Related Flora and Fauna
Native Trees of Indiana River Walk
Not just trees.
The thriving life along our tree walk isn’t limited to just trees. You’ll find an abundance of other flora—such as shrubs, wildflowers, and invasive species—as well as exuberant wildlife that call this area home. These pages will help you identify these wonderful flora and fauna as you enjoy your walk. And by the way, dogs on leashes are always welcome on campus.
American Bladdernut bark
American Bladdernut branch
American Bladdernut bud
American Bladdernut flower
American Bladdernut fruit
American Bladdernut habit
American Bladdernut leaves
Arrowwood leaves
American Elderberry bud
American Elderberry bark
American Elderberry branch
American Elderberry flower
American Elderberry fruit
American Elderberry habit
American Elderberry leaves
American Filbert bark
Arrowwood bud
American Filbert bud
American Filbert flower
American Filbert flower
American Filbert fruit
American Filbert habit
Arrowwood bark
Arrowwood branch
Arrowwood flower
Arrowwood fruit
Arrowwood habit
American Filbert leaves
Wildlife and vines
Agrimony flower
Agrimony habit
Agrimony leaves
Alumroot flower
Alumroot leaves
American Bittersweet flower
American Bittersweet fruit
American Bittersweet habit
American Bittersweet leaves
American Germander flower
American Germander flower
American Germander habit
American Germander habit
American Germander habit
American Germander leaves
American Germander leaves
American Germander leaves
American Ragwort flower
American Ragwort habit
American Ragwort leaves
Aniseroot flower
Aniseroot habit
Aniseroot leaves
Aniseroot leaves
Bedstraw Flower
Bedstraw habit
Beggarticks flower
Beggarticks flower
Beggarticks habit
Beggarticks leaves
Black-eyed Susan flower
Black-eyed Susan habit
Black-eyed Susan leaves
Bloodroot flower
Bloodroot fruit
Bloodroot habit
Bloodroot leaves
Blue cohosh flower
Blue cohosh habit
Blue cohosh leaves
Blue verbena flower
Blue verbena habit
Blue verbena leaves
Blue vervain flower
Blue vervain habit
Blue vervain
Boneset flower
Boneset habit
Boneset leaves
Buttercup yellow water
Butterfly weed flower
Butterfly weed flower
Butterfly weed habit
Butterfly weed leaves
Canada Anemone flower
Canada anemone habit
Canada anemone leaves
Carolina Cranesbill flower
Carolina Cranesbill habit
Carolina Cranesbill leaves
Carrion flower
Carrion Flower fruit
Carrion Flower fruit
Carrion Flower habit
Carrion Flower leaves
Catbird grape habit
Catbird grape leaves
Celandine Poppy flower
Celandine Poppy habit
Celandine Poppy leaves
Clevers flower
Clevers habit
Clevers habit
Clevers leaves
Climbing False Buckwheat flower
Climbing False Buckwheat habit
Climbing False Buckwheat leaves
Closed Gentian flower
Closed Gentian habit
Closed Gentian leaves
Clustered Snakeroot flower
Clustered Snakeroot habit
Clustered Snakeroot habit
Clustered Snakeroot habit
Clustered Snakeroot leaves
Common Arrowhead flower
Common Arrowhead flower
Common Arrowhead habit
Common Arrowhead leaves
Common Blue Eyed Grass flower
Common Blue Eyed Grass habit
Common Blue Eyed Grass leaves
Common Blue Violet flower
Common Blue Violet habit
Common Blue Violet leaves
Common Cattail flower
Common Cattail habit
Common Cattail leaves
Common Cinquefoil flower
