounting”
Majors: Music Industry and Accounting
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Barton Price (Music)
The development and rise in popularity of music streaming has changed the way people enjoy music around the world. It has also changed the structure of income sources, marketing, and operations in music industry. These changes have come with lots of critique from artists for the subsequent challenges of seeing revenues from these services at the end of the chain where streaming services pay labels, which then pay artists. This presentation will examine these concerns in the context of both licensing agreements for streaming services and the accounting methods that track and distribute revenues through the chain. The methods for investigating streaming revenue difficulties are first a synthesis of previous academic literature on the topic about the rise of streaming licensing, then an analysis of researcher experience with accounting for these revenues as a business manager for the university record label. There were a couple practical observations by the researcher and a synthesis of academic literature. When examining the accounting and licensing factors of the music streaming process, it can be observed that the landscape and outlook are improving in some way. However, the combination of difficulties observed in the research is not highly favorable to artists. The investigation found that there were difficulties with licensing agreements that minimized artist revenue, especially for smaller artists. Additionally, it found that accounting for these incomes from the many streaming services and splitting that to the different writers and performers was quite difficult given the abilities of current industry standard accounting software.
“Designing a Dynamic Assessment Task to Identify Language Impairments in Children”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minor: Psychology
Certificate: Behavioral Analysis and Techniques
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stacy Betz (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
In the field of speech-language pathology, there are multiple assessments used to diagnose children with either speech or language disorders. Most assessments are static assessments that measure current skills at one given time point. Dynamic assessments are a less common type of test given to children to assist in diagnosis. This serves the purpose of determining how quickly children benefit from intervention, and it shows valuable information about children’s language learning abilities. Nonword learning has been used in prior studies as a type of dynamic assessment task, although not for diagnostic purposes. This study aims to develop an engaging task that could be used clinically. Several research studies were analyzed to design a theoretically effective task titled “Zarble”, a new dynamic assessment procedure that uses implicit teaching of nonwords to children. Three nonword nouns and three nonword verbs were methodically chosen and assigned to specific game pieces and actions to perform during the game. This task is theoretically sound because it is heavily research-based. Because it fits the typical time constraints of other current static assessments, it would be clinically feasible. Therefore, it would also be plausible for speech-language pathologists to use this task in a clinical setting to diagnose children with vocabulary deficits. Future research steps to validate this task would be to collect data and determine if children with typical language perform with higher accuracy than those with language impairments.
“Predicting Regional Weather Patterns in the United States”
Major: Actuarial Science
Minors: Business Studies and Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Yvonne Zubovic (Mathematical Science)
The increasing frequency and severity of severe weather events have become a significant concern due to the potential impacts on human life, property damage, and economic losses. Climate change is believed to be one of the contributing factors to these changes in weather patterns, with rising temperatures and atmospheric changes altering the conditions that give rise to severe weather events.
Predictive models are being developed to forecast weather patterns, specifically tornadoes. These models use a combination of historical weather data, satellite imagery, and real-time data to make predictions about the likelihood of tornado formation in a particular region. Machine learning techniques, such as neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines, have been used to develop accurate and efficient models.
One of the key challenges in developing predictive models for tornadoes is the complexity of the phenomenon itself. Tornado formation is influenced by a range of factors, including temperature, humidity, wind shear, and atmospheric pressure, making it difficult to accurately predict tornado occurrence. Additionally, the limited availability of data and the need for real-time data for accurate predictions pose significant challenges.
Despite these challenges, predictive models for tornadoes have shown promise in improving the accuracy of tornado forecasts. By using advanced techniques such as machine learning, these models can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that can help forecast tornadoes more accurately. With further development and refinement, these models could provide significant benefits in terms of improving public safety and minimizing the impact of severe weather events. The machine learning model seen in this study analyzes the weather events recorded from 2010-2020 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s (NOAA) Storm Weather Database. This database is comprised of multiple variables that are studied and used to analyze weather event frequencies, size, deaths, and economic costs. The predictive model found in this study looks specifically at tornadoes to determine if we can accurately predict the EF Scale using only the size of the storm without knowing the wind speeds. This model uses classification and regression methods to study the size and costs of these severe weather events. Furthering this analysis, the model is then used to investigate if storms are becoming more severe as time goes on.
“Democratic Retrogression of Hungary”
Major: Political Science
Minor: Economics
Certificates: Financial Economics and International Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Toole (Political Science)
This research seeks to evaluate the declining state of democracy seen in Hungary since 2010. As Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz government has evolved during its second term in office, elements of Hungary’s well-established democracy have begun to wither. This research will analyze three alternative reasons as to why this decline has taken place: economics, political culture, and elite political self-interest. Each element will be compared to the operationalized definition of democracy as given by Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan. Methods of the following work are focused on a combination of secondary literature and opinion polls. While each of these three elements are significant to Hungary’s democratic retrogression, this research has found that the most influential force at work is Viktor Orbán and elite political self-interest. In preventing another political defeat, Orbán was able to manipulate the constitutionality of the well-established Hungarian constitution and was also able to mobilize support for the Fidesz regime in various ways. In addition to this, this research proves that there is a third reverse wave of democratization, as originally outlined by Samuel Huntington, and that Hungary is an example of this phenomena. This answer is significant as the Hungarian case represents one with potential for replication in other nations. More specifically, Hungary maintained a strong democracy for nearly twenty years. During those twenty years, multiple political parties competed in free and fair elections with a democratic constitution ruling over the government as a whole. Through careful thought and manipulation, this system was gradually torn apart by the Fidesz government while Hungary’s economic and cultural sectors aided in the backsliding. Understanding the Hungarian case is essential to preventing further democratic decline in Hungary and in other nations alike. For the interests of the United States specifically, it is favorable to ensure that fellow NATO members do not fall to authoritarian rule in similar ways.
“The Effect of L-theanine on the Immunological Stress Response in Nile Tilapia”
Major: Biology
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Minor: French
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ahmed Mustafa (Biology)
Fishes are one of the top sources of animal proteins. However, their protein contents can be reduced in various ways, one of them being stressed which eventually leads them to be immune compromised. Fish farmers try to solve these problems with the use of antibiotics and other chemical drugs. These chemicals can be harmful to fish, further reducing their protein quality. A safer and more natural alternative is the use of nutraceuticals.
This project investigates the effect of L-theanine on lysozyme and macrophage activity of acutely stressed Nile tilapia and determined the best concentration for modulating stress. L-theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid obtained from Camellia sinensis. It is believed to be responsible for the relaxing effect found in green tea. The fish for this project were divided into 4 groups: a stress control group, and 3 treatment groups administered with different concentrations of L-theanine (0.0002%, 0.0004%, and 0.001% L-Theanine). The fish were subjected to hormonal stress by the administration of hydrocortisone (0.01% of their body weight). The lysozyme and phagocytic capacity were analyzed using the lysozyme activity assay (LAA) and the proportions of positive macrophages. Treatment groups showed lower lysozyme and macrophage activities, however, no significant difference was observed when compared to the stress control. Due to the trend observed in the data, I concluded that a higher concentration of L-theanine might be needed to significantly modulate stress.
“Analysis of the Needs and Preferences of Food Pantry Visitors”
Major: Biochemistry
Minor: Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Haiek Park (Hospitality and Tourism Management)
Dietary lifestyle changes are a major form of treatment for many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, celiac disease/gluten sensitivity, and lactose intolerance. Many people rely on restrictive diets to manage these diseases. The presence of these restrictive diets among food pantry visitors may pose barriers to food access, and their prevalence is understudied. Additionally, people with these diseases may not know what types of food choices they should make while selecting food. The goal of this study is to investigate health-based dietary restrictions among food pantry visitors. To accomplish this, self-complete surveys were administered at the Walb Student Union and Student Clubhouse locations of the PFW Pantry (n = 264). The survey collected self-reported health information, opinions on food selection, opinions on food preparation type, and some demographic information of the participants. The collected health information served to probe what preexisting health conditions and potential dietary consequences of these conditions exist in this community. The opinions on food selection and food preparation type served to question whether the food available at the respective pantries served the needs of the visitors adequately. Finally, the collected demographic information assisted in contextualizing the data collected. We report in this study, potential correlations between the health status of the pantry visitors, measured demographic information, and the perspective indicated by the pantry visitors. We note trends in demographic characteristics such as income and level of attained education with the prevalence of various diseases which influence the diet of the study participants. We also identified correlations between the presence of these diseases and the perspectives surrounding food the affected individual had. These observed correlations will be used to guide the policies of pantries to better cater to the population they serve. In general, the results of this study shed light on some of the potential challenges individuals face when trying to obtain food from a food pantry, and will hopefully guide decisions food pantries make in the future to foster inclusivity.
“Poetry and Photography”
Major: Art and Design
Faculty Mentor: Professor James Gabbard (Art and Design)
During my second year at Purdue Fort Wayne, I took a class with Professor James Gabbard titled, “Photo III: Conceptual Imaging.” In this class, students were given a list of poetry and quotes to create photographs that reflected the writing. Students were also given the option to switch out one of the writings if they wanted to. I decided to switch out my last writing with a poem I wrote for my mother based on a story from her past. The poem reflected a story about my mother and her siblings running down into the woods and creating a land full of imagination. A few months passed and it was time to schedule classes for my final semester. This was when Professor James Gabbard proposed the idea for an independent study with him. The idea was to create a series of poems that I would write while also taking a series of photos to reflect the poem. In my entire life, I have only written two poems so this was going to be a challenge. As part of this project, five poems will be written about different topics, along with a collection of photographs to accompany each poem. I have also created original costumes to match the theme of the poems for each photoshoot. By the time the project is finished, I intend to design a book that combines the poems and photographs. Writing creates this freedom that is not bound by others’ words and allows me to create any world or theme I want. Adding creative writing to photos allows me to connect to them on a more personal level. The photographs will provide a visual interpretation of the poems. The combination of both poems and photographs into a book will allow them to be presented in a unique way. As a result, I will be able to grow my creative process from the beginning to the end of this project.
“The Effects of Corruption on the Economy of Vietnam”
Majors: Political Science and Economics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Heather L.R Tierney (Economics and Finance)
The effects of corruption on the economy of Vietnam at the provincial level are analyzed in this study. Between 2002 and 2021, the developing country’s GDP per capita increased 3.6 times, reaching almost US$3,700. However, it ranks 87th out of 180 countries in the Transparency International's 2021 Corruption Perception Index. The international literature provides ample evidence that corruption has a negative impact on the growth of the economy. Nevertheless, there has been only a limited number of studies done on the same topic for Vietnam.
A panel dataset for all 63 Vietnamese provinces and cities was built using data from the national General Statistics Office of Vietnam and the provincial competitiveness index (PCI). Nevertheless, since the country has only publicized economic data relatively recently, getting accurate and consistent data was a problem and the dataset could only include 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020. The dependent variable is Monthly Income per Capita and control variables are Population, Area, Retail of goods and services, Non-farm individual Businesses, Index of Industrial Production, Fixed asset and long-term investment by Province. Measures of Corruption are answers from the PCI’s surveys based on Transparency, Unofficial Charges, and Legal Institutions criteria. Running GLS regressions on the panel dataset show that there are random effects for the 8 different models. However, they also show the necessity of complete data to test for unit roots within the variables.
“Stock Performance Prior and After Federal Holidays”
Majors: Economics, Public Policy
Minor: Mathematics
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Heather L.R. Tierney (Economics and Finance) and Dr. Daniel Boylan (Accounting)
This study investigates the relationship between federal holidays and stock performance in the United States. The aim is to explore how the market reacts to U.S. federal holidays and whether they have a significant impact on stock returns. A sample of 91 stocks from the NYSE Top 100 was selected with daily opening and closing prices from December 31st, 2015, to December 31st, 2018.
The methodology used in this study is based on an abnormal returns (AR) framework, which is a common tool used to measure the performance of stocks during specific events or periods. In this case, the AR framework is applied to analyze the impact of federal holidays on stock performance. A market model of the S&P 500 is used to derive abnormal returns, which are then analyzed on a pre-holiday and post-holiday basis.
To determine the significance of federal holidays on stock performance, the study calculates the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) for the event window. The cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) for the sample of stocks over the event window is emphasized using generalized sign tests. The CAAR is a measure of the average abnormal return for a group of stocks over a particular period.
The study uses a test statistic with normal approximation to the binomial distribution to identify positive cumulative abnormal returns. This is important because it allows the researchers to identify whether the impact of federal holidays on stock performance is statistically significant.
Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the relationship between federal holidays and stock performance in the United States. By analyzing a sample of 91 stocks from the NYSE Top 100, the study shows that federal holidays do have a significant impact on stock returns. The findings of this study can be useful for investors and traders who are looking to optimize their investment strategies based on the impact of federal holidays on stock performance.
“Blood, Plasma, and the 21st Century Immune System”
Major: Organizational Leadership
Minors: Event Management and Food and Beverage Management
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Kirchner (Organizational Leadership)
Multiple myeloma is a rare type of blood cancer that develops in the bone marrow affecting plasma cells. Normal plasma cells are transformed into cancerous multiple myeloma cells which accumulate in the bone marrow crowding out the normal plasma cells that help fight infection. A nonbeneficial antibody called M protein is a byproduct of this transformation which can in turn leave the body susceptible to kidney damage, bone destruction, and a weakened immune system. As the cancerous cells multiply, there is less space in the bone marrow for normal blood cells, resulting in decreased numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Multiple myeloma accounts for 1% of all cancers and approximately 10% of all hematologic malignancies according to The American Cancer Society. Roughly 35,730 new cases will be diagnosed in 2023 resulting in approximately 12,590 deaths.
