PFW and IUFW Campus Will Be Closed Wednesday
The Purdue University Fort Wayne campus including Indiana University Fort Wayne will be closed Wednesday, Jan. 22, because of the dangerously cold conditions that are expected to continue through the morning hours. Read More


Assessment Activity 2008-present

IPFW renewed its commitment to assessment during the University Strategic Alignment Process (USAP).  As part of the commitment to clearly communicating progress and accomplishment, The Office of Assessment will be updating the following timeline to reflect our planned activities and our accomplishments.

  1. (2008-2010) Timeline leading to 2011 Report by HLC Site Team
  2. (February 2011) HLC Site Visit Final Report:  HLC recommends IPFW take specific actions to move beyond “…the fragmented and episodic nature of assessment at IPFW and into a true culture of assessment…”see recommendations in advancement report – highlighted section.
  3. (August 2011) Assessment Council Reconvened
  4. (August 2014) HLC Team named for Assessment Academy Proposal
  5. (September 2014) As recommended by 2011 Report, IPFW proposes participation in the Assessment Academy
  6. (November 2014) New Assessment Director Hired
  7. (November 2014) Initial draft of IPFW Institutional Assessment Plan
  8. November 2014) IPFW Accepted into HLC Assessment Academy
  9. (December 2014)  Assessment Council Reconvened
  10. (December 2014) Assessment Goals, Outcomes and Request for Resources submitted to USAP Committee.
  11. (January 2015) Assessment Council begins process to update Senate Documents related to Assessment and align with current “best practice” as foundation for developing a new assessment plan.
  12. (April 2015) Assessment Council completes “Proposed Restatement of 98-22 Assessment of Student Academic Achievement” and submits to Educational Policy Committee for a vote to forward revised policy to Faculty Senate.
  13. (June 2015) HLC Academy Team (James Hersberger, Debrah Huffman, Kent Johnson, Kimberly McDonald, Barton Price, and Robert Wilkinson) formed and participates in HLC Assessment Academy.
  14. (June 2015) HLC Academy Action Plan developed.
  15. (August 2015) Institutional Assessment Action Plan Draft completed and shared with Assessment Council for review and comment.
  16. (September 2015) COAS Assessment Committee recommends adopting reporting procedures from “Proposed Restatement of 98-22 Assessment of Student Academic Achievement” including the Departmental Assessment Report Outline.
  17. (October 19, 2015) Faculty Senate passes SD 15-6 to replace SD 98-22.
  18. (January 26, 2016) COAS completes first full pilot of SD 15-06.
  19. (February 29, 2016) Pilot begins on institutional level review of college level reports.
  20. (April 2016 ) Assessment Office works with College of Education and Public Policy to coordinate NCATE reporting and IPFW Assessment Reporting Process to increase usefulness and efficiency.
  21. (May 2016) A majority of programs in HHS, VPA, and ETCS completed assessment reports in the new format.
  22. (June 21, 2016) IPFW Assessment Blog created to share assessment ideas.
  23. (July 2016) IPFW Assessment Handbook published to support academic departments and colleges in implementing IPFW’s Assessment Plan.
  24. (July 2016) IPFW Assessment Workbook published to provide tools for completing the Annual Assessment Report as part of Program Review.
  25. (August 2016) 2016/17 Assessment Academy begins with development of College Level Assessment Communities to provide quality evaluation and feedback for the Academic Department Assessment Reports.
  26. (August 22, 2016) IPFW Assessment Newsletter: first issue published on web for updates on IPFW Assessment Activities, Tips from Faculty, and Upcoming Workshops
  27. (September 2016) Academic Units invited to collaborate across departments by sharing “best practices” as a part of the workshop series.
  28. (September 2016) Fall Assessment Academy Workshop series begins to provide tools, techniques, and strategies for academic departments to use to ensure that assessment is providing the type of information needed to guide interventions and innovations aimed at increasing student learning and success.
  29. (September 6, 2016) Assessment Plan Tune-up Workshop designed as a refresher to review the reporting requirements for the Annual Assessment Report.
  30. September 20, 2016) Assess – Intervene/Innovate - Reassess: Leveraging Assessment to Improve Student Learning and Success Workshop focuses on using assessment findings to plan. programmatic and/or course level curricular changes to improve student learning.
  31. (September 26, 2016) IPFW Assessment Newsletter: second issue published
  32. (September 27, 2016) Assessment Overview Workshop presents an overview of process, reporting structure, and support for programmatic assessment under Senate Document 15-6.
  33. (October 4, 2016) Creating Signature Assignments for Programmatic Assessment Workshop Part 1 designed as a “hands-on” workshop series designed to support IPFW Faculty in creating signature assignments for core courses that examine the extent to which students are achieving expected levels of learning relative to stated programmatic Student Learning Outcomes. 
  34. (October 5, 2016) Reviewing Department Level Assessment Reports Workshop provides College Level Assessment Committees training on completing the review of Departmental Reports.
  35. (October 7, 2017) Redesigned and updated Assessment Web Site published
  36. (October 18, 2016) Creating Signature Assignments for Programmatic Assessment Workshop Part 2
  37. (October 25, 2016) Creating Signature Assignments for Programmatic Assessment Workshop Part 3
  38. (November 1, 2016) IPFW Assessment Newsletter: third issue published
  39. (January 2017) Started working with HLC on Change in Organization Application
  40. (February 2016) Program Review Workshop introduced the updated process as defined in OAA Memorandums 16-2 and 16-3 and presented the resources available to help with program review preparation.
  41. (February 7, 2016) Spring workshop series begins with: Working Session 1: Using Assessment Findings for Programmatic Improvement.
  42. (February 8, 2016) Administrative Program Review Group convened to develop administrative Program Review process per Action Plan 41.
  43. (February 20, 2016) IPFW Assessment Council reconvened to review a Rubric for evaluating College Level Assessment Reports.
  44. (March, 2016) Sharing the collective knowledge from the COAS full pilot of SD 15-06, colleges complete first college level assessment reports using SD 15-06.



Annual Course Asmt Template

Assessment Resources

Handbook - 2



Have an Assessment Question?

Office of Assessment

2101 E. Coliseum Blvd.
Kettler Hall Room 140G
Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499
Phone: 260-481-5411

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