Common Cinquefoil habit
Common Cinquefoil leaves
Common Clotbur flower
Common Clotbur habit
Common Clotbur leaves
Common Dodder flower
Common Dodder habit
Common Fleabane flower
Common Fleabane flower
Common Fleabane habit
Common Fleabane leaves
Common Hedge Nettle flower
Common Hedge Nettle flower
Common Hedge Nettle habit
Common Hedge Nettle leaves
Common Milkweed flower
Common Milkweed fruit
Common Milkweed habit
Common Milkweed habit
Common Milkweed leaves
Common Ragweed flower
Common Ragweed habit
Common Ragweed leaves
Creeping Phlox flower
Creeping Phlox habit
Creeping Phlox leaves
Culvers Root flower
Culvers Root flower
Culvers Root habit
Culvers Root leaves
Culvers Root leaves
Cup Plant flower
Cup Plant leaves
Cup Plant leaves
Cut Leaved Toothwort flower
Cut Leaved Toothwort flower
Cut Leaved Toothwort habit
Cut Leaved Toothwort leaves
Daisy Fleabane flower
Daisy Fleabane habit
Daisy Fleabane habit
Daisy Fleabane leaves
Daisy Fleabane leaves
Ditch Stonecrop flower
Ditch Stonecrop habit
Dock Leaved Smartweed flower
Dock Leaved Smartweed habit
Dock Leaved Smartweed leaves
Dutchmans Breeches habit
Dutchmans Breeches leaves
Dutchmans Breeches
Early Blue Violet flower
Early Blue Violet habit
Early Blue Violet leaves
Early Buttercup flower
Early Buttercup habit
Early Buttercup leaves
Enchanters Nightshade flower
Enchanters Nightshade habit
Enchanters Nightshade leaves
Entire Leaved False Foxglove flower
Entire Leaved False Foxglove habit
Entire Leaved False Foxglove leaves
Entire Leaved False foxglove leaves
Entire Leaved Rosinweed flower
Entire Leaved Rosinweed habit
Entire Leaved Rosinweed leaves
False Dragonhead habit
False Dragonhead leaves
False Mermaid flower
False Mermaid habit
False Mermaid leaves
False Nettle flower
False Nettle habit
False Nettle leaves
False Rue Anemone flower
False Rue Anemone habit
False Rue Anemone leaves
False Solomons Seal flower
False Solomons Seal fruit
False Solomons Seal habit
False Solomons Seal leaves
False Sunflower flower
False Sunflower habit
False Sunflower leaves
Fringed Loosestrife flower
Fringed Loosestrife habit
Fringed Loosestrife leaves
Frost Grape leaves
Golden Alexander flowers
Golden Alexanders habit
Golden Alexanders leaves
Golden Ragwort flower
Golden Ragwort habit
Golden Ragwort leaves
Gray Headed Coneflower flower
Gray Headed Coneflower habit
Gray Headed Coneflower leaves
Great Lobelia flower
Great Lobelia flower
Great Lobelia flower
Great Lobelia habit
Great Lobelia leaves
Great Lobelia leaves
Great Lobelia
Great Lobelia
Hairy Beardtongue flower
Hairy Beardtongue habit
Hairy Beardtongue habit
Hairy Beardtongue leaves
Hairy Beardtongue leaves
Hairy Beardtongue
Harbinger of Spring flower
Harbinger of Spring habit
Harbinger of Spring leaves
Heal All flower
Heal All habit
Heal All leaves
Heart Leaved Skullcap flower
Heart Leaved Skullcap habit
Heart Leaved Skullcap leaves
Hemlock Water
Hog Peanut flower
Hog Peanut habit
Hog Peanut leaves
Horse Balm flower
Horse Balm habit
Horse Balm leaves
Horse Nettle flower
Horse Nettle habit
Horse Nettle leaves
Horseweed flower
Horseweed habit
Horseweed leaves
Indian Hemp flower
Indian Hemp fruit
Indian Hemp habit
Indian Hemp leaves
Indian Tobacco flower
Indian Tobacco leaves
Indian Tobacco habit