I will conduct a literary review consisting of scholarly publications and peer-reviewed medical journals which will assist in analyzing the progression of treatment options for patients suffering from multiple myeloma. Over the past twenty years research and treatment options have increased exponentially. I will research multiple chemotherapy drug combinations, stem-cell therapy, and (CAR)T-cell therapy. I will also administer a research questionnaire to local oncology and hematology clinics in the Fort Wayne area for the sole purpose of gauging clinical responses on current treatment options.
“Experiments with Correlated Photons”
Majors: Physics and Mathematics Concentration in Optoelectronics and Photonics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mark Masters (Physics)
Light can be thought of as a steam of massless particles called photons. From an ordinary household light, photons are produced per second. We are doing experiments in the single photon regime in which we count single photons. To this end, we have completed two single photon experiments. These experiments are performed using correlated photons produced through a process known as spontaneous parametric down conversion in a beta barium borate crystal that creates two photons from a one, generated by a 405nm pump laser. Those correlated photons are detected using single photon avalanche photodetectors (SPADs). A critical aspect of the experiment is detecting the pair of correlated photons at the same time, as we are interested in explorations with single photons. We do this by detecting one of the photons, called the herald, and looking for the other, called the mate. In this way, the existence of the herald photon guarantees the existence of the mate single photon in the experiment. To detect the arrival of two photons simultaneously (known as a coincidence) we use the signal from the SPADs which goes to a coincidence counting unit (CCU). The CCU counts the arrival of photons at each SPAD and also counts the number of coincidences. An important part of the CCU is the detection window, Our first experiment is to determine which we found to be The next experiment determines the quality of our correlated photon source. We look at the number of true coincidences vs number of accidental coincidences resulting in 11 times more true coincidences than accidental. The third experiment, known as Grangier’s experiment, provides evidence that light is a photon by demonstrating the indivisibility of photons. The measurements from this experiment resulted in a parameter that strongly suggested indivisibility as it was 23 standard deviations away from indicating the opposite. Currently an experiment is in progress that seeks to demonstrate single photon interference (a photon interfering with itself).
“The Queering of Horror: The Analysis of Representation in Horror and Queerness”
Major: History Minors: Political Science, English, and Philosophy
Certificate: International Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stevie Schuerich (Political Science)
The representation of LGBTQ+ identities in horror films, and its effects of this representation, like increased homophobic attitudes and obfuscation of the truth about these communities, on the general population were examined in this study. The study draws from theories about the power culture has on the general populace, which reveals the link between representations of these identities on screen and the feelings of the general populace on these issues. Next, the methodology of encoding and decoding media is introduced, which will be the main way that these films are analyzed. Encoding involves the analysis of the screen text, while decoding focuses on the reception of these messages to the viewer. The next section of the paper analyzes three classic horror films: Frankenstein, Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs. To encode the messages that the makers of the films encoded within these films, articles about the films were consulted to see the messages that were placed within the films that involved LGBTQ+ identities (mainly homosexual and transgender identities). Scenes and dialogue from the movies themselves will also be examined to analyze the text without the influence of other writers. The last section of the project focuses on the decoding of these films by the audience. Sources like newspaper reviews are utilized to illuminate how these representations on screen have influenced the way that people view homosexuals and transgender people (which are the groups that are explicitly referenced in these films, but this reaction can apply to the whole community). This demonstrates how these representations are able to manifest real feelings about real people through their representation in film.
This project shows that even subtle representations are able to have major impacts on the reception of these groups to the public. These films, often hindered by the Hays Code which banned any explicit mention of homosexuality or other perceived abnormalities from the screen, had to include subtle references to these identities. However, these identities often manifest within the villains of these stories. These portrayals help perpetuate these negative traits to the communities, even if the films try to orient the viewer away from these connections. Audiences were still able to pick up on these messages being sent, which made many people further associate these identities as abnormal, subversive, and evil behaviors because of the way they were represented on film.
“The Consequences of Emotions and Limited Working Memory on Gambling”
Major: Psychology
Certificate: Behavior Analysis Techniques
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Bendele (Psychology)
When thinking about decision making there are a variety of factors that can influence one’s decisions. Emotions, in particular negative emotions, are known to impact one’s decision-making such that one makes less than optimal decisions (Huh, et al., 2016). Another factor that can impact decision-making is how much working memory one has available (Pecchinenda, et. al., 2006). However, these two factors (emotions and working memory) have only been studied independently from each other rather than in conjunction with each other. The present research was designed to (a) explore the influence of emotion by looking at neutral, positive, and negative conditions on decision-making, (b) examine the effects of high or low working memory capacity on decision-making, and (c) looking at the effects of both emotions and working memory on decision-making. The decision-making task for this study involves playing a game of chance in which one decides on each turn whether to play or not. At the start of the study, one begins with an initial amount of hypothetical money. For each turn a circle (“spinner”) which is divided into three parts is shown. Each part of the spinner shows how much money could be added or subtracted from the hypothetical total if the arrow lands on that part. After seeing a spinner, the participant has the choice to “play” or “pass” on that round. Results of the spinner are then displayed. If one decided to play, then the amount indicated on the spinner is used to adjust the hypothetical balance. Two other tasks are completed during the study. Participants complete a writing task on either a positive, negative, or neutral situation, and a test of working memory capacity. It was hypothesized that (a) participants in the positive emotional state group produce advantageous decisions compared to their negative emotional group counterparts, while a third neutral group will have average scores compared to both. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that (b) high working memory capacity participants will choose more advantageously on the decision-making task than low working memory participants. The third hypothesis (c) stated that participants in the positive emotional valence group and high working memory group as well as the neutral group would correctly choose the “intermediate” decision spinner, while the negative emotional group will choose the good spinner but not the intermediate spinner. For the interaction of the variables, (d) participants in the positive emotional state group with high working memory capacity would choose the most advantageously out of all groups. The present findings may have important implications for decision-making in high emotion situations. The results may also impact PTSD clients and how they manage high-stress decisions in their life. These findings can be useful for all populations, clinical and non-clinical for assessing and handling hard decisions in one’s life.
“Autoethnographic Approach on Classroom Management”
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Spanish
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Isabel Nunez (College of Professional Studies)
This project looks into Lydia’s lived experiences to see how they have shaped her. In this project, the author took an autoethnographic approach to highlight major moments within her education that stuck out to her as having an impact on her. Specifically, she will be looking at the way she was disciplined in the classroom while growing up and she will be aligning those to different classroom management systems. This project looks at key aspects of several classroom management styles with a brief description. Then they will be analyzed for which style of classroom management would work best for an individual based on their experiences and personality.
“Healthcare Industry Day”
Majors: Finance and Political Science
Certificate: Bank Management
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Toole (Political Science)
This project consists of two parts, a research paper and the organization of an event also titled Healthcare Industry Day. This event occurred on March 16th and brought together speakers from the wider healthcare industry and Purdue Fort Wayne and Indiana University Fort Wayne students so that the latter might learn about career paths within major anchor institutions in Fort Wayne and Northeast Indiana. Speakers were chosen to give representation to non-medical fields in the healthcare industry that might otherwise be overlooked by students who are not coming from a medical academic background. These included an Administrative Specialist, a human resources specialist, a Public Safety Officer, a Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer, and an Assistant Chief Executive Officer. These speakers came from Dupont Hospital and Lutheran Hospital, and were asked to share with students in interactive half hour segments over the course of the day. Each segment began with the speaker sharing about their own personal and professional backgrounds. They then described their current positions and the importance those roles had in allowing healthcare institutions to operate and medical professionals to perform their duties. This was followed by the speakers walking students through the education and professional paths that would lead to similar roles. After the speakers concluded, students were given time for questions and the opportunity to receive the speakers’ contact information. The attendees also heard from the Director of Purdue Fort Wayne’s MBA program about the process of earning an MBA and the experiences of MBA students with medical backgrounds who have sought to move into administrative roles in their institutions. Business students in attendance were also awarded points towards the Doermer School of Business’ Passport to Success program.
The research paper portion is a study of market conditions that may have an impact on the employment prospects of Purdue Fort Wayne students and others who are seeking to enter professions in the broader healthcare industry. The paper consists of analysis of data drawn from publicly available sources including state agencies, NGOs, county and city chambers of commerce, and other institutions with a vested interest in Northeast Indiana’s healthcare and educational infrastructure. This paper also seeks to put these labor trends in the wider context of developments across Indiana and at the national level.
“Sticks and Stones: The Changing Structure of Free Speech Protections and the Consequences of Hate Speech Jurisprudence”
Major: Political Science
Minor: Philosophy
Certificates: Peace and Conflict Studies and International Studies
Faculty Mentor: Professor Georgia Wralstad Ulmschneider J.D. (Political Science)
This paper, in examining multiple seminal free speech and hate speech court decisions, investigates the changing nature and structure of free speech, and ultimately, hate speech jurisprudence in the American judiciary. Approaching this investigation through a philosophical analytical framework, this paper seeks to ask to what extent the shifting philosophical conceptions between individualism and communitarianism in the American Constitutional narrative affect the hierarchical ordering of values within a polity as it pertains to and plays out in speech jurisprudence. The paper begins by analyzing early speech trials such as Abrams v. United States (1919) and Whitney v. California (1927), which set the foundation for hate speech jurisprudence, before moving into second generation speech trials that deal with hate speech more specifically, including Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942) and Beauharnais v. Illinois (1952). Next, the paper examines the golden age of free speech, the Civil Rights era, in which free speech and racial equality are tethered. However, later cases, such as Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), see this trajectory warp, where advancement of equality and the advancement of speech are de-linked, resulting in dangerous implications for the health of speech and the state of democracy. Finally, this paper looks at more recent movements to counteract unbridled free speech, deals with the implications of the current standard of jurisprudential practice and what should be done moving forward.
“Nativism and the New American “Demos”: Right-wing Populism and Immigration in the United States”
Major: Political Science
Minor: Spanish
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Toole (Political Science)
Who makes up the American “demos”? Philosophers and political scientists alike have grappled with the concept of who rightfully makes up the nation by which a democracy may be birthed. Similarly, discussions surrounding the proliferation of democracy and democratic consolidation have become of paramount importance in the field of Political Science. These discussions, however, take place at a time when we are seeing a global decrease in democratic rule and an increase in authoritarianism. In a seemingly connected fashion, populist movements on both ends of the political spectrum have seen a stark increase in support in recent years. I discuss in this paper specifically, how right-wing populist movements in the United States may act as an anti-democratic agent that erodes democratic consolidation, particularly when we examine the treatment of undocumented immigrants. Through examining several forms of quantitative and qualitative research, I concluded that the denial of citizenship, or certain political rights granted to citizens, does not inherently erode the democratic consolidation of the state as it does not exclude a portion of the population who are generally accepted as legitimate members of the citizenry from participating in the political society. However, the alienation of immigrants who are eligible and able to participate in the political society is highly undemocratic, and it is a nativist characteristic of right-wing populism that is discussed thoroughly in this paper.
“Prestige vs. Stigma: How the Power Differential Among Languages Impacts the Life of Accented Speakers”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minors: Linguistics and Special Education Mild Intervention K-12
Certificate: Gerontology
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Naomi Gurevich (Communication Sciences and Disorders) and Dr. Talia Bugel (International Language and Culture Studies)
Drawing parallels between the power differential among language varieties and that of world languages perceived as foreign accented speech in English, we examine the impact of such accents on individuals’ lives. Accentedness, as defined in language acquisition literature, is the extent of a foreign accent in one’s speech, which is thought of as depending on how much listeners perceive this speech to be different from their own variety.
We surveyed multilingual adults regarding the various ways their foreign language accents might impact their lives, and examined the association between accent thickness, the extent of impact on one's life, and which languages or language varieties were involved. Results tell the story of very different experiences among speakers that do not depend on the "thickness" of the accent or how comprehensible it is (e.g., an Arabic speaker in the Midwest vs. a Russian speaker in NYC). We conclude that the impact of having a foreign accent relates to the power differential among languages as well as to the “thickness” of the actual foreign accent and that this relationship is context/situation-specific. Gaining understanding into the impact of sociolinguistic and sociocultural power differentials will empower clinicians and educators to provide ethical, culturally aware, services to individuals with wide backgrounds of cultural and linguistic diversity. This would impact much of our scope of practice as SLPs, from providing accent modification treatment, to assessing and treating developmental and acquired communication disorders, to advocating for refugee communities, to navigating client and family education and counseling for culturally diverse populations.
