Resources for Students
We're here to make sure you have the resources you need to be successful at Purdue Fort Wayne - both in and out of the classroom. Below you will find a database of campus, local, and national resources, including information on financial aid, advocacy groups, faith organizations, and more.
For a sortable and searchable database, click here.
Know Your Rights
Know Your Rights
Purdue University is committed to maintaining a community which recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the University seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The University believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.
Purdue University views, evaluates, and treats all persons in any University related activity or circumstance in which they may be involved, solely as individuals on the basis of their own personal abilities, qualifications, and other relevant characteristics.
Purdue University prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran. The University will conduct its programs, services and activities consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders and in conformance with the procedures and limitations as set forth in Purdue’s Equal Opportunity, Equal Access and Affirmative Action policy which provides specific contractual rights and remedies. Additionally, the University promotes the full realization of equal employment opportunity for women, minorities, persons with disabilities and veterans through its affirmative action program.
All members of our community are free to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity. All-gender restrooms are also available in all academic building - with the exception of the William's Theatre and Helmke Library - for anyone who may not feel comfortable using a gender-designated restroom.
The preferred name policy allows students to change their name through the Registrar's office via this form. Please allow 24-48 hours for a request to be processed. You may change your preferred name once per semester, and you may only update your first name not your last name. The university will continue to make necessary changes to the implementation of the process to ensure preferred names are used whenever possible. Legal name will continue to be used for business and legal purpose in the following places: admissions, housing contracts, student billing accounts, financial aid, enrollment verification, transcripts, teacher licensure records, government employment forms, governmental tax forms, paychecks, and with the university police.
A legal name change can be made using this form, and you must provide one of the following forms of identification with that new name: driver's license or state issued photo ID, marriage license, social security card, permanent resident card, passport, divorce decree, or court order.
Currently, there is no process for changing the gender marker on school records at Purdue Fort Wayne.
In cases of harassment, or situations in which a student feels that another member of the Purdue Fort Wayne community (staff, faculty, or student) has violated their rights under Purdue’s anti-harassment, non-discrimination, and equal opportunity policies, a student can file a report, contact the Dean of Students, or reach out to the Office of Institutional Equity.
File a report.
Know Your Rights: Students & LGBTQ Rights at School
Southern Poverty Law Center guide to LGBTQ students' rights in public educationLGBT Rights in the United States
Wikipedia article detailing the current state of LGBTQ+ rights and anti-discrimination laws in the US -
Q Center Office Resources
Q Center Office Resources
Office Lounge
Our office features a comfortable lounge space for students to hang out, study, connect with peers, and take a break between classes.
The lounge is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Discord Server
Discord is a free, VoIP-based instant messaging platform designed for creating communities. Users can communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, and media and file-sharing in private chats or as part of communities called servers.
To join the Q Center server, follow the link below. If you do not already have a Discord account, you will be prompted to create one. Once you join, make sure to read the rules and introduce yourself!
Training and Consultation
Learn more about SafeZone Certification by clicking here.
In additional to our formal trainings, our staff is available to answer questions and provide advice to individual faculty, staff, and campus organizations around issues related to gender and sexual orientation, allyship, and advocacy for LGBTQ+ people on campus and in the community.
Weekly Newsletter
Stay up-to-date with Q Center news and events by subscribing to our weekly newsletter, delivered every Monday.
Academic Resources
Academic Resources
Purdue Fort Wayne Tutoring Center - PFW offers tutoring and other academic support for a wide variety of classes and subjects, including dedicated support for Music, Computer Sciences, Foreign Languages, Math & Science, and Writing.