Jack in the Pulpit fruit
Jack in the Pulpit
Jack in the Pulpit
Jack in the Pulpit
Jacobs Ladder habit
Jacobs Ladder leaves
Jacobs Ladder
Jerusalem Artichoke flower
Jerusalem Artichoke habit
Jerusalem Artichoke leaves
Jumpseed flower
Jumpseed flower
Lance Leaved Goldenrod flower
Lance Leaved Goldenrod habit
Lance Leaved Goldenrod leaves
Lance Leaved Loosestrife habit
Lance Leaved Loosestrife leaves
Lance Leaved Loosestrife
Large Flowered Trillium flower
Large Flowered Trillium habit
Large Flowered Trillium leaves
Late Goldenrod leaves
Late Goldenrod
Limber Honeysuckle flower
Limber Honeysuckle fruit
Limber Honeysuckle habit
Limber Honeysuckle leaves
Lions Foot flower
Lions Foot habit
Lions Foot leaves
Lizards Tail flower
Lizards Tail habit
Lizards Tail leaves
Mad Dog Skullcap flower
Mad Dog Skullcap habit
Mad Dog Skullcap leaves
Marsh Bedstraw flower
Marsh Bedstraw habit
Marsh Bedstraw leaves
Mayapple flower
Mayapple fruit
Mayapple habit
Mayapple leaves
Michigan Lily flower
Michigan Lily fruit
Michigan Lily habit
Michigan Lily habit
Michigan Lily leaves
Michigan Lily
Mistflower flower
Mistflower habit
Mistflower leaves
Monkey Flower habit
Monkey Flower leaves
Monkey Flower leaves
Monkey Flower
Narrow Leaved Sunflower flower
Narrow Leaved Sunflower habit
Narrow Leaved Sunflower leaves
New England Aster habit
New England Aster leaves
New England Aster
Nodding Onion flower
Nodding Onion habit
Nodding Onion leaves
Northern Bugleweed Flower
Northern Bugleweed habit
Northern Bugleweed leaves
Northern White Violet flower
Northern White Violet habit
Northern White Violet habit
Northern White Violet Leaves
Northern Willow Herb flower
Northern Willow Herb habit
Northern Willow Herb leaves
Ohio Spiderwort Flower
Ohio Spiderwort habit
Ohio Spiderwort leaves
Orange Coneflower leaves
Orange Coneflower
Ostrich Fern habit
Ostrich Fern leaves
Pale Early Violet flower
Pale Early Violet habit
Pale Early Violet leaves
Pale Leaved Sunflower flower
Pale Leaved Sunflower habit
Pale Leaved Sunflower leaves
Pale Touch Me Not flower
Pale Touch Me Not habit
Pale Touch Me Not leaves
Panicled Tick Trefoil flower
Panicled Tick Trefoil fruit
Panicled Tick Trefoil habit
Panicled Tick Trefoil leaves
Pennsylvania Bitter Cress flower
Pennsylvania Bitter Cress habit
Pennsylvania Bitter Cress leaves
Pilewort flower
Pilewort habit
Pilewort leaves
Poison Ivy flower
Poison Ivy fruit
Poison Ivy leaves
Poison Ivy
Pokeweed branch
Pokeweed flower
Pokeweed fruit
Pokeweed habit
Pokeweed leaves
Purple Cress flower
Purple Cress habit
Purple Cress leaves
Rattlesnake Master flower
Rattlesnake Master flower
Rattlesnake Master habit
Rattlesnake Master leaves
Red Turtlehead habit
Red Turtlehead leaves
Red Turtlehead
Red Turtlehead
Riverbank Grape flower
Riverbank Grape fruit
Riverbank Grape habit
Riverbank Grape leaves
Rough Cinquefoil habit
Rough Cinquefoil
Royal Fern habit
Royal Fern leaves
Running Strawberry Bush flower
Running Strawberry Bush fruit
Running Strawberry Bush habit
Running Strawberry Bush leaves
Sawtooth Sunflower flower
Sawtooth Sunflower habit
Sawtooth Sunflower leaves
Sensitive Fern habit
Sensitive Fern leaves
Showy Coneflower flower
Showy Coneflower habit
Showy Coneflower leaves
Showy Goldenrod flower
Showy Goldenrod habit