“Equity, Burnout, and Challenges to American Literacy”
Major: English with writing concentration
Minors: Creative Writing and Business Writing
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Suzanne Rumsey (English)
American reading proficiency has been on a steady decline as of recently. About 130 million American adults read below a 6th grade reading level according to the US Department of Education. Additionally, about 66% of children studied by the National Assessment of Educational Progress have a reading level at or below a basic level, the lowest level of reading achievement designated by the NAEP. This is problematic for a number of reasons, including reading important government- or work-related documents, interpreting meaning and purpose from news articles, and reading published works with a critical eye. Clearly, something about the US education system needs to change, however, change at the federal level regarding education is difficult given that education is typically handled by state governments. The focus will be placed on what Indiana should do to increase the reading proficiency of its students through a series of equity policies, teacher support, and system restructuring. In order to determine what actions need to be taken regarding equity, common practices from Finnish education will be evaluated and adapted for the Hoosier school system. These common practices include free lunch for all students, mandatory meetings with a counselor, and a more flexible curriculum that focuses more on projects as opposed to testing. This would allow for students to explore specific topics that interest them and help them increase their understanding through the more natural experience of exploration as opposed to wrought memorization. In order to determine what actions need to be taken regarding teacher support, studies conducted in the United States will be analyzed to see what teachers feel are the most pressing of issues in their field. This will be done in combination with news reports on a variety of recent teacher strikes across the United States that highlight some of the issues that teachers are currently facing. This will solve the “teacher shortage” as some people will know it. While there is no shortage of qualified teachers available across the US, many of these teachers choose not to teach anymore for the many reasons that will be discovered and discussed by the sources used for these sections. Bringing back qualified teachers will decrease the overall workload on other educators and allow them to pay more personalized attention to students who are having trouble with their studies. Through a combination of policies aimed at supporting teachers and practices that introduce more equity into the school system, a plan for helping raise the reading proficiency of students in Indiana’s public school system will be laid out. The equity plans will help in ensuring that children of disadvantaged families receive the same learning opportunities as children of rich families while the teacher support policies will make sure educators have enough breathing room and fair pay to consider staying in the education field.
“Biomarkers of Ischemic Stroke: Are Predictors of Stroke in the Near Future?”
Major: Biology
Associate: Chemistry
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jaiyanth Daniel
Stroke has been a rising concern globally due to its high and increasing occurrence, mortality rate, and disability associated with stroke patients. Ischemic stroke arises from blockage in the arteries leading to the brain, which disrupts the delicate systems which keep the brain and associated cells in homeostatic state, leading to temporary and permanent cell damage (infarctions), neuroapoptosis, neurotoxicity, necrosis, autophagy, brain cell death, and even disabilities. The current approved and effective treatment for ischemic stroke is recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). The treatment window for tPA to be effective and not risk hemorrhaging is within 4.5 hours of ischemic stroke symptom onset, so early diagnosis or predictive strategies are needed to quickly treat ischemic stroke patients. Brain imaging is an effective diagnostic method, but equipment can be limited in areas with low income. Research currently looks to identify biomarkers that can be obtained easily, such as through serum samples, to diagnose ischemic stroke and administer treatment within the effective time frame. Many potential biomarkers specific to brain tissues such as S100B, GFAP, MMP-9, and hs-CRP have been identified and tested, however, the specificity and sensitivity is not reliable and varies between tests. Biomarker panels consisting of combinations of identified markers have been constructed with those containing more markers (ex. S100B, B-type neutrotrophic growth factor, von Willebrand factor, MMP-9, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1) having higher specificity and sensitivity. Platelets are another potential venue to find biomarkers, as research in platelet receptor and platelet-volume-to-lymphocyte ratio have been tested with varying degrees of success, although more research is required. miRNAs have also been found to be differentially expressed in ischemic stroke patients, and there are many miRNAs that have been investigated for their potential as ischemic stroke identifiers. The research on ischemic stroke biomarkers is still very limited, as many proteins and molecules have been identified in ischemic stroke patients, but not many have high potential to be effective and cost-effective biomarkers that can be utilized in early ischemic stroke diagnosis.
“IoT Gateway”
Majors: Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chao Chen (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is a rapidly growing industry that enables wireless communication and remote monitoring and control of devices. In response to the demand for IIoT solutions, Franklin Electric has tasked its senior design team with building an IoT gateway to accommodate a wide range of use cases for its electric and diesel motors, including electric motor drives, residential wells, farmland applications, wastewater pumps, etc.
The objective of the senior design team's project was to build an IoT gateway with an enclosure rated NEMA 3R to protect electrical equipment in various applications, including industrial, building, and utility. The team planned to shield the IoT gateway from electromagnetic and radio frequency interference and incorporate external antennas for better wireless range. Additionally, the team included an EMI shield for the cellular module and CANBUS hardware to communicate with Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and other devices reliably. Furthermore, the IoT gateway had featured an external sensing interface for temperature cycle testing, electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing, and hardware testing, along with SD card storage and a USB port for direct communication with other monitoring devices. Finally, the team implemented PCB changes using Altium Designer.
The expected outcome of the project was a fully functional IoT gateway capable of monitoring and controlling devices remotely using Wi-Fi, cellular network, or USB cable connections while protecting signals from disruption and interference. This solution allowed Franklin Electric to monitor and avoid electrical, mechanical, and environmental faults in its motors and provide greater visibility and control to its customers.
"Content-Based Instruction in the Common Classroom"
Majors: English and Secondary Education
Minor: Psychology
Certificate: TENL
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lucas Rodesiler (School of Education)
In ELL (English Language Learner) classrooms, there is discussion about the benefits of CBI (Content-Based Instruction) for the purpose of language learning. The goal of this type of instruction is that students are learning the language through the content instead of using English as the lesson itself. Research has shown thus far that this method is significantly faster and more productive in teaching the new language to these learners. While grammar is important when learning another language, through CBI students experience and experiment with the language first, then when needed, the teacher with elaborate on grammatical concepts when questions arise. I believe that there is something that ELA classrooms can gain from this research as well. The inquiry is this: How can we implement CBI in an ordinary classroom where the students are already fluent in English? How could a lesson plan or curricula change by having native English speakers learn and grasp ELA content, standards, and grammar by exploring content and hands-on practice like CBI suggests? In an ELL classroom CBI could look like the following: Students are told that they will be learning about nature preservation. They are given sentence starters (i.e., “I think ___ is a good idea because…”) to scaffold the language that they already know and introduce new grammatical concepts. From there, students read articles, watch videos, take observations of the nature around them, and collaborate with other students. If students decide that they want to take “real world” action, the teacher can guide them in doing so (i.e., how to write a strong letter to a waste management company or an elected official, build a community/school garden based on the research that they have gained, etc…). CBI can offer a way for students to try, fail, and learn this concept in a safe space. In an ELA classroom, this can look similar. Students are told that they will be studying nature preservation. The class can brainstorm together some ideas that they already have but would like to explore further. The teacher can then help students identify different resources. For example, a teacher might pose questions like the following: Casual language in a resource could indicate that we need to use more caution, but why? How does the language in a source change or guide our thought process? Similarly to the ELL context, if students decide that they want to take “real world” action, the teacher can guide them on what steps to take to accomplish that. The purpose of CBI is to teach students that language mastery is not the goal. The goal is to teach students about language context and discovery, which will lead them to a deep understanding of the language they use in everyday life. This project is to showcase that CBI can and does fit within the context of an ELA classroom.
“The Evolution of Labor Union Stratification and Its Impact on Political Power and Public Perception”
Majors: Political Science and Economics
Minor: History
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nodir Adilov (Economics and Finance) Dr. Heather L.R Tierney (Economics and Finance)
The research paper for the honors project showcase, inspired by the literature review, focuses on "The Evolution of Labor Union Stratification and Its Impact on Political Power and Public Perception." The study aims to understand the changes in labor union structure and how these transformations have affected their influence in politics and their perception among the general public.
A key concept in the research is the "theory of scarcity," which posits that union membership is influenced by the scarcity of resources and jobs. This theory, as discussed in the literature review, is supported by Selig Perlman's work and has been further refined by later economists. Another central element in the research is labor union stratification, which is analyzed using Nelson Lichtenstein's "State of the Union" and Joseph McCartin's "Collision Course." These sources provide a comprehensive historical account of significant developments in the American labor movement, highlighting the decentralization and fragmentation of the postwar bargaining system.
The research paper will explore the evolution of labor union stratification and its impact on political power and public perception by examining the historical context and the role of scarcity in shaping the labor movement. Through the analysis of key events, such as the PATCO strike and the rise of alternative bargaining practices, the study will seek to determine the underlying factors that have contributed to the decline in support for collective bargaining.
By investigating the various elements that have shaped the labor movement and union stratification, the research aims to provide valuable insights into the reasons behind the waning influence of unions in politics and public perception. Ultimately, the study will contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of labor union stratification and its implications on political power and public perception, offering potential avenues for revitalizing the labor movement and addressing the challenges faced by unions today.
“Difficulties in Music Streaming Royalties: Examining Revenue from Licensing Agreements and Big Data Accounting”
Majors: Music Industry and Accounting
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Barton Price (Music)
The development and rise in popularity of music streaming has changed the way people enjoy music around the world. It has also changed the structure of income sources, marketing, and operations in music industry. These changes have come with lots of critique from artists for the subsequent challenges of seeing revenues from these services at the end of the chain where streaming services pay labels, which then pay artists. This presentation will examine these concerns in the context of both licensing agreements for streaming services and the accounting methods that track and distribute revenues through the chain. The methods for investigating streaming revenue difficulties are first a synthesis of previous academic literature on the topic about the rise of streaming licensing, then an analysis of researcher experience with accounting for these revenues as a business manager for the university record label. There were a couple practical observations by the researcher and a synthesis of academic literature. When examining the accounting and licensing factors of the music streaming process, it can be observed that the landscape and outlook are improving in some way. However, the combination of difficulties observed in the research is not highly favorable to artists. The investigation found that there were difficulties with licensing agreements that minimized artist revenue, especially for smaller artists. Additionally, it found that accounting for these incomes from the many streaming services and splitting that to the different writers and performers was quite difficult given the abilities of current industry standard accounting software.
“A Small Business Analysis: Hop River Brewing Company”
Major: Hospitality Management
Certifications: TIPS and CHIA
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Wenjia Han (Hospitality and Tourism)
The paper focuses on building a business plan to help small businesses connect to their primary source of revenue which is the local community. The bond between the local community and the small business depends on a variety of factors such as the type of business and its current presence in the community.
Hop River Brewery Company was the model used in this project as a small business and the style of the writing was formed to target the business owners as a consulting report for their business. Hop River Brewing Company is a microbrewery business located in Fort Wayne who has been operating for five years. Consulting was done for them to determine what their biggest difficulties have been and provide solutions that could be applied to their business.
Through in-depth research into their company, their local and national competitors, and their customer reviews on three different platforms a survey was then supplied to their consumers on site which was constructed on the findings of initial research. After the survey was conducted, the data was then analyzed to inform possible solutions. The more vital solutions provided were divided into three areas, beer, food, and service/environment as these were the areas which were found to need more attention. Solutions ranged from collaboration with local food trucks to productivity on social media, to collaboration with local artists.
“Designing a Dynamic Assessment Task to Identify Language Impairments in Children”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minor: Psychology
Certificate: Behavioral Analysis and Techniques
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stacy Betz (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
In the field of speech-language pathology, there are multiple assessments used to diagnose children with either speech or language disorders. Most assessments are static assessments that measure current skills at one given time point. Dynamic assessments are a less common type of test given to children to assist in diagnosis. This serves the purpose of determining how quickly children benefit from intervention, and it shows valuable information about children’s language learning abilities. Nonword learning has been used in prior studies as a type of dynamic assessment task, although not for diagnostic purposes. This study aims to develop an engaging task that could be used clinically. Several research studies were analyzed to design a theoretically effective task titled “Zarble”, a new dynamic assessment procedure that uses implicit teaching of nonwords to children. Three nonword nouns and three nonword verbs were methodically chosen and assigned to specific game pieces and actions to perform during the game. This task is theoretically sound because it is heavily research-based. Because it fits the typical time constraints of other current static assessments, it would be clinically feasible. Therefore, it would also be plausible for speech-language pathologists to use this task in a clinical setting to diagnose children with vocabulary deficits. Future research steps to validate this task would be to collect data and determine if children with typical language perform with higher accuracy than those with language impairments.
“Characterizing Genetic Modifiers of Obesity through the AKHR Pathway”
Major: Biology
Associate: Chemical Methods
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Certificate: Biology Research
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Palu (Biology)
Obesity poses a global health issue, affecting over 2.1 billion people. This complex metabolic disease can be attributed to both environmental and inherited factors. As the latter is less well understood, the genetic contribution to obesity poses a topic of interest. It is known that processes such as lipid metabolism and hormone signaling are often disrupted in obese individuals. However, there is limited understanding on what genes affect these processes and the extent in which they do so. Given this, the glucagon signaling pathway will be suppressed to model obesity in the fruit fly. Glucagon is involved in the stimulation of lipases, which are key enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fat. Inhibiting this action prevents this process from occurring and leads to obesity. This can be observed in Drosophila melanogaster through the loss of the adipokinetic hormone receptor (AKHR), the analogue for the glucagon receptor. AKHR normally induces a response to starvation and helps maintain metabolic homeostasis. Reducing expression of AKHR inhibits these responses, particularly fat breakdown. To determine if genetic background influences this phenotype, we are crossing a model of reduced AKHR expression with the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP), consisting of 200+ inbred, fully sequenced fly strains. This tool allows for the identification of variation associated with an obese or lean phenotype. To monitor variation in stored triglycerides and obesity, we use a larval density assay previously described in Reis et al. 2010 PloS Gen and other publications. As our quantitative readout we used the concentration of sucrose at which half the larvae for each strain float which is denoted as the FC50 value. Strains with lower FC50 values indicate higher fat content given that they float sooner because of lower density. The contrary can be observed for strains with higher FC50 values which are associated with a lean phenotype, floating later because of higher density. These values are used to run a genome-wide association analysis to identify candidate modifier genes. These modifier genes may increase or decrease one’s risk for obesity which can be targeted when designing treatment options. A preliminary GWA has already been completed allowing for a compilation of several candidate genes which are currently being investigated. Characterization of these modifiers will aid in determining which ones are most likely altering the disease model. The findings may be tested through density and biochemical assays in the near future. This will allow for further characterization of these genes, leading to advancement in therapeutics.