Purdue Fort Wayne Financial Aid Office
Your one-stop for information about your financial aid.Purdue Fort Wayne Scholarships
Listing of PFW-specific scholarshipsFAFSA
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is your key to receiving federal financial aid, including access to grants and federally-backed students loans. FAFSA becomes available in late fall and must be completed no later than April 15th to be eligible for aid for the next academic year.Affordable Colleges Online
Extensive listing of scholarships for LGBTQ students, as well as FAQs for LGBTQ+ students applying for financial aidPoint Foundation
The nation's largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ+ students of meritRainbow Scholarship
A dedicated scholarship for LGBTQ+ students who wish to participate in rigorous study abroad programsCAREER RESOURCES
PFW Career Development Center
Free support and resources for PFW students - including interview prep, resume reviews, and more - provided by a fully SafeZone Certified staffCorporate Equality Index
Annual report rating workplace quality across major US employersHRC Employer Database
Searchable database of employers' policies on LGBTQ+ employeesThe Pipeline Project
Recruitment, retention, and leadership advancement initiative for queer people of color in leadershipTrans Job Seeker Guide
Resource guide to navigating the job search as a trans personTransgender in the Workplace
Career and resource guide for employees and employersUS Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Guidance document on workers' rights and workplace protections for LGBTQ+ peopleOTHER CAMPUS SUPPORT
Emergency Absence Policy
Sometimes unexpected events can get in the way of your academic success. The PFW Dean of Students Office can help you work with your professors to take a leave of absence.SGA Calculator Rental Program
Student Government offers low-cost graphing calculator rentals for all PFW and IUFW studentsThe Pantry
Food pantry available to all PFW and IUFW students, faculty, and staff, as well as members of the communityLGBT CERTIFICATE
The LGBT studies certificate is offered though the College of Arts and Sciences and the program integrates concepts from multiple academic disciplines from psychology to fine arts. The LGBT Undergraduate Certificate requires a total of 19 credit hours; 10 credits in LGBT courses, 6 credits in sexuality courses, and 3 credits in gender courses. This link will direct you to the LGBT Program Requirements tab, which lists the possible classes available.
Contact: Craig Hill, Ph.D., Director
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
For a listing of local LGBTQ+ affirming healthcare & mental health providers, click on "Fort Wayne Area Resources" below.
PFW Campus Clinic
The Purdue Fort Wayne Campus Health Clinic is an outpatient facility that provides a variety of healthcare services to students, faculty, staff, and community members.PFW Fitness Center
Multi-purpose exercise facility including cardio and weight equipment, as well as fitness classes and personal training. All PFW and IUFW students get FREE membership to the PFW Fitness Center.PFW Immunization Information
All incoming students and current students living in Student Housing are required to submit complete immunization records in compliance with Indiana state lawPFW Student Health Insurance Plan
Information about health insurance for students through PFWBRAVE Alliance
Allen County services exclusively for the LGBTQIA+ community as well as projects to advance the quality of care provided in areas of mental health & health care.Black AIDS Institute
Non-profit health advocacy group focused on HIV education, awareness, and prevention in Black communitiesCDC LGBT Youth Resources
Health resources for LGBTQ+ youth from the Center for Disease ControlGo Ask Alice
Health information and resources for young peopleHealthcare Equality Index
Annual report evaluating LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices across US healthcare facilitiesHealth Issues for Lesbians and Women Who Have Sex With Women
Blog post about sexual health issues for women-loving-women from the Mayo ClinicHealth Concerns for Transgender People
Blog post about health issues faced by transgender people from the Mayo ClinicHIV and Aids Resources for Women
Resources and information about HIV/AIDS for womenLatino Commission on AIDs
Non-profit health advocacy group focused on HIV education, awareness, and prevention in Latino communitiesLGBTQ+ and Addiction
Resources and information for LGBTQ+ people about addiction and recoveryNational Coalition for LGBT Health
National organization committed to improving the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals through federal and local advocacy, education, and research.OutCare