Showy Goldenrod leaves
Skunk Cabbage flower
Skunk Cabbage habit
Skunk Cabbage leaves
Small Flowered Crowfoot habit
Small Flowered Crowfoot habit
Small Flowered Crowfoot leaves
Small Flowered Sundrop flower
Small Flowered Sundrop habit
Small Flowered Sundrop leaves
Small Skullcap flower
Small Skullcap habit
Small Skullcap leaves
Small White Aster habit
Small White Aster leaves
Small White Aster
Smaller Pussytoes flower
Smaller Pussytoes leaves
Smaller Pussytoes
Smooth Ground Cherry fruit
Smooth Ground Cherry habit
Smooth Ground Cherry leaves
Smooth Ground Cherry smooth
Smooth Pussytoes flower
Smooth Pussytoes flower
Smooth Pussytoes habit
Smooth Pussytoes leaves
Smooth Rock Cress flower
Smooth Rock Cress flower
Smooth Rock Cress habit
Smooth Rock Cress leaves
Smooth Ruellia flower
Smooth Ruellia habit
Smooth Ruellia leaves
Smooth Solomons Seal flower
Smooth Solomons Seal fruit
Smooth Solomons Seal fruit
Smooth Solomons Seal habit
Smooth Solomons Seal leaves
Smooth Yellow Violet flower
Smooth Yellow Violet habit
Smooth Yellow Violet leaves
Sneezeweed flower
Sneezeweed habit
Sneezeweed leaves
Spotted Touch Me Not flower
Spotted Touch Me Not habit
Spring Evans flower
Spotted Touch Me Not leaves
Spring Avens habit
Spring Evans leaves
Spring Beauty flower
Spring Beauty leaves
Spring Beauty habit
Spring Cress flower
Spring Cress habit
Spring Cress leaves
Star Flowered Solomons Seal flower
Star Flowered Solomons Seal habit
Star Flowered Solomons Seal leaves
Swamp Buttercup flower
Swamp Dock habit
Swamp Dock leaves
Swamp Milkweed habit
Swamp Milkweed leaves
Swamp Milkweed
Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed flower
Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed habit
Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed leaves
Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed
Tall Bellflower habit
Tall Bellflower leaves
Tall Bellflower
Tall Coneflower flower
Tall Coneflower habit
Tall Coneflower leaves
Tall Goldenrod flower
Tall Goldenrod flower
Tall Goldenrod leaves
Tall Ironweed habit
Tall Ironweed leaves
Tall Ironweed
Tall Ironweed
Tall Meadow Rue flower
Tall Meadow Rue habit
Tall Meadow Rue leaves
Tall Nettle flower
Tall Nettle habit
Tall Nettle leaves
Tall Rattlesnake Root flower
Tall Rattlesnake Root habit
Tall Rattlesnake Root leaves
Thimbleweed flower
Thimbleweed flower
Thimbleweed habit
Thimbleweed leaves
Thin Leaved Coneflower flower
Thin Leaved Coneflower habit
Thin Leaved Coneflower leaves
Thin leaved Sunflower habit
Thin Leaved Sunflower leaves
Three Seeded Mercury flower
Three Seeded Mercury fruit
Three Seeded Mercury habit
Three Seeded Mercury leaves
Toad Trillium flower
Toad Trillium habit
Road Trillium leaves
Trout Lily leaves
Trout Lily White
Trumpet Creeper flower
Trumpet Creeper fruit
Trumpet Creeper habit
Trumpet Creeper leaves
Trumpetweed flower
Trumpetweed habit
Trumpetweed leaves
Tufted Loosestrife flower
Tufted Loosestrife habit
Tufted Loosestrife leaves
Violet Bush Clover flower
Violet Bush Clover habit
Violet Bush Clover leaves
Virginia Bugleweed flower
Virginia Creeper flower
Virginia Creeper fruit
Virginia Creeper leaves
Virginia Creeper
Virginia Stickseed flower
Virginia Stickseed habit
Virginia Stickseed leaves