“Predicting Regional Weather Patterns in the United States”
Major: Actuarial Science
Minors: Business Studies and Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Yvonne Zubovic (Mathematical Science)
The increasing frequency and severity of severe weather events have become a significant concern due to the potential impacts on human life, property damage, and economic losses. Climate change is believed to be one of the contributing factors to these changes in weather patterns, with rising temperatures and atmospheric changes altering the conditions that give rise to severe weather events.
Predictive models are being developed to forecast weather patterns, specifically tornadoes. These models use a combination of historical weather data, satellite imagery, and real-time data to make predictions about the likelihood of tornado formation in a particular region. Machine learning techniques, such as neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines, have been used to develop accurate and efficient models.
One of the key challenges in developing predictive models for tornadoes is the complexity of the phenomenon itself. Tornado formation is influenced by a range of factors, including temperature, humidity, wind shear, and atmospheric pressure, making it difficult to accurately predict tornado occurrence. Additionally, the limited availability of data and the need for real-time data for accurate predictions pose significant challenges.
Despite these challenges, predictive models for tornadoes have shown promise in improving the accuracy of tornado forecasts. By using advanced techniques such as machine learning, these models can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that can help forecast tornadoes more accurately. With further development and refinement, these models could provide significant benefits in terms of improving public safety and minimizing the impact of severe weather events. The machine learning model seen in this study analyzes the weather events recorded from 2010-2020 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s (NOAA) Storm Weather Database. This database is comprised of multiple variables that are studied and used to analyze weather event frequencies, size, deaths, and economic costs. The predictive model found in this study looks specifically at tornadoes to determine if we can accurately predict the EF Scale using only the size of the storm without knowing the wind speeds. This model uses classification and regression methods to study the size and costs of these severe weather events. Furthering this analysis, the model is then used to investigate if storms are becoming more severe as time goes on.
“ENTRE-U: Measuring the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Fort Wayne Universities (Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana Tech, Saint Francis)”
Major: Accounting Faculty
Mentor: Dr. Želimir William Todorović (Management and Marketing)
The concept of entrepreneurship has long fascinated researchers and has been the driving force behind America’s growth since its birth. Universities have always been one of the biggest cultivators of the entrepreneurial spirit due to their committed professors and state-of-the-art technology. Nevertheless, over the past few years funding for collegiate research has taken a staggering hit. Furthermore, researchers no longer have the incentive to turn a concept into a physical product. Whether this is due to state budget cuts, enrollment declines, the federal portion of funding steadily decreasing, or faculty being awarded tenure and promotion based on measures such as how much research money they bring in and how many papers they get published versus the number of patents, startups, or licensing revenue they earn from commercialization, there is an apparent concern for universities turning away from being an entrepreneurial beacon of America. Therefore, it is critical for universities to have the ability to measure how entrepreneurially oriented they are to invoke change and encourage patents or spinouts. The way entrepreneurial orientation can be measured is with the utilization of the ENTRE-U scale. This scale is a set of 23 questions that focus on four different factors: research mobilization, unconventionality, industry collaboration, and university policies. These four factors that comprise the ENTRE-U scale accurately measure the entrepreneurial orientation of a university with regards to their likelihood to promote entrepreneurial commercialization through patents or spinouts.
For the purpose of this study, the universities that will be researched are the University of Purdue Fort Wayne, the University of Saint Francis (Fort Wayne), and the University of Indiana Tech. The ENTRE-U survey was sent out to every department chair, department head, and program director of each of the stated universities. The heads of the departments received the survey because they are the most knowledgeable about what goes on in their department and have the most experience with what resources are available. This academic thesis will present the findings stemming from the ENTRE-U survey to help enhance the emphasis on entrepreneurship in Fort Wayne universities. Keywords: ENTRE-U, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial commercialization, universities, patents, spinouts
“Democratic Retrogression of Hungary”
Major: Political Science
Minor: Economics
Certificates: Financial Economics and International Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Toole (Political Science)
This research seeks to evaluate the declining state of democracy seen in Hungary since 2010. As Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz government has evolved during its second term in office, elements of Hungary’s well-established democracy have begun to wither. This research will analyze three alternative reasons as to why this decline has taken place: economics, political culture, and elite political self-interest. Each element will be compared to the operationalized definition of democracy as given by Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan. Methods of the following work are focused on a combination of secondary literature and opinion polls. While each of these three elements are significant to Hungary’s democratic retrogression, this research has found that the most influential force at work is Viktor Orbán and elite political self-interest. In preventing another political defeat, Orbán was able to manipulate the constitutionality of the well-established Hungarian constitution and was also able to mobilize support for the Fidesz regime in various ways. In addition to this, this research proves that there is a third reverse wave of democratization, as originally outlined by Samuel Huntington, and that Hungary is an example of this phenomena. This answer is significant as the Hungarian case represents one with potential for replication in other nations. More specifically, Hungary maintained a strong democracy for nearly twenty years. During those twenty years, multiple political parties competed in free and fair elections with a democratic constitution ruling over the government as a whole. Through careful thought and manipulation, this system was gradually torn apart by the Fidesz government while Hungary’s economic and cultural sectors aided in the backsliding. Understanding the Hungarian case is essential to preventing further democratic decline in Hungary and in other nations alike. For the interests of the United States specifically, it is favorable to ensure that fellow NATO members do not fall to authoritarian rule in similar ways.
“Supporting the Female Caregiver in the 21st Century Workforce”
Major: Communications
Concentration: Rhetoric and Public Advocacy
Minor: Organizational Leadership
Faculty Mentor: Professor Marietta Frye (Organizational Leadership)
The amount of women in the workforce has significantly increased throughout the years. However, many women feel as if they are not properly supported in their professional careers in regard to women’s health issues, maternity leave, and family life. Thus, businesses are struggling to retain talent, specifically the female caregiver, due to this lack of support. This research study focuses on creating a cultural comparison of other countries' support systems for women across the world in relation to the United States’ policies. The study will explore the three areas mentioned above and provide a handbook for organizations to implement to increase retention.
When discussing the “female caregiver”, it is important to note that this includes female-identifying individuals who are the sole caregiver for their family (whether that is spousal support, being a mother, or taking primary care of another family member) and who experience a menstrual cycle/related biological female health issues. Through a comprehensive analysis of the minimal amount of existing research in this field, a new policy will be proposed for those in leadership positions at any given organization that promotes gender equality and a more supportive work environment for the female caregiver according to those three categories. With the adaptation of these new policies, organizations can expect to build a more loyal staff and decrease the turnover rate for their business.
“The Effect of L-theanine on the Immunological Stress Response in Nile Tilapia”
Major: Biology
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Minor: French
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ahmed Mustafa (Biology)
Fishes are one of the top sources of animal proteins. However, their protein contents can be reduced in various ways, one of them being stressed which eventually leads them to be immune compromised. Fish farmers try to solve these problems with the use of antibiotics and other chemical drugs. These chemicals can be harmful to fish, further reducing their protein quality. A safer and more natural alternative is the use of nutraceuticals.
This project investigates the effect of L-theanine on lysozyme and macrophage activity of acutely stressed Nile tilapia and determined the best concentration for modulating stress. L-theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid obtained from Camellia sinensis. It is believed to be responsible for the relaxing effect found in green tea. The fish for this project were divided into 4 groups: a stress control group, and 3 treatment groups administered with different concentrations of L-theanine (0.0002%, 0.0004%, and 0.001% L-Theanine). The fish were subjected to hormonal stress by the administration of hydrocortisone (0.01% of their body weight). The lysozyme and phagocytic capacity were analyzed using the lysozyme activity assay (LAA) and the proportions of positive macrophages. Treatment groups showed lower lysozyme and macrophage activities, however, no significant difference was observed when compared to the stress control. Due to the trend observed in the data, I concluded that a higher concentration of L-theanine might be needed to significantly modulate stress.
“Theatre in Antiquity and its Relationship to Religion”
Major: History and Theatre
Minor: Sociology and Medieval Studies
Faculty Mentor: Professor Mark Ridgeway (Theatre)
The present study investigated theatre in antiquity and its relationship with religion; in addition, this study compared present-day theatre’s relationship with religion as a means to understand how theatre has changed over time. Ancient theatre serves as the foundation to theatre as it is known today, despite the seemingly strong differences between the two worlds. In addition, knowledge of ancient theatre in many aspects is lost and misunderstood as texts over time have become partially or completely lost to time. It was understood the intense relationship between theatre of antiquity and religion, but it was yet to be discovered the extent of this relationship as well as how deeply it affected the theatrical society around it. The focus of this study was to dive deeper into the knowledge of ancient theatre with a small glimpse into how theatrical society has been changed by the foundations of theatre. However, while there is much research defining and exampling theatre of antiquity and its relation to religion, there is little research examining how these factors have carried on into modern-day theatre. This study utilized information compiled by previous researchers as well as detailed through a few examples of primary resources from antiquity in order to portray a broad understanding of the theatre of antiquity accurately and effectively. Broad understandings of the culture and theatre of antiquity allowed for conclusions to be made about theatre that will help push research forward. Furthermore, discovered was how deeply theatrical antiquity has affected modern-day theatre—a point of research many do not take into consideration. Having a base knowledge of theatre in antiquity not only enriches the current research but provides a stepping stool for future studies. Overall, this study aims to provide a deeper understanding of theatre of antiquity in areas that are sparser in information as well as detail how this tradition of theatre has carried on into today’s world.
“Analysis of the Needs and Preferences of Food Pantry Visitors”
Major: Biochemistry
Minor: Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Haiek Park (Hospitality and Tourism Management)
Dietary lifestyle changes are a major form of treatment for many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, celiac disease/gluten sensitivity, and lactose intolerance. Many people rely on restrictive diets to manage these diseases. The presence of these restrictive diets among food pantry visitors may pose barriers to food access, and their prevalence is understudied. Additionally, people with these diseases may not know what types of food choices they should make while selecting food. The goal of this study is to investigate health-based dietary restrictions among food pantry visitors. To accomplish this, self-complete surveys were administered at the Walb Student Union and Student Clubhouse locations of the PFW Pantry (n = 264). The survey collected self-reported health information, opinions on food selection, opinions on food preparation type, and some demographic information of the participants. The collected health information served to probe what preexisting health conditions and potential dietary consequences of these conditions exist in this community. The opinions on food selection and food preparation type served to question whether the food available at the respective pantries served the needs of the visitors adequately. Finally, the collected demographic information assisted in contextualizing the data collected. We report in this study, potential correlations between the health status of the pantry visitors, measured demographic information, and the perspective indicated by the pantry visitors. We note trends in demographic characteristics such as income and level of attained education with the prevalence of various diseases which influence the diet of the study participants. We also identified correlations between the presence of these diseases and the perspectives surrounding food the affected individual had. These observed correlations will be used to guide the policies of pantries to better cater to the population they serve. In general, the results of this study shed light on some of the potential challenges individuals face when trying to obtain food from a food pantry, and will hopefully guide decisions food pantries make in the future to foster inclusivity.
“Eleemosynary: Flying with Costume Design”
Major: Theatre with a concertation in Design and Technology
Minor: Creative Writing
Faculty Mentor: Professor Austin Rausch (Department of Theatre)
“Charitable; the giving of alms.” This is Eleemosynary by Lee Blessing. The play follows the lives of the Westbrook women, Dorothea, Artie and Echo. The audience members are transported through the memories of these women and learn what makes them so different from each other and the ways that they are the same. Eleemosynary was a realized production from the Department of Theatre in the Fall Semester of 2022 and was directed by Professor Jeffrey Casazza. The main challenge of designing costumes for the production was creating distinct looks for each character while finding ways to connect them together. A particularly poignant element to consider is the construction of the wings from 1958, crafted by Dorothea herself. It had to maintain resilience and ease of movement while also appearing homemade. These problems were resolved through the design process. The design process begins with the play. It must be read through several times then analyzed by developing a research bible. The costume research was conducted during the time of the play, the Eighties, although the wings were inspired by contemporary sources. Several sketches were presented at the production meetings, which are a series of meetings that occur with the director, production coordinator, and the scenic, costume, and lighting designers. These positions are primarily held by the professors of the Department of Theatre. All departments collaborate together in order to resolve any potential issues before they occur. Once the director approves of the designs, final renderings are created with the casted performers. A budget sheet for all costume pieces required is made. Anything costume-related is relayed to the costume shop, run by Clinical Assistant Professor Jeanne Pendleton. Most costume pieces were either pulled from stock or bought online, then altered to fit the actress. Dorothea’s costume was entirely built in the shop by the students and the costume shop supervisor because it was too specific to find online or in stock. This was the same for the wings. The last step is observing the costumes and wings in rehearsals to solve any last-minute problems. Finally, the costumes and wings are ready for the production. The costume designs were well researched and constructed in a thoughtful manner. The costumes contrasted the scenic design but did not pull focus from it. The performers felt confident in their costumes and performed without any issues. Color and silhouettes became a major asset in defining each character. The idea of color interaction and color mixing drove the designs. Dorothea’s flowing clothes shows off her playful side. In comparison, Artie’s suit reveals her distant nature. Echo is somewhere in the middle because of the influences of both women in her life. The wings themselves are constructed like a quilt. Doing so made them lightweight and simple to wear. Costume design is a great communication tool to provide insight on a characters’ personality. Echo says that words gives her the ability to fly. The same happens with costumes. Costumes gives designers the opportunity to fly and reveal their voice.