Free resources and information about accessing LGBTQ+ affirming healthcarePositive Resource Connection
Fort Wayne-based HIV education, prevention, testing, and case management organizationRainbow Health
Comprehensive health information and resources for LGBTQ+ peopleResources for People with HIV
Resources and information for people living with HIV/AIDSTrans Health Project
Healthcare resources and education for trans peopleTwo-Spirit Health Resources
Resources and information for LGBTQ Native peopleVHA LGBTQ+ Health Program
Healthcare resources for LGBTQ+ veterans through the US Department of Veterans AffairsMENTAL HEALTH
PFW Counseling Services
Students have access to a variety of short-term counseling services—for which there is no charge—to address their individual needs through the Student Assistance Program. These services are confidential and provided in a welcoming, comfortable setting regardless of a student’s race, gender, religion, ethnicity, age, ability, or sexual orientation.PFW CARE Team
The Office of the Dean of Students coordinates the CARE Team, which identifies students in crisis and gets them the guidance they need. If you or a friend are struggling, you can fill out the online referral form at the link above to request help.Cooperative Care: Queering Self Care
Community-based self-care tips and resourcesDesi LGBTQ+ Helpline for South Asians
Confidential support, information, and resources for LGBTQ+ South Asian people in the USDysphoria Tips Masterlist
A collection of articles and posts about dealing with gender dysphoria, with tips for transmasc, transfeminine, and non-binary individualsEveryone is Gay
Advice and resources for LGBTQ+ youthFinding a Trans-Knowledgeable Therapist
Free guide for finding trans-knowledgeable mental health providersHoliday Self-Care Tips for LGBTQ Youth
Tips for self-care during the holidaysIt Gets Better Project
Advocacy and support organization for LGBTQ+ youthLGBTQ Latinx Mental Health Resource Guide
Mental health resources for LGBTQ+ Latinx people (bilingual)Love is Louder
Resources and tips for taking care of your own mental healthMatthew's Place
Resources, education, and stories for LGBTQ+ youthNational Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network
Mental health resources for LGBTQ+ people of colorQTBIPOC Mental Health and Well-Being
Mental health resources for LGBTQ+ people of colorRemedy Live
Local mental health resources for LGBTQ+ people, crisis hotline and 24/7 text serviceSeize the Awkward
Resources and tips for talking about mental healthSelf-care Resources for Trans and Non-Binary Folks
Tips and resources for trans self-careTrevor Project
Mental health and suicide prevention resources for LGBTQ+ youthYou Are Not Alone
Self-care tips and resources for trans peopleCOMING OUT
A Resource Guide to Coming Out
General coming out guideA Resource Guide to Coming Out as Bisexual
Coming out guide for bisexual peopleComing Out: Living Authentically as LGBTQ Latinx Americans
Coming out guide for Latinx LGBTQ+ peopleTransgender Visibility Guide
Coming out guide for trans peopleHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS AND SAFER SEX
Asexual Relationships 101
Frequently asked questions about ace relationshipsAttraction & Relationship Terms
Aromantic-centered glossary of attraction and relationship terminologyGet Yourself Tested(GYT)
Resources and information about STIs and testingGLBTQ Domestic Violence Project
Organization providing free and confidential support and services to LGBTQ+ surviors of domestic and sexual violenceHow to Have Sex if You're Queer
Article about protection, consent, and what queer sex meansHow to Have Sex with a Trans Man
Blog post about healthy and respectful sex for transmasculine peopleIMPACT Program: Sex Ed
Sex education and resources for LGBTQ+ youthIt's Your (Sex) Life
LGBTQ+ inclusive safer sex informationLesbian Sex 101
Sexual health and safety resources for women-loving-womenLGBT Foundation Sex Guides
Educational safer sex guides for LGBTQ+ peopleLGBTQ+ Safer Sex Guide
Comprehensive resource guide for LGBTQ+ safer sexLove and Romance: LGBTQ Resources
Relationship resources for LGBTQ+ peopleMaleSurvivor
Support and resources for male survivors of domestic and sexual violenceNational Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
Organization dedicated to empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy.Options for Sexual Health
LGBT-inclusive sexual health information and resourcesPlanned Parenthood Safer Sex
LGBTQ+ inclusive safer sex informationPolyamory 101
Resource document about non-monogamous relationshipPower and Control Wheel for LGBT Relationships
Resource document about intimate partner violence within LGBT relationshipsRAINN
LGBTQ+ inclusive anti-sexual violence organizationSafer Sex for Trans Bodies
A safer sex guide guide for trans and gender diverse peopleSex, Etc.