Virginia Waterleaf flower
Virginia Waterleaf habit
Virginia Waterleaf leaves
Virginia Waterleaf leaves
Virgins Bower flower
Virgins Bower habit
Water Hemlock habit
Water Hemlock leaves
Water Horehound flower
Water Horehound habit
Water Horehound leaves
Water Marigold flower
Water Marigold habit
Water marigold leaves
Water Parsnip flower
Water Parsnip flower
Water Parsnip habit
Water Parsnip leaves
Water Parsnip
Water Plantain flower
Water Plantain flower
Water Plantain habit
Water Plantain leaves
White Avens flower
White Avens leaves
White Avens
White Baneberry flower
White baneberry fruit
White Baneberry habit
White Baneberry leaves
White Beardtongue flower
White Beardtongue habit
White Beardtongue leaves
White Snakeroot flower
White Snakeroot habit
White Snakeroot leaves
White Turtlehead flower
White Turtlehead habit
White Turtlehead leaves
White Turtlehead
White Vervain habit
White Turtlehead
White Vervain flower
White Vervain leaves
Whorled Milkweed flower
Whorled Milkweed habit
Whorled Milkweed leaves
Wild Bergamot flower
Wild Bergamot habit
Wild Bergamot leaves
Wild Blue Phlox flower
Wild Blue Phlox habit
Wild Blue Phlox leaves
Wild Coffee flower
Wild Coffee fruit
Wild Coffee habit
Wild Coffee leaves
Wild Geranium flower
Wild Geranium habit
Wild Geranium leaves
Wild Ginger flower
Wild Ginger habit
Wild Ginger
Wild Leek flower
Wild Leek habit
Wild Leek leaves
Wild Licorice flower
Wild Licorice flower
Wild Licorice flower
Wild Licorice habit
Wild Licorice leaves
Wild Mint flower
Wild Mint habit
Wild Mint leaves
Wild Senna flower
Wild Senna flower
Wild Senna habit
Wild Senna leaves
Wild Strawberry flower
Wild Strawberry fruit
Wild Strawberry habit
Wild Strawberry leaves
Wingstem flower
Wingstem habit
Wood Fern Marginal
Wingstem leaves
Woodland Sunflower flower
Woodland Sunflower leaves
Woodland Sunflower
Yellow Pimpernel flower
Yellow Pimpernel habit
Yellow Pimpernel leaves
Yellow Wood Sorrel habit
Yellow Wood Sorrel leaves
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Non-native invasive species
Amur Honeysuckle bark
Amur Honeysuckle branch
Amur Honeysuckle bud
Amur Honeysuckle flower
Amur Honeysuckle fruit
Amur Honeysuckle habit
Amur Honeysuckle leaves
Autumn Olive bark
Autumn Olive branch
Autumn Olive bud
Autumn Olive flower
Autumn Olive fruit
Autumn Olive habit
Autumn Olive leaves
Belle Honeysuckle branch
Belle Honeysuckle flower
Belle Honeysuckle habit
Belle Honeysuckle leaves
Burning Bush bark
Burning Bush branch
Burning Bush bud
Burning Bush flower
Burning Bush fruit
Common Buckthorn bark
Burning Bush habit
Common Buckthorn branch
Common Buckthorn bud
Common Buckthorn flower
Common Buckthorn fruit
Common Buckthorn habit
Common Buckthorn leaves
Common Privet bark
Common Privet branch
Common Privet bud
Common Privet flower
Common Privet fruit
Common Privet habit
Common Privet leaves
Common Privet leaves
Glossy Buckthorn bark
Glossy Buckthorn branch
Glossy Buckthorn bud
Glossy Buckthorn flower
Glossy Buckthorn fruit
Glossy Buckthorn habit
Glossy Buckthorn leaves
Japanese Barberry bark
Japanese Barberry branch
Japanese Barberry bud
Japanese Barberry flowers
Japanese Barberry fruit
Japanese Barberry habit
Japanese Barberry leaves
Burning Bush leaves
Burning Bush leaves
Morrow Honeysuckle bark