“Poetry and Photography”
Major: Art and Design
Faculty Mentor: Professor James Gabbard (Art and Design)
During my second year at Purdue Fort Wayne, I took a class with Professor James Gabbard titled, “Photo III: Conceptual Imaging.” In this class, students were given a list of poetry and quotes to create photographs that reflected the writing. Students were also given the option to switch out one of the writings if they wanted to. I decided to switch out my last writing with a poem I wrote for my mother based on a story from her past. The poem reflected a story about my mother and her siblings running down into the woods and creating a land full of imagination. A few months passed and it was time to schedule classes for my final semester. This was when Professor James Gabbard proposed the idea for an independent study with him. The idea was to create a series of poems that I would write while also taking a series of photos to reflect the poem. In my entire life, I have only written two poems so this was going to be a challenge. As part of this project, five poems will be written about different topics, along with a collection of photographs to accompany each poem. I have also created original costumes to match the theme of the poems for each photoshoot. By the time the project is finished, I intend to design a book that combines the poems and photographs. Writing creates this freedom that is not bound by others’ words and allows me to create any world or theme I want. Adding creative writing to photos allows me to connect to them on a more personal level. The photographs will provide a visual interpretation of the poems. The combination of both poems and photographs into a book will allow them to be presented in a unique way. As a result, I will be able to grow my creative process from the beginning to the end of this project.
“Effects of Trap Position and Bait Age on Capture Success of Freshwater Turtles”
Majors: Biology
Concentration: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Associate: Chemical methods
Certificate: Research
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mark Jordan (Biology)
When foreign stimuli, or novelties are placed into a natural environment. These stimuli can then become normal to species of the environment, and thus make it less likely for species to interact with said stimuli. This situation becomes problematic for population surveys using traps. This trend was seen to be true during the 5-year population survey at Eagle Marsh Nature Preserve as duration of survey affected capture success. Earlier days are seen with higher capture rates that then decrease during the remaining days. The purpose of this study is to test if habituation and novelty are linked to capture success, first by identifying the trend from the previous 5 years and applying changes to methodology. Changes consisted of trap movement and rebaiting of traps. The analysis of the five-year study shows that turtles caught per trap per night of the combined years shows that there is indeed a negative trend of capture success decreasing each day consistently across years. In order to see if this could be changed, two different methodology changes were tested over two weeks with one method being tested each week. Over this two-week time period 21 painted turtles and 8 common snapping turtles were captured. Some results of this study are inconclusive, this is due to the combined factors of raccoon interference with traps which resulted in half the traps being pulled. 8 of the 21 painted turtles were obtained from collapsible minnow traps. Results of this study provide evidence that possible methodology changes could play a key role in increasing capture success rates, as capture success minorly increased with rebating in week two.
“The Effects of Corruption on the Economy of Vietnam”
Majors: Political Science and Economics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Heather L.R Tierney (Economics and Finance)
The effects of corruption on the economy of Vietnam at the provincial level are analyzed in this study. Between 2002 and 2021, the developing country’s GDP per capita increased 3.6 times, reaching almost US$3,700. However, it ranks 87th out of 180 countries in the Transparency International's 2021 Corruption Perception Index. The international literature provides ample evidence that corruption has a negative impact on the growth of the economy. Nevertheless, there has been only a limited number of studies done on the same topic for Vietnam.
A panel dataset for all 63 Vietnamese provinces and cities was built using data from the national General Statistics Office of Vietnam and the provincial competitiveness index (PCI). Nevertheless, since the country has only publicized economic data relatively recently, getting accurate and consistent data was a problem and the dataset could only include 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020. The dependent variable is Monthly Income per Capita and control variables are Population, Area, Retail of goods and services, Non-farm individual Businesses, Index of Industrial Production, Fixed asset and long-term investment by Province. Measures of Corruption are answers from the PCI’s surveys based on Transparency, Unofficial Charges, and Legal Institutions criteria. Running GLS regressions on the panel dataset show that there are random effects for the 8 different models. However, they also show the necessity of complete data to test for unit roots within the variables.
Fall 2022 Honors Showcase Participants
"Mental Illness Attitudes Among Africans"
Major: Psychology
Minor: French
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Carol Lawton (Psychology)
In this study, I will be exploring the mental illness attitudes in African communities in Fort Wayne, IN, USA. Much of the existing literature on mental health perceptions amongst immigrants focuses on Asian or Hispanic population groups. However, not much study has been conducted to examine the mental illness attitudes of African Immigrants. This new study will provide an insight into the attitudes of African immigrants towards mental illnesses and pave a way for future mental health strategies in this community. Mental Illness Attitudes (MIA) is defined as the general attitudes and knowledge participants have towards mental illness and people with symptoms of mental illness. In addition, MIA is defined as the participants’ perceived causes of mental illness and how receptive they are of people who have been diagnosed with mental illness. My hypothesis is younger Africans born in USA or born in Africa but have spent most of their years living in USA (came to US before the age of 8) will have less stigmatized attitudes about mental illnesses compared to immigrants born and raised in Africa. Research will be conducted through online questionnaires given to 40 younger Africans born in USA or born in Africa but have spent most of their years living in USA (came to US before the age of 8) and 40 immigrants born and raised in Africa. Participants will be recruited from local churches and organizations in Fort Wayne. Using social media platforms such as WhatsApp groups and emails, I will send questionnaires containing demographic information like age, gender, birthplace, when they arrived in USA, language, and education to each participant. Furthermore, the Mental Health Knowledge Schedule (MAKS), the Community Attitudes Towards Mental Illness (CAMI), the Reported and Intended Behavior Scales (RIBS) will be used to assess participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards mental illness. After data has been collected, I will compare responses from the two groups stated in the hypothesis. I expect younger Africans born here/ born in Africa but have spent most of their years in USA (came to US before the age of 8) to have less stigmatized attitudes about mental illnesses compared to immigrants born and raised in Africa.
“Movement Based Therapy to Stimulate Language Recovery in Post Stroke Aphasia”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minors: Spanish, Linguistics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Christopher Grindrod (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that affects an individual’s ability to communicate in terms of language production and comprehension. The use of Motion Based Therapy (MBT) in aphasia has been talked about for years, but very little work has been published on the topic. In an attempt to weigh the benefits and impact of MBT in aphasia, I conducted a literature review on this topic. My hypothesis is that MBT will show significant improvement compared to conventional Speech-Language Therapy in patients with aphasia. After looking at the connection between the language and motor systems, I found that although there is little research on this topic, there is significant evidence supporting its benefits and effectiveness. The idea behind MBT is that the motor and language systems are intertwined and could provide a mutual benefit when targeted simultaneously via one treatment. Significant evidence shows that when language therapy is combined with movements, such as having a patient mimic a therapist as they point, patients with aphasia are able to better understand and retain the language skills being targeted.
“Design Optimization of Heat Sinks in Central Processing Units (CPUs) by Numerical Simulation”
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Zhuming Bi (Mechanical Engineering)
Heats sinks are frequently used to increase the rate of heat loss in various devices and machines. A field where heat sinks are the most common are computer components. This investigation models two different heat sink designs with different fin shapes utilized for cooling a desktop CPU in a 3-D transient heat transfer analysis using the FEA method, a linear discrete mathematical model in the time domain. The heat sinks were constructed in SolidWorks while ensuring their overall mass and material remained constant. The thermal loads, boundary and initial conditions were applied to each design using the Simulation feature in SoildWorks. It was ensured that both heat sinks were analyzed under the same environmental condition of constant heat flux and natural convection on exposed surfaces. Following this, a 3-D transient thermal analysis was conducted over a period of 1000 seconds with a 10 second time interval. The CPU temperature at the base of the heat sinks were compared between the models as well as the amount of time taken to reach steady-state conditions. The results highlighted key differences in effectiveness of the different heat sink designs with one specific design reaching steady-state conditions much quicker than the other designs. Next, the model was verified by comparing to another computational model utilizing the finite element method created using Ansys, a multi-physics engineering simulation software package for product design. The results from the two models matched closely with a few discrepancies caused by how each software package meshes geometries. The difference in steady state CPU temperature between the two models was only approximately 0.294 %. To ensure that the obtained results were representative of real-world occurrences, a prototype of one of the heat sinks was constructed and validation tests were conducted. These tests showcased that the results obtained through numerical simulation was indeed valid. Overall, the investigation was conducted successfully. The different heat sink designs were compared, and their performance evaluated accurately. The mathematical and computational model was also verified using Ansys and a prototype was eventually used to conduct validation tests; consequently, proving that the results obtained were accurate and reliable.
“Large Sample Asymptotics for Correlated Random Variables”
Majors: Mathematics and Data Science and Applied Statistics
Minors: Computer Science and Actuarial Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alessandro Selvitella (Mathematics)
Data Science is an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, and engineering whose goal is to extract meaningful information from data. Data Science methods emerged as prominent in the study of very large and complex data sets often referred to as Big Data. Asymptotic theorems, such as the Central Limit Theorem, provide theoretical guarantees for the statistical analysis of data with large independent (or almost independent) samples. Data collected in many fields, especially those from the biomedical sciences, do not satisfy traditional assumptions of asymptotic theorems. A common paradigm is that of Supervised Learning whose goal is to produce accurate predictive models for labelled data. To measure the accuracy of such models, researchers use cross-validation which is a model evaluation method which assumes that the sample available is representative of the population under study, Cross-validation trains multiple models on exhaustive and mutually exclusive subsets and test them on the complementary set of each of those subsets. The accuracies of those models are then averaged to produce a final estimate. It is hard to produce asymptotic theorems for cross-validation accuracy, because the basic assumptions of the Central Limit Theorem do not apply. This honors’ project aims at the development of asymptotic theorems for cross-validation accuracy in the case of complex, dependent data. During this presentation, we hint at important examples from the biological sciences.
“The Impact of Mnemonics and EOL Judgments on Recall of Psychology Terms”
Major: Psychology
Minor: Human Services
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Bendele (Psychology)
Mnemonics are a widely known tool and seem to be effective in learning a variety of information including foreign-language words, definitions, and medical terminology (Dunlosky et al., 2013). However, some researchers (Dunlosky et al., 2013) review situations in which mnemonics appear to be ineffective or not practical (e.g., coming up with a mnemonic is difficult, amount of time to study the mnemonic takes up a lot of class time). The current study will encourage the learning of fourteen commonly known psychological terms and their definitions. In order to do this, participants will be assigned to one of the following learning conditions: (1) definition (rote rehearsal of information), (2) verbal keyword (study the definition with a keyword used in a sentence), and (3) imagery/keyword (participants are to image the keyword used in a sentence). Prior to participating in the learning phase, participants are asked provide Ease of Learning judgments for each item. The purpose of this study is to see: (1) if type of learning influences performance on a test of the learned material; (2) if Ease of Learning judgments predict later use of various mnemonic techniques, and (3) if there is an interaction between these two variables. Successful use of a mnemonic might depend on the type of mnemonic being used and the level of difficult of the item.
“Patterns in Forest Structure in a Second-Growth Hardwood Forest”
Major: Biology
Concentration: Ecology and Evolution
Associate: Chemistry (Chemical Methods)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jordan Marshall (Biology)
This study examined the relationships between dominant understory species and overall forest structure in a northeast Indiana second-growth hardwood forest. A forest survey consisting of 50 tenth hectare plots was conducted at the PFW Plex Forest in summer 2022 to obtain tree and shrub species identification, species counts, and canopy cover. Soil type data was obtained using the U.S.D.A Web Soil Survey. Linear regression, non-metric multi-dimensional scaling, and a maximum entropy species distribution model were used to identify how dominant understory species are related to species diversity and ecological parameters. Our results suggest that the survey area is a maple-basswood forest type, and that sugar maple (Acer saccharum), Eastern hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and Northern spicebush (Lindera benzoin) are dominant understory species. The proportion of conspecifics in higher forest layers had a significant correlation to understory abundance for only one species studied, suggesting that the occurrence of these species is not purely influenced by recruitment patterns. The understory distributions of these species were strongly associated with species diversity in higher forest layers.