Sexual and relationship health resources for young peopleSexual Health for Gay and Bisexual Men
Safer sex information for men-loving-menSexual Health for Lesbian and Bisexual Women
Safer sex information for women-loving-womenThe Center for Non-Violence
Fort Wayne-based non-profit providing education, support, and advocacy to end relationship violence and other forms of violenceThe Network/la Red
Survivor-led, social justice organization working to end relationship violence in LGBTQ+, polyamorous, and SM communitiesThe Ultimate Guide to LGBTQ+ Dating Safety
Comprehensive guide to dating safety for LGBTQ+ peopleTrans Teen Survival Guide: Transfeminine Sexual Health
Resources and education about sexual health for transfeminine peopleTrans Teen Survival Guide: Transmasculine Sexual Health
Resources and education about sexual health for transmasculine peopleYes, No, Maybe: A Sexual Inventory Stocklist
A guide to setting and communicating healthy sex and relationship boundaries for young people -
Community Building
Community Building
BRAVE Alliance
Allen County services exclusively for the LGBTQIA+ community as well as projects to advance the quality of care provided in areas of mental health & health care.Fort Wayne Pride
Non-profit organization focused on providing safe, fun events for the Fort Wayne and Northeast Indiana LGBTQ+ communityYWCA Northeast Indiana
Our local branch provides addiction services, domestic violence services, education services, economic services, and more.The Center for Non-Violence
Fort Wayne-based non-profit providing education, support, and advocacy to end relationship violence and other forms of violenceRemedy Live
Local mental health resources for LGBTQ+ people, crisis hotline and 24/7 text serviceSTATE
Indiana Youth Group
Indiana-based support and advocacy organization for LGBTQ+ young peopleNATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL
Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women & Transgender Community
Community-building and networking organization for AAPI queer women and trans peoplebklyn boi hood
Community-building organization for LGBTQ+ identifying men of colorBrown Boi Project
Community of masculine of center womyn, men, two-spirit people, transmen and allies committed to changing the way that communities of color talk about genderGay Professional Men of Color
Community support group for GBTQ+ identifying men of colorOut to Innovate
National organization of LGBTQ+ STEM professionals -
Advocacy and Legal Aid
Advocacy and Legal Aid
American Veterans for Equal Rights
A non-profit, non-partisan, chapter-based Veterans Service Organization of active, reserve, and veteran service members dedicated to full and equal rights and equitable treatment for all present and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender current and prior military personnel who have been historically disenfranchised by armed forces policy and discriminatory laws governing military service and benefits.Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy
Advocacy organization for people on the Aromantic spectrumBlack & Latino LGBTQ+ Coalition
Advocacy and education for LGBTQ+ Black and Latino communitiesBlack Trans Advocacy Coalition
Advocacy organization working to address issues faced by black trans peopleEquality Federation
National LGBTQ+ advocacy organization focused on empowering state-based advocacy effortsHuman Rights Campaign
National organization advocating for LGBTQ+ rights through education, research, political organizing, and moreImmigration Equality
LGBTQ+ immigrant rights organizationMarsha P Johnson Institute
Advocacy and community organizing group for Black trans peopleMovement Advancement Project
Research and advocacy for LGBTQ+ peopleNational Black Justice Coalition
Civil rights organization dedicated to the advancement of black LGBTQ+ peopleNational Center for Transgender Equality
Advocacy and support for trans peopleNational LGBTQ Task Force
Organization dedicated to empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy.National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance
Coalition of LGBT AAPI organizations focused on community building, leadership development, promoting visibility, and grassroots organizingOut & Equal
International organization focused on workplace equality for LGBTQ+ peopleSylvia Rivera Law Project
Organization dedicated to guaranteeing that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence.Transgender Law Center
The nation's largest trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all peopleTrue Colors United
Advocacy, education, and support organization dedicated to ending LGBTQ+ youth homelessnessZuna Institute
National advocacy organization for black lesbiansLEGAL AID AND INFORMATION
Know Your Rights: Airport Security
Air travel tips and legal information for trans peopleLambda Legal
Non-profit national organization committed to achieving the full recognition of the civil rights of LGBTQ+ people and everyone living with HIV/AIDS through impact litigation, education, and public policy workLavender Rights Project
Low-cost legal services and community programming centered on social justice for trans and queer low-income people and other marginalized communitiesLGBTQ Freedom Fund
Mutual-aid bail fund for LGBTQ+ peopleLGBTQ Right by Country or Territory
Wikipedia article about LGBTQ+ rights around the worldMunicipal Equality Index