Morrow Honeysuckle branch
Morrow Honeysuckle bud
Morrow Honeysuckle flower
Morrow Honeysuckle fruit
Morrow Honeysuckle habit
Morrow Honeysuckle leaves
Multiflora Rose branch
Multiflora Rose bark
Multiflora Rose bud
Multiflora Rose fruit
Multiflora Rose habit
Multiflora Rose leaves
Multiflora Rose leaves
Tatarian Honeysuckle bud
Tatarian Honeysuckle flower
Tatarian Honeysuckle fruit
Tatarian Honeysuckle leaves
Wayfaringtree Viburnum bark
Wayfaringtree Viburnum branch
Wayfaringtree Viburnum branch
Wayfaringtree Viburnum bud
Wayfaringtree Viburnum flower
Wayfaringtree Viburnum fruit
Wayfaringtree Viburnum habit
Wayfaringtree Viburnum leaves
Wine Raspberry bark
Wine Raspberry branch
Wine Raspberry bud
Wine Raspberry fruit
Wine Raspberry habit
Wine Raspberry leaves
Wine Raspberry leaves
Black Alder bark
Black Aster bud
Black Alder flower
Black Alder flower
Black Alder fruit
Black Alder habit
Black Alder leaves
Norway Maple bark
Norway Maple branch
Norway Maple bud
Norway Maple flower
Norway Maple fruit
Norway Maple habit
Norway Maple leaves
Russian Olive bark
Russian Olive branch
Russian Olive bud
Russian Olive flower
Russian Olive fruit
Russian Olive habit
Russian Olive leaves
Sawtooth Oak bark
Sawtooth Oak branch
Sawtooth Oak bud
Sawtooth Oak flower
Sawtooth Oak fruit
Sawtooth Oak habit
Sawtooth Oak leaves
Siberian Elm bark
Siberian Elm branch
Siberian Elm bud
Siberian Elm flower
Siberian Elm fruit
Siberian Elm habit
Siberian Elm leaves
Tree of Heaven bark
Tree of Heaven branch
Tree of Heaven bud
Tree of Heaven flower
Tree of Heaven fruit
Tree of Heaven habit
Tree of Heaven leaves
Tree of Heaven leaves
White Mulberry bark
White Mulberry branch
White Mulberry bud
White Mulberry flower
White Mulberry fruit
White Mulberry flower
White Mulberry habit
White Mulberry leaves
Canada Thistle habit
Canada Thistle leaves
Creeping Jenny flower
Creeping Jenny habit
Creeping Jenny leaves
Crown Vetch flower
Crown Vetch habit
Crown Vetch habit
Crown Vetch leaves
Dames Rocket flower
Dames Rocket habit
Dames Rocket leaves
English Ivy habit
English Ivy leaves
Garlic Mustard flower
Garlic Mustard habit
Garlic Mustard leaves
Ground Ivy flower
Ground Ivy habit
Ground Ivy leaves
Vinca leaves
Wintercreeper leaves
Purple Loosestrife flower
Purple Loosestrife flower
Purple Loosestrife habit
Purple Loosestrife leaves
Star of Bethlehem flower
Star of Bethlehem habit
Star of Bethlehem leaves
Sweet Clover White
Sweet Clover Yellow
Teasel flower
Teasel habit
Teasel leaves
Thistle Canada
Vinca flower
Vinca habit
Vinca leaves
Wintercreeper habit
Wintercreeper leaves
Grasses and Sedges
Bluestem Little
Bulrush Green
Dropseed Prairie
Lesser Bur Reed flower
Morel Mushroom
Puffball Mushroom
Puffball Mushroom
Checkerspot Butterfly
Whitetail Deer
Rudy Meadowhawk Dragonfly
Smoky Shadowdragon Dragonfly
Mallard Duck
Canada Geese
Blue Heron
White Heron
Milkweed Bug
Monarch Butterfly
Cecropia Moth
Baby Painted Turtle
Praying Mantis
Cottontail Rabbit
American Robin
Garter Snake
Fox Squirrel
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly
Common Snapper Turtle
Painted Turtle
Painted Turtle
Turkey Vulture
American Woodcock
Downy Woodpecker
Piliated Woodpecker
Piliated Woodpecker
Piliated Woodpecker
Redheaded Woodpecker