"Mental Illness Attitudes Among Africans"
Major: Psychology
Minor: French
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Carol Lawton (Psychology)
In this study, I will be exploring the mental illness attitudes in African communities in Fort Wayne, IN, USA. Much of the existing literature on mental health perceptions amongst immigrants focuses on Asian or Hispanic population groups. However, not much study has been conducted to examine the mental illness attitudes of African Immigrants. This new study will provide an insight into the attitudes of African immigrants towards mental illnesses and pave a way for future mental health strategies in this community. Mental Illness Attitudes (MIA) is defined as the general attitudes and knowledge participants have towards mental illness and people with symptoms of mental illness. In addition, MIA is defined as the participants’ perceived causes of mental illness and how receptive they are of people who have been diagnosed with mental illness. My hypothesis is younger Africans born in USA or born in Africa but have spent most of their years living in USA (came to US before the age of 8) will have less stigmatized attitudes about mental illnesses compared to immigrants born and raised in Africa. Research will be conducted through online questionnaires given to 40 younger Africans born in USA or born in Africa but have spent most of their years living in USA (came to US before the age of 8) and 40 immigrants born and raised in Africa. Participants will be recruited from local churches and organizations in Fort Wayne. Using social media platforms such as WhatsApp groups and emails, I will send questionnaires containing demographic information like age, gender, birthplace, when they arrived in USA, language, and education to each participant. Furthermore, the Mental Health Knowledge Schedule (MAKS), the Community Attitudes Towards Mental Illness (CAMI), the Reported and Intended Behavior Scales (RIBS) will be used to assess participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards mental illness. After data has been collected, I will compare responses from the two groups stated in the hypothesis. I expect younger Africans born here/ born in Africa but have spent most of their years in USA (came to US before the age of 8) to have less stigmatized attitudes about mental illnesses compared to immigrants born and raised in Africa.
“Large Sample Asymptotics for Correlated Random Variables”
Majors: Mathematics and Data Science and Applied Statistics
Minors: Computer Science and Actuarial Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alessandro Selvitella (Mathematics)
Data Science is an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, and engineering whose goal is to extract meaningful information from data. Data Science methods emerged as prominent in the study of very large and complex data sets often referred to as Big Data. Asymptotic theorems, such as the Central Limit Theorem, provide theoretical guarantees for the statistical analysis of data with large independent (or almost independent) samples. Data collected in many fields, especially those from the biomedical sciences, do not satisfy traditional assumptions of asymptotic theorems. A common paradigm is that of Supervised Learning whose goal is to produce accurate predictive models for labelled data. To measure the accuracy of such models, researchers use cross-validation which is a model evaluation method which assumes that the sample available is representative of the population under study, Cross-validation trains multiple models on exhaustive and mutually exclusive subsets and test them on the complementary set of each of those subsets. The accuracies of those models are then averaged to produce a final estimate. It is hard to produce asymptotic theorems for cross-validation accuracy, because the basic assumptions of the Central Limit Theorem do not apply. This honors’ project aims at the development of asymptotic theorems for cross-validation accuracy in the case of complex, dependent data. During this presentation, we hint at important examples from the biological sciences.
“Movement Based Therapy to Stimulate Language Recovery in Post Stroke Aphasia”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minors: Spanish, Linguistics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Christopher Grindrod (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that affects an individual’s ability to communicate in terms of language production and comprehension. The use of Motion Based Therapy (MBT) in aphasia has been talked about for years, but very little work has been published on the topic. In an attempt to weigh the benefits and impact of MBT in aphasia, I conducted a literature review on this topic. My hypothesis is that MBT will show significant improvement compared to conventional Speech-Language Therapy in patients with aphasia. After looking at the connection between the language and motor systems, I found that although there is little research on this topic, there is significant evidence supporting its benefits and effectiveness. The idea behind MBT is that the motor and language systems are intertwined and could provide a mutual benefit when targeted simultaneously via one treatment. Significant evidence shows that when language therapy is combined with movements, such as having a patient mimic a therapist as they point, patients with aphasia are able to better understand and retain the language skills being targeted.
“The Impact of Mnemonics and EOL Judgments on Recall of Psychology Terms”
Major: Psychology
Minor: Human Services
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Bendele (Psychology)
Mnemonics are a widely known tool and seem to be effective in learning a variety of information including foreign-language words, definitions, and medical terminology (Dunlosky et al., 2013). However, some researchers (Dunlosky et al., 2013) review situations in which mnemonics appear to be ineffective or not practical (e.g., coming up with a mnemonic is difficult, amount of time to study the mnemonic takes up a lot of class time). The current study will encourage the learning of fourteen commonly known psychological terms and their definitions. In order to do this, participants will be assigned to one of the following learning conditions: (1) definition (rote rehearsal of information), (2) verbal keyword (study the definition with a keyword used in a sentence), and (3) imagery/keyword (participants are to image the keyword used in a sentence). Prior to participating in the learning phase, participants are asked provide Ease of Learning judgments for each item. The purpose of this study is to see: (1) if type of learning influences performance on a test of the learned material; (2) if Ease of Learning judgments predict later use of various mnemonic techniques, and (3) if there is an interaction between these two variables. Successful use of a mnemonic might depend on the type of mnemonic being used and the level of difficult of the item.
“Design Optimization of Heat Sinks in Central Processing Units (CPUs) by Numerical Simulation”
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Zhuming Bi (Mechanical Engineering)
Heats sinks are frequently used to increase the rate of heat loss in various devices and machines. A field where heat sinks are the most common are computer components. This investigation models two different heat sink designs with different fin shapes utilized for cooling a desktop CPU in a 3-D transient heat transfer analysis using the FEA method, a linear discrete mathematical model in the time domain. The heat sinks were constructed in SolidWorks while ensuring their overall mass and material remained constant. The thermal loads, boundary and initial conditions were applied to each design using the Simulation feature in SoildWorks. It was ensured that both heat sinks were analyzed under the same environmental condition of constant heat flux and natural convection on exposed surfaces. Following this, a 3-D transient thermal analysis was conducted over a period of 1000 seconds with a 10 second time interval. The CPU temperature at the base of the heat sinks were compared between the models as well as the amount of time taken to reach steady-state conditions. The results highlighted key differences in effectiveness of the different heat sink designs with one specific design reaching steady-state conditions much quicker than the other designs. Next, the model was verified by comparing to another computational model utilizing the finite element method created using Ansys, a multi-physics engineering simulation software package for product design. The results from the two models matched closely with a few discrepancies caused by how each software package meshes geometries. The difference in steady state CPU temperature between the two models was only approximately 0.294 %. To ensure that the obtained results were representative of real-world occurrences, a prototype of one of the heat sinks was constructed and validation tests were conducted. These tests showcased that the results obtained through numerical simulation was indeed valid. Overall, the investigation was conducted successfully. The different heat sink designs were compared, and their performance evaluated accurately. The mathematical and computational model was also verified using Ansys and a prototype was eventually used to conduct validation tests; consequently, proving that the results obtained were accurate and reliable.
“Patterns in Forest Structure in a Second-Growth Hardwood Forest”
Major: Biology
Concentration: Ecology and Evolution
Associate: Chemistry (Chemical Methods)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jordan Marshall (Biology)
This study examined the relationships between dominant understory species and overall forest structure in a northeast Indiana second-growth hardwood forest. A forest survey consisting of 50 tenth hectare plots was conducted at the PFW Plex Forest in summer 2022 to obtain tree and shrub species identification, species counts, and canopy cover. Soil type data was obtained using the U.S.D.A Web Soil Survey. Linear regression, non-metric multi-dimensional scaling, and a maximum entropy species distribution model were used to identify how dominant understory species are related to species diversity and ecological parameters. Our results suggest that the survey area is a maple-basswood forest type, and that sugar maple (Acer saccharum), Eastern hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and Northern spicebush (Lindera benzoin) are dominant understory species. The proportion of conspecifics in higher forest layers had a significant correlation to understory abundance for only one species studied, suggesting that the occurrence of these species is not purely influenced by recruitment patterns. The understory distributions of these species were strongly associated with species diversity in higher forest layers.
Spring 2022 Honors Showcase Participants
“Towards Robustly Scalable RAN slicing Adaptive Algorithms and Machine Learning Models”
With the rapid growth of new services and Internet applications, traditional cellular networks are now faced with a major challenge of supporting diverse applications to expand the wireless market. Going beyond the one-type-fits-all design philosophy, the future 5G radio access network (RAN) with network slicing methodology is employed to support widely diverse applications over the same physical network. ‘RAN slicing aims to logically split an infrastructure into a set of self-contained programmable RAN slices, where each slice built on top of the underlying physical RAN (substrate) is a separate logical mobile network, which delivers a set of services with similar characteristics. Each RAN slice is constituted by various virtual network functions (VNFs) distributed geographically in numerous substrate nodes. Failures may occasionally arise from substrate nodes due to reasons such as software fault occurrences, servers being powered down for maintenance, or misconfigurations of servers. This leads to malfunction and invalidation of the RAN slices that have VNFs embedded at the failed substrate nodes. To recover RAN slice functions, a RAN configuration scheme for the network is imperative to relieve VNFs from substrate node failures (remapping/re-embedding VNFs onto live substrate nodes). In this proposed research, the PI will explore a novel scheme of optimization models, adaptive algorithms, and machine learning models to enhance the robustness and scalability of RAN slicing by addressing the RAN configuration issue for slice recovery in a unified framework, referred to as RS-configuration. Specifically, the PI will perform the following research tasks: i) establishing the theoretical foundation for using RS-configuration to construct a VNF plan for RAN slice-recovery and configuration optimization; ii) developing highly scalable and adaptive algorithms, and machine learning models to enable autonomous slice recovery and self-configuration, and finally iii) applying our theoretical and algorithmic development to investigate the robustness and scalability of the RS-configuration paradigm for large-scale complex RAN. These research tasks will be carried out in a spiral fashion where practical issues and applications will further inform the development of theory and algorithms. Hence, this research on a new scheme and algorithms for RAN slicing will provide a computational basis towards building robustly scalable RAN slicing and contribute to the development of new networking technologies.
“Consolidating South African Democracy”
Democratic regimes around the world have struggled to stabilize and deepen democracy internally. Using South Africa as a case study, this honors project focuses on the contemporary state of South African democracy in an attempt to outline its progress to date. The question motivating this study is how well South Africa’s democracy has consolidated attitudinally, behaviorally, and constitutionally from the early 2000s until now. As such, this research study adopts the framework of democratic consolidation set forth by Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan wherein consolidation is defined as the extent to which democracy is considered “the only game in town”. Attitudinally, South Africa appears to be struggling at consolidation as evidenced by a growing support for non-democratic alternatives. At the same time, South Africa succeeds in deepening democracy constitutionally through independent oversight bodies like the Constitutional Court that uphold the rule of law. Behaviorally, an increase in violent protest reflects poorly on the country’s democratic prospects. This analysis highlights poverty and corruption as the two major obstacles to consolidation in the case of South Africa.
“Immunity Against SARS-CoV-2: Protection of Fetus and Newborn”
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many problems for the nation as a whole. The focus of this study is to analyze the impact pregnant women contracting COVID-19 has on the safety of the fetus growing in the placenta and the protection that may be provided to them post-delivery. There is an increased risk of pregnant women becoming ill due to a weakened immune system during pregnancy. The risk of preterm delivery for women rises if they are hospitalized with COVID-19. Recent studies are addressed to look at IgG and IgM antibody levels that are spread from mother to child when infected with SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy. Very few studies have shown vertical transmission of infection from mother to fetus even though placental infection with SARS-CoV-2 has been identified. The level of protection the mother provides the fetus during pregnancy varies depending on when infection occurs. This also appears to carry over into the length of time anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies are present after delivery for both mother and newborn.
“Impact of genetic variation on obesity in an AKHR loss-of-function model”
The ways the body manages nutritional content has been a topic of global interest for centuries, particularly when these are disrupted in metabolic disease, such as obesity. There is a large genetic component to the onset, severity, and progression of these diseases, but the identities and functions of those genes remains largely unknown. Drosophila melanogaster, commonly known as the fruit fly, provides a simpler model to help us better understand the synergistic contributions that genetic differences have on obesity in humans. We have employed the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP), a compilation of over 200 inbred Drosophila strains, as a tool to observe how genetic variation can impact complex phenotypes such as obesity and metabolic disease. We are using AKHR loss-of function as a model of obesity. AKHR is the Drosophila version of a human receptor that binds to the hormone glucagon, which activates the breakdown of stored nutrients under fasting conditions. In its absence, fat is not broken down and the flies therefore become obese. We are reducing AKHR expression in the fat to induce obesity. In this experiment, Drosophila larvae are generated by crossing the DGRP to our AKHR loss-of-function model. We monitor larval fat content using a previously developed density assay as a proxy for obesity. After determining the concentration at which 50% of the larvae float for the different DGRP strains, we assessed our data through a preliminary genome-wide association analysis and identified several modifier genes to be further studied.
“Barriers to Recruitment of Racial Minorities into STEM”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minors: Linguistics and Psychology
Certificates: Gerontology and Applied Behavior Analysis
Faculty Mentor: Naomi Gurevich
Diverse populations are underserved by healthcare and underrepresented in STEM professions overall, specifically in communication sciences and disorders (CSD). The lack of recruitment and retention of racial minorities into CSD has resulted in an imbalance of representation. In the U.S. racial minorities constitute over 30% of the U.S. population, while minorities who are members and affiliates of the American-Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) represent only 8.3% of the over 200,000 members. The aim of the current study is to identify and compare possible patterns related to recruiting minority students into healthcare fields/CSD with students already in CSD. This study looks specifically at CSD undergraduate students at Purdue University Fort Wayne and Ball State University and is a continuation of research conducted by a former student. This research will help inform future practices in promoting STEM and healthcare professions to diverse populations in the U.S., which can lead to an enhanced representation in the field to better serve the diverse populations in the country.