Annual report rating LGBTQ-inclusive municipal laws, policies, and servicesNational Center for Lesbian Rights
National non-profit, public interest law firm that litigates precedent-setting cases at the trial and appellate court levels; advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBTQ community; provides free legal assistance to LGBTQ people and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBTQ issues.Stateside Legal
Legal resources for LGBT veteransThe Williams Institute
Independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity laws and public policy; part of the UCLA School of LawTransgender Legal Defense & Education Fund
Organization committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity and expression and to achieving equality for transgender people through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, and public policy efforts.US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: LGBT+ Workers
Guidance document on workers' rights and workplace protections for LGBTQ+ people -
Faith and Spirituality
Faith and Spirituality
2810 Beacon Street260.482.8595WebsiteCONGREGATION ACHDUTH VESHOLOM
5200 Old Mill Road 260.744.4245WebsiteFIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
300 W. Wayne Street260.426.7421WebsiteFORT WAYNE BAPTIST CHURCH
2323 Fairfield Ave.260.744.2373WebsiteFORT WAYNE FRIENDS MEETING
4120 Webster Street260.220.2716NEW WORLD CHURCH
4720 Speedway Drive260.471.1911PEACE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST
9123 Aboite Center Road260.432.8290WebsitePLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF FORT WAYNE
501 W. Berry Street260.423.9424WebsiteRESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH
5310 Old Mill Road260.744.1867WebsiteUNITY OF FORT WAYNE SPIRITUAL CENTER
3232 Crescent Avenue260.482.2477WebsiteNATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS
Affirmation - Advocacy group for LGBTQ+ people in the Methodist church
Affirmation United Methodists for LGBTQ People - Advocacy group for LGBTQ+ people in the Methodist church
Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptist Churches - National association of LGBTQ+ affirming Baptist churches
Axios Eastern & Orthodox LGBT Christians - Support and community for LGBT people who follow the Orthodox Christian faith tradition
Brethran Mennonite Council - Advocacy group for LGBTQ+ people in the Mennonite community
Center for LGBTQ & Gender Studies in Religion - A program of the Pacific School of Education, focused on advancing the well-being of LGBTQ people and transforming faith communities by shaping the public discourse on religion, gender, and sexuality through education, research, community building, and advocacy
DignityUSA - Advocacy and support organization for LGBTQ+ people in the Catholic church
Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and Queer Concerns - LGBTQ+-inclusive Quaker faith community
Gay & Lesbian Vaishnava Association - LGBT-inclusive Hindu organization
Integrity, Inc. - LGBTQ+ inclusive Episcopal organization
JQ International - Education, advocacy, and support for LGBTQ+ people in Jewish communities
Keshet - Advocacy group for LGBTQ+ Jewish people
Kinship International - LGBTQ+ community for current and former Seventh-Day Adventists
More Light Presbyterians - Advocacy group for LGBTQ+ people in the Presbyterian church
Muslims for Progressive Values - Advocacy group for human rights, social justice, and inclusion rooted in the Islamic faith tradition
New Ways Ministry - Catholic advocacy and education organization for LGBTQ+ people
Reconciling Ministries Network - Methodist social justice advocacy group
Reconciling Works - Advocacy groups for LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Lutheran church
SoulForce - National organization working to end the political and religious oppression of LGBTQ+ people through nonviolent resistance
Fort Wayne Area Resources/Healthcare Providers
Fort Wayne Area Resources/Healthcare Providers
Alliance Health Centers
2700 Lafayette Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806
PrEP Prescriber, Self-Identifying member of LGBTQ Community, Serving LGBTQ Patients, Family & Primary Care
3Rivers Wellness & Counseling
4630 West Jefferson Boulevard
Suite 3
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Specialties: Trauma and PTSD, Transgender care
Family Service Society, Inc.
Counseling101 S Washington St
Marion, IN 46952765.662.9971 ext. 122
Counseling, Individual or Group Therapy/Counseling
Consulting & Counseling Associates
4214 Hobson Court
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
3262 Mallard Cove Lane
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Psychological Service Associates, Inc.
3421 E State Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Fort Wayne Medical Education Program
Family Medicine750 Broadway
Suite 250
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Family Practice
330 Lawview Drive
Goshen, IN 46528
Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
In accordance with Purdue policies, all persons have equal access to Purdue University’s educational programs, services and activities, without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability or status as a veteran. See Purdue’s Nondiscrimination Policy Statement. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these policies, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance at [email protected] or 765-494-5830.