“The Effects of Nutrition on Human Fertility”
Infertility is problem that is faced by many people today. With factors such as increasing obesity rates, a higher average age at childbearing, and environmental toxins, people are at a higher risk of facing fertility problems than in the past. There are various assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization that serve as treatment options for people who face fertility problems; however, these treatments can be very expensive and are not often covered by insurance or easily accessed by lower income populations. Nutrition and various nutritional elements have been proven to have a significant impact on many different health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or stroke. It is possible that nutrition also has a significant effect on reproductive health. Since nutrition is something that can be altered by the individual, it could be an easy and inexpensive treatment option for infertility. The aim of this study is to determine whether nutrition has an impact on fertility. A literature review was performed on existing data surrounding the topic of various nutritional elements in relation to fertility rates in both males and females. Several observational studies were done on men and women who presented for in-vitro fertilization. A food frequency questionnaire was completed and the success of the fertility treatment was measured. The results were analyzed to determine if any of the individual food groups on the questionnaire had a significant correlation with fertility outcomes. Based on the data, nutrition does have an impact on fertility. High processed sugar, red meat, dairy products and excessive alcohol consumption were found to have a negative impact on fertility. Whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats such as chicken and fish were found to have a positive impact on fertility.
“The Psychology and Methods behind Memorizing Music for Performance”
Major: Music Performance, Piano
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hamilton Tescarollo
Memorizing music is a multi-faceted process that involves encoding visual, auditory, spatial, sensory, and analytical information in the brain. Performing music from memory involves recalling all this information seamlessly. With the added stress of performance anxiety, this process can be challenging. Yet memorizing is a normal, even fundamental part of every musician’s career, especially for the pianist. This project will explore the methods and psychology behind music memorization in depth. How does the brain memorize music? What practice techniques lead to the most effective memory? Why does memory ultimately fail or succeed in a performance? Although many factors determine memory security, research suggests that intentionally reinforcing all aspects of the music– its visual, aural, and kinesthetic components– may be one of the most crucial.
Cummins corporation has been a stalwart in the heavy machinery and equipment industry. For over a century Cummins has continued to drastically innovate the sources of power that we use every day not just in our vehicles, but in the equipment that helps make the world work. Through the modernization and continuous improvement of the diesel engine, Cummins has allowed its customers access to a powerful, reliable and dependable power source that gets the job done, safely and on time. As time has gone on, so have the needs of the planet and those who live on it. Cummins has worked relentlessly to improve and innovate not only their products but their company and operations as a whole. PLANET 2050 is an initiative that Cummins enacted by which they plan to have nearly zero local environmental footprint within the communities that they operate and serve. They plan to continue their history of transformative innovation by creating a line of carbon neutral products, that protect air quality. For over one hundred years Cummins has been able to innovate and recreate the landscape of the industry they work in, nearly eliminating any true direct competitors. This innovation mixed with bold endeavors has led to Cummins being truly one of a kind in the face of an oversaturated industry. As the needs of the world changes and adapts to fit the current perils we face, Cummins is at the ready to power the future we are all trying to achieve.
“Antibiotic Properties Identified from a Soil-Derived Bacteria”
Major: Biology
Minor: Psychology
Associate: Chemical Methods
Antibiotic resistance is an advancing medical threat as increased usage results in decreased efficiency over time. Individual research projects of soil sampling and testing for antibiotic properties create a database of bacteria from diverse locations. Small World Initiative™ seeks to utilize an international program for crowdsourcing by creating a database of these individual experiments to seek new antibiotics. By diluting the sample, colonies can be collected on a masterplate. Testing against ESKAPE pathogens to see if inhibition of growth shows antibiotic properties. Proof plates done using wagon wheel methods allow these to be more directly tested for antibiotic properties. Colony PCR is done to amplify the DNA and test for purification by Nanodrop. PCR allows DNA sequencing to be looked up in BLAST and RD databases. Biochemical and organic extraction is done to distinguish between species within the genus identified by DNA sequencing. Once identification is done, additional information may be looked up to fully understand the capabilities of the bacteria.
“Bioactive Effects of Marine Life Invertebrates: Focusing on Echinoderms”
Major: Biology
Associate: Chemical Methods
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Minor: French and Psychology
Certificate: Biology Research Certificate
Bioactive compounds are defined as modifiers of metabolic processes which in turn encourages healthiness though interacting at the cellular level. These chemicals go by many different names, but can all be categorized as active metabolites capable of a plethora of pharmacological and nutraceutical effects. There are multiple sources of bioactive compounds where they can be secreted such as from plants, animals, and even bacteria as an antibiotic. Most functional foods only contain bioactive compounds in small amounts. Yet, extraordinarily animal echinoderms are a special interest for studies because they naturally contain very high amounts of these bioactive compounds: especially found in their blood called coelomic fluid. The Echinodermata phylum represents a specific group that houses several marine invertebrates. In Latin, “echinos” meaning “spiny” and “dermos” meaning “skin”. Primary creatures of this review’s discussion include sea cucumbers (class Holothuroidea), sea stars (class Asteroidea), and sea urchins (class Echinoidea). Sea cucumbers, sea stars, and sea urchins are all ecologically valuable creatures that are very important in regulating the cleanliness of our seas though nutrient cycling and/or the overgrowth of algae, kelp, or rocky minerals dependent on the organism. Overall, with their amazing biodiversity, these sea creatures are able to accomplish numerous vital marine and even terrestrial functions. In this framework, the present study is aimed at investigating the therapeutic, beneficial, and/or preventive activities of bioactive compounds found within these three echinoderms. Their bioactive compounds are found to have major antimicrobial, anti-neurodegenerative, anti-viral, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing effects. Overall, these findings are significant to justify how seriously bioactive compounds should be incorporated into contemporary and holistic/functional medicine, thus perhaps solving many minor and life-threating diseases much more efficiently. Possible future uses though biotechnology and/or possible synergistic effects can further showcase and ameliorate the importance of these bioactive compounds. Keywords: Bioactive compounds, Nutraceuticals, Echinoderms, Sea Cucumbers, Sea Stars, Sea Urchins.
“A Border Apart: Media Portrayal of Mexican Immigration in the United States”
Major: Communication with a Concentration in Journalism
Minor: Spanish and Religious Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Heloisa Sturm Wilkerson
The border is a hot topic in the news, and it is an issue that has been highly politicized. Documented or undocumented, those who cross the border go through a convoluted process to reach the United States. The media has a powerful role in society, especially when covering individuals who come to the U.S. daily to start a new life. This project analyzes how the media portrays immigrants arriving to the United States from Mexico. The study uses a quantitative content analysis of news stories published and broadcast between 2016 and 2021 from the New York Times, the Associated Press, CNN and FOX to examine how specific sources, frames, and tone of coverage help shape the narrative on immigration and the border crisis. News coverage has the power to tell the truth, and the power to distort it. The goal of this study is to, first, address a trend in the way news impacts narratives of immigration from Mexico to the U.S., and second, propose ways the media can improve narratives surrounding Mexican immigrants.
“Towards Robustly Scalable RAN slicing Adaptive Algorithms and Machine Learning Models”
With the rapid growth of new services and Internet applications, traditional cellular networks are now faced with a major challenge of supporting diverse applications to expand the wireless market. Going beyond the one-type-fits-all design philosophy, the future 5G radio access network (RAN) with network slicing methodology is employed to support widely diverse applications over the same physical network. ‘RAN slicing aims to logically split an infrastructure into a set of self-contained programmable RAN slices, where each slice built on top of the underlying physical RAN (substrate) is a separate logical mobile network, which delivers a set of services with similar characteristics. Each RAN slice is constituted by various virtual network functions (VNFs) distributed geographically in numerous substrate nodes. Failures may occasionally arise from substrate nodes due to reasons such as software fault occurrences, servers being powered down for maintenance, or misconfigurations of servers. This leads to malfunction and invalidation of the RAN slices that have VNFs embedded at the failed substrate nodes. To recover RAN slice functions, a RAN configuration scheme for the network is imperative to relieve VNFs from substrate node failures (remapping/re-embedding VNFs onto live substrate nodes). In this proposed research, the PI will explore a novel scheme of optimization models, adaptive algorithms, and machine learning models to enhance the robustness and scalability of RAN slicing by addressing the RAN configuration issue for slice recovery in a unified framework, referred to as RS-configuration. Specifically, the PI will perform the following research tasks: i) establishing the theoretical foundation for using RS-configuration to construct a VNF plan for RAN slice-recovery and configuration optimization; ii) developing highly scalable and adaptive algorithms, and machine learning models to enable autonomous slice recovery and self-configuration, and finally iii) applying our theoretical and algorithmic development to investigate the robustness and scalability of the RS-configuration paradigm for large-scale complex RAN. These research tasks will be carried out in a spiral fashion where practical issues and applications will further inform the development of theory and algorithms. Hence, this research on a new scheme and algorithms for RAN slicing will provide a computational basis towards building robustly scalable RAN slicing and contribute to the development of new networking technologies.
“The Psychology and Methods behind Memorizing Music for Performance”
Major: Music Performance, Piano
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hamilton Tescarollo
Memorizing music is a multi-faceted process that involves encoding visual, auditory, spatial, sensory, and analytical information in the brain. Performing music from memory involves recalling all this information seamlessly. With the added stress of performance anxiety, this process can be challenging. Yet memorizing is a normal, even fundamental part of every musician’s career, especially for the pianist. This project will explore the methods and psychology behind music memorization in depth. How does the brain memorize music? What practice techniques lead to the most effective memory? Why does memory ultimately fail or succeed in a performance? Although many factors determine memory security, research suggests that intentionally reinforcing all aspects of the music– its visual, aural, and kinesthetic components– may be one of the most crucial.
“Consolidating South African Democracy”
Democratic regimes around the world have struggled to stabilize and deepen democracy internally. Using South Africa as a case study, this honors project focuses on the contemporary state of South African democracy in an attempt to outline its progress to date. The question motivating this study is how well South Africa’s democracy has consolidated attitudinally, behaviorally, and constitutionally from the early 2000s until now. As such, this research study adopts the framework of democratic consolidation set forth by Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan wherein consolidation is defined as the extent to which democracy is considered “the only game in town”. Attitudinally, South Africa appears to be struggling at consolidation as evidenced by a growing support for non-democratic alternatives. At the same time, South Africa succeeds in deepening democracy constitutionally through independent oversight bodies like the Constitutional Court that uphold the rule of law. Behaviorally, an increase in violent protest reflects poorly on the country’s democratic prospects. This analysis highlights poverty and corruption as the two major obstacles to consolidation in the case of South Africa.
Cummins corporation has been a stalwart in the heavy machinery and equipment industry. For over a century Cummins has continued to drastically innovate the sources of power that we use every day not just in our vehicles, but in the equipment that helps make the world work. Through the modernization and continuous improvement of the diesel engine, Cummins has allowed its customers access to a powerful, reliable and dependable power source that gets the job done, safely and on time. As time has gone on, so have the needs of the planet and those who live on it. Cummins has worked relentlessly to improve and innovate not only their products but their company and operations as a whole. PLANET 2050 is an initiative that Cummins enacted by which they plan to have nearly zero local environmental footprint within the communities that they operate and serve. They plan to continue their history of transformative innovation by creating a line of carbon neutral products, that protect air quality. For over one hundred years Cummins has been able to innovate and recreate the landscape of the industry they work in, nearly eliminating any true direct competitors. This innovation mixed with bold endeavors has led to Cummins being truly one of a kind in the face of an oversaturated industry. As the needs of the world changes and adapts to fit the current perils we face, Cummins is at the ready to power the future we are all trying to achieve.
“Immunity Against SARS-CoV-2: Protection of Fetus and Newborn”
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many problems for the nation as a whole. The focus of this study is to analyze the impact pregnant women contracting COVID-19 has on the safety of the fetus growing in the placenta and the protection that may be provided to them post-delivery. There is an increased risk of pregnant women becoming ill due to a weakened immune system during pregnancy. The risk of preterm delivery for women rises if they are hospitalized with COVID-19. Recent studies are addressed to look at IgG and IgM antibody levels that are spread from mother to child when infected with SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy. Very few studies have shown vertical transmission of infection from mother to fetus even though placental infection with SARS-CoV-2 has been identified. The level of protection the mother provides the fetus during pregnancy varies depending on when infection occurs. This also appears to carry over into the length of time anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies are present after delivery for both mother and newborn.
“Antibiotic Properties Identified from a Soil-Derived Bacteria”
Major: Biology
Minor: Psychology
Associate: Chemical Methods
Antibiotic resistance is an advancing medical threat as increased usage results in decreased efficiency over time. Individual research projects of soil sampling and testing for antibiotic properties create a database of bacteria from diverse locations. Small World Initiative™ seeks to utilize an international program for crowdsourcing by creating a database of these individual experiments to seek new antibiotics. By diluting the sample, colonies can be collected on a masterplate. Testing against ESKAPE pathogens to see if inhibition of growth shows antibiotic properties. Proof plates done using wagon wheel methods allow these to be more directly tested for antibiotic properties. Colony PCR is done to amplify the DNA and test for purification by Nanodrop. PCR allows DNA sequencing to be looked up in BLAST and RD databases. Biochemical and organic extraction is done to distinguish between species within the genus identified by DNA sequencing. Once identification is done, additional information may be looked up to fully understand the capabilities of the bacteria.
“Impact of genetic variation on obesity in an AKHR loss-of-function model”
The ways the body manages nutritional content has been a topic of global interest for centuries, particularly when these are disrupted in metabolic disease, such as obesity. There is a large genetic component to the onset, severity, and progression of these diseases, but the identities and functions of those genes remains largely unknown. Drosophila melanogaster, commonly known as the fruit fly, provides a simpler model to help us better understand the synergistic contributions that genetic differences have on obesity in humans. We have employed the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP), a compilation of over 200 inbred Drosophila strains, as a tool to observe how genetic variation can impact complex phenotypes such as obesity and metabolic disease. We are using AKHR loss-of function as a model of obesity. AKHR is the Drosophila version of a human receptor that binds to the hormone glucagon, which activates the breakdown of stored nutrients under fasting conditions. In its absence, fat is not broken down and the flies therefore become obese. We are reducing AKHR expression in the fat to induce obesity. In this experiment, Drosophila larvae are generated by crossing the DGRP to our AKHR loss-of-function model. We monitor larval fat content using a previously developed density assay as a proxy for obesity. After determining the concentration at which 50% of the larvae float for the different DGRP strains, we assessed our data through a preliminary genome-wide association analysis and identified several modifier genes to be further studied.
“Bioactive Effects of Marine Life Invertebrates: Focusing on Echinoderms”
Major: Biology
Associate: Chemical Methods
Concentration: Microbiology and Immunology
Minor: French and Psychology
Certificate: Biology Research Certificate
Bioactive compounds are defined as modifiers of metabolic processes which in turn encourages healthiness though interacting at the cellular level. These chemicals go by many different names, but can all be categorized as active metabolites capable of a plethora of pharmacological and nutraceutical effects. There are multiple sources of bioactive compounds where they can be secreted such as from plants, animals, and even bacteria as an antibiotic. Most functional foods only contain bioactive compounds in small amounts. Yet, extraordinarily animal echinoderms are a special interest for studies because they naturally contain very high amounts of these bioactive compounds: especially found in their blood called coelomic fluid. The Echinodermata phylum represents a specific group that houses several marine invertebrates. In Latin, “echinos” meaning “spiny” and “dermos” meaning “skin”. Primary creatures of this review’s discussion include sea cucumbers (class Holothuroidea), sea stars (class Asteroidea), and sea urchins (class Echinoidea). Sea cucumbers, sea stars, and sea urchins are all ecologically valuable creatures that are very important in regulating the cleanliness of our seas though nutrient cycling and/or the overgrowth of algae, kelp, or rocky minerals dependent on the organism. Overall, with their amazing biodiversity, these sea creatures are able to accomplish numerous vital marine and even terrestrial functions. In this framework, the present study is aimed at investigating the therapeutic, beneficial, and/or preventive activities of bioactive compounds found within these three echinoderms. Their bioactive compounds are found to have major antimicrobial, anti-neurodegenerative, anti-viral, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing effects. Overall, these findings are significant to justify how seriously bioactive compounds should be incorporated into contemporary and holistic/functional medicine, thus perhaps solving many minor and life-threating diseases much more efficiently. Possible future uses though biotechnology and/or possible synergistic effects can further showcase and ameliorate the importance of these bioactive compounds. Keywords: Bioactive compounds, Nutraceuticals, Echinoderms, Sea Cucumbers, Sea Stars, Sea Urchins.
“Barriers to Recruitment of Racial Minorities into STEM”
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minors: Linguistics and Psychology
Certificates: Gerontology and Applied Behavior Analysis
Faculty Mentor: Naomi Gurevich
Diverse populations are underserved by healthcare and underrepresented in STEM professions overall, specifically in communication sciences and disorders (CSD). The lack of recruitment and retention of racial minorities into CSD has resulted in an imbalance of representation. In the U.S. racial minorities constitute over 30% of the U.S. population, while minorities who are members and affiliates of the American-Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) represent only 8.3% of the over 200,000 members. The aim of the current study is to identify and compare possible patterns related to recruiting minority students into healthcare fields/CSD with students already in CSD. This study looks specifically at CSD undergraduate students at Purdue University Fort Wayne and Ball State University and is a continuation of research conducted by a former student. This research will help inform future practices in promoting STEM and healthcare professions to diverse populations in the U.S., which can lead to an enhanced representation in the field to better serve the diverse populations in the country.
“A Border Apart: Media Portrayal of Mexican Immigration in the United States”
Major: Communication with a Concentration in Journalism
Minor: Spanish and Religious Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Heloisa Sturm Wilkerson
The border is a hot topic in the news, and it is an issue that has been highly politicized. Documented or undocumented, those who cross the border go through a convoluted process to reach the United States. The media has a powerful role in society, especially when covering individuals who come to the U.S. daily to start a new life. This project analyzes how the media portrays immigrants arriving to the United States from Mexico. The study uses a quantitative content analysis of news stories published and broadcast between 2016 and 2021 from the New York Times, the Associated Press, CNN and FOX to examine how specific sources, frames, and tone of coverage help shape the narrative on immigration and the border crisis. News coverage has the power to tell the truth, and the power to distort it. The goal of this study is to, first, address a trend in the way news impacts narratives of immigration from Mexico to the U.S., and second, propose ways the media can improve narratives surrounding Mexican immigrants.
“The Effects of Nutrition on Human Fertility”
Infertility is problem that is faced by many people today. With factors such as increasing obesity rates, a higher average age at childbearing, and environmental toxins, people are at a higher risk of facing fertility problems than in the past. There are various assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization that serve as treatment options for people who face fertility problems; however, these treatments can be very expensive and are not often covered by insurance or easily accessed by lower income populations. Nutrition and various nutritional elements have been proven to have a significant impact on many different health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or stroke. It is possible that nutrition also has a significant effect on reproductive health. Since nutrition is something that can be altered by the individual, it could be an easy and inexpensive treatment option for infertility. The aim of this study is to determine whether nutrition has an impact on fertility. A literature review was performed on existing data surrounding the topic of various nutritional elements in relation to fertility rates in both males and females. Several observational studies were done on men and women who presented for in-vitro fertilization. A food frequency questionnaire was completed and the success of the fertility treatment was measured. The results were analyzed to determine if any of the individual food groups on the questionnaire had a significant correlation with fertility outcomes. Based on the data, nutrition does have an impact on fertility. High processed sugar, red meat, dairy products and excessive alcohol consumption were found to have a negative impact on fertility. Whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats such as chicken and fish were found to have a positive impact on fertility.
Fall 2021 Honors Showcase Participants
“The effects of variable biofertilizer concentrations on soybean and microbial growth”
The effects of various concentrations of Biodyne USA, LLC's biofertilizer product, Environoc 401, on soybean and microbial growth were analyzed in this study. Biofertilizers contain a variety of live microorganisms, each of which uniquely benefit crops by simply completing their normal, daily tasks. As such, biofertilizers have been found to increase crop yields, help plants fight drought stress, improve crop thermotolerance, aid in bioremediation efforts, and protect against pathogens. Currently, Biodyne recommends that their customers use a 1:1 ratio of Environoc 401 to water in their field treatments. The purpose of this experiment was to determine which dilution—1:1.0, 1:1.2, 1:1.3, or 1:1.4—of Environoc 401 to water leads to the best plant growth, as indicated by biomass. Total aerobic counts (TACs), or bacterial counts, were obtained at four sampling points approximately 10 days apart: post-inoculation on planting day, when the radical emerged, when the first triplicate (3 leaf structure) appeared (V1), and when the 3rd triplicate appeared (V3) to look at culture viability over time to see if there is a correlation between TACs and plant health. Root, shoot, and leaf dry weights were obtained upon termination of the experiment. Throughout the study, all treatment groups followed the same general trend for average soil TACs and the 1:1.4 treatment yielded the greatest stem and total dry weights. A statistically significant relationship between soil TACs and plant health cannot be drawn based on the results.
“Modern Antisemitism”
Antisemitism is one of the several terrible strains of bigotry and hatred which have been afflicting the United States and the world for centuries and today threatens many of the founding principles of this democratic society. For too long now, public figures in the United States have been repeating old conspiracy theories or hateful tropes about Jewish peoples or encouraging supporters who have already displayed overt Antisemitism in the public sphere. To find an era in U.S. history which would be comparable to the contemporary levels of Antisemitic violence, an examination of the interwar period leading up to the U.S. entrance into World War II has been conducted, with a focus on powerful public figures of the time who used their prestige to defame Jewish people, even after Hitler and the Nazis began their reign of terror. Additional analysis includes an examination of recent statistical data taken from both the Anti-Defamation League’s annual reports on Antisemitic violence in the U.S. and the 2016 & 2020 American National Election Studies surveys, both of which suggest that the problem of Antisemitism in the U.S. is likely not improving but may be getting worse. This study wishes to help contribute to a clearer picture of the status of Antisemitsm in this country, in order to advocate for more resources and attention to be concentrated on one of the most serious threats to both democracy and civil society today.
“An Analysis of Gender Pay Gap in Purdue University Campuses”
This honors project attempts to analyze the gender pay gap in Purdue University campuses. My hypothesis is that female compensation is lower than male compensation. The data is obtained from Indiana Gateway website where the employee compensation reports for Purdue University are public data. The data is divided by three Purdue University campuses: Fort Wayne, Northwest, and West Lafayette. The total number of observations in the raw data were 33,820 for all Purdue campuses. From the 33,820 observations, 3,467 observations were filtered out by job title. After running two different regressions, one controlling for variation in departments and one not controlling for them, I find the results support my hypothesis for the West Lafayette and Fort Wayne campuses but not for Northwest campus.
“The effects of variable biofertilizer concentrations on soybean and microbial growth”
The effects of various concentrations of Biodyne USA, LLC's biofertilizer product, Environoc 401, on soybean and microbial growth were analyzed in this study. Biofertilizers contain a variety of live microorganisms, each of which uniquely benefit crops by simply completing their normal, daily tasks. As such, biofertilizers have been found to increase crop yields, help plants fight drought stress, improve crop thermotolerance, aid in bioremediation efforts, and protect against pathogens. Currently, Biodyne recommends that their customers use a 1:1 ratio of Environoc 401 to water in their field treatments. The purpose of this experiment was to determine which dilution—1:1.0, 1:1.2, 1:1.3, or 1:1.4—of Environoc 401 to water leads to the best plant growth, as indicated by biomass. Total aerobic counts (TACs), or bacterial counts, were obtained at four sampling points approximately 10 days apart: post-inoculation on planting day, when the radical emerged, when the first triplicate (3 leaf structure) appeared (V1), and when the 3rd triplicate appeared (V3) to look at culture viability over time to see if there is a correlation between TACs and plant health. Root, shoot, and leaf dry weights were obtained upon termination of the experiment. Throughout the study, all treatment groups followed the same general trend for average soil TACs and the 1:1.4 treatment yielded the greatest stem and total dry weights. A statistically significant relationship between soil TACs and plant health cannot be drawn based on the results.
“An Analysis of Gender Pay Gap in Purdue University Campuses”
This honors project attempts to analyze the gender pay gap in Purdue University campuses. My hypothesis is that female compensation is lower than male compensation. The data is obtained from Indiana Gateway website where the employee compensation reports for Purdue University are public data. The data is divided by three Purdue University campuses: Fort Wayne, Northwest, and West Lafayette. The total number of observations in the raw data were 33,820 for all Purdue campuses. From the 33,820 observations, 3,467 observations were filtered out by job title. After running two different regressions, one controlling for variation in departments and one not controlling for them, I find the results support my hypothesis for the West Lafayette and Fort Wayne campuses but not for Northwest campus.
“Modern Antisemitism”
Antisemitism is one of the several terrible strains of bigotry and hatred which have been afflicting the United States and the world for centuries and today threatens many of the founding principles of this democratic society. For too long now, public figures in the United States have been repeating old conspiracy theories or hateful tropes about Jewish peoples or encouraging supporters who have already displayed overt Antisemitism in the public sphere. To find an era in U.S. history which would be comparable to the contemporary levels of Antisemitic violence, an examination of the interwar period leading up to the U.S. entrance into World War II has been conducted, with a focus on powerful public figures of the time who used their prestige to defame Jewish people, even after Hitler and the Nazis began their reign of terror. Additional analysis includes an examination of recent statistical data taken from both the Anti-Defamation League’s annual reports on Antisemitic violence in the U.S. and the 2016 & 2020 American National Election Studies surveys, both of which suggest that the problem of Antisemitism in the U.S. is likely not improving but may be getting worse. This study wishes to help contribute to a clearer picture of the status of Antisemitsm in this country, in order to advocate for more resources and attention to be concentrated on one of the most serious threats to both democracy and civil society today.