Common Questions
Contacting HR-OIE:
Not sure who to contact in HR?
We're happy to help! Please call the main line at 260-481-6840 or email
How do I find information regarding my benefits?
Updated benefits information can be found here: Purdue Benefits: Quick Reference Guide.
In addition to our benefits director here on the PFW campus (, you may also contact the West Lafayette campus at 765-494-2222, or toll free at 877-725-0222.
Employee Evaluations:
Are annual evaluations required for all staff employees?
Purdue University has established that each benefited staff member will receive a written performance evaluation annually. Complete policy details are outlined in the Performance Evaluations for Staff (VI.F.7) Policy.
What is the evaluation timeline?
The system-wide evaluation timeframe is May 1 to April 30.
What happens when an employee changes departments in the midst of evaluation deadlines?
If an employee changes departments in the midst of evaluation deadlines, when they complete their self-assessment, their evaluation will automatically route to the manager they are shown as currently reporting to in SuccessFactors. When timing overlaps, there is an opportunity for the previous supervisor and current supervisor to collaboratively complete the evaluation for the employee. Supervisors should contact Human Resources at
For the “Supervision” rating section, who am I evaluating?
The “Supervision” section is for employees in supervisory roles to rate their own performance. This section is not for an employee to rate their supervisor.
How do I send an evaluation back to my employee for changes?
Managers can send an employee’s evaluation back for changes by going to the bottom of the evaluation form and selecting “Send back to Employee for review”. This will be a two-click process; once to say send it back, and another click to confirm it is the action you want to take. All actions within the system follow this two-click format.
When will my direct reports see the performance rating I have given them?
For an employee to see the rating from their manager, the manager will need to print a copy and provide it to the employee, or the employee and supervisor can review it together electronically during the 1:1 Meeting. The system is designed this way to open up the opportunity for the employee and manager to discuss the evaluation prior to it being sent to the employee for signature. Once sent to the employee for signature and acknowledgement, the employee will be able to see the manager’s comments and their performance rating.
How do I hire a part-time employee?
If you have identified a candidate then you’ll work with your departments’ Business Manger to hire the candidate and fill the position. If you do not have a candidate identified, contact HR for assistance.
Employment Verifications:
I am being asked for an employment verification for myself. How can I get documentation of my PFW employment?
Employees may access their own verification records by visiting the uConfirm website and following the Employee Portal Instructions. If you need further assistance, please contact our office at 481-6840 or send an email to
I have not completed my I-9, can I begin working?
No. You must complete your I-9 verification before your first shift. This process is completed through the Payroll office. Should you have any questions, please contact
I did not receive my W-2. How do I go about getting a copy?
Please send us an email with your name to We will respond with instructions and important information that you will need to go about accessing your W-2 via the ADP website.
I need to update important information (examples- home address, phone number, emergency contact, banking information, tax information). How do I do that?
- You can update all of that information via your SuccessFactors profile. You can access SuccessFactors by going to and then clicking on the tile labelled “Employee Launchpad- SAP SuccessFactors”. After you’ve logged in, you’ll see a row of black quick action tiles at the top underneath the Purdue University banner. If you click on the one labelled, “My Profile”, this will take you to your personal profile in SuccessFactors.
- Once in your personal profile, you’ll see a jump banner underneath your name and title. If you click on the sections within the jump banner, you’ll be taken to that section of your profile, which is where you can update your information. For example, say you need to update your banking information. You’ll click on the part of the jump banner labelled, “Payroll” and then “Bank Ess”. A new tab will then open where you can update your information. For tax information, you would also click on “Payroll” in the jump banner but then you would select, “BSI TaxProfileFactor-Employee” once you’re in the Payroll area of your profile. Once the new page has opened, you would select “Forms” and then “Forms to be Completed”, which will allow you to choose the tax forms that you’d like to update.
I wasn’t paid for all my hours worked. Can you tell me why?
Payment delays can happen for different reasons:
- If you manually enter time pairs in Webclock instead of using the Big Button to clock in & clock out for each shift worked the system “holds” the time until either the Supervisor approves it or it will paid back on the next biweekly pay date.
- If a Supervisor approves time AFTER Monday, at 10am and payroll has been processed, the system ‘holds” the time until the next biweekly pay date.
How do I find my Pay Stub?
Great question! You can view you pay stub via your SuccessFactors profile. You can access SuccessFactors by going to and then clicking on the tile labelled “Employee Launchpad- SAP SuccessFactors”. After you’ve logged in, you’ll see a row of black quick action tiles at the top underneath the Purdue University banner. If you scroll down underneath the quick action tiles you’ll see another set up tiles labelled, “Organizational Updates”. If you choose the tile labelled, “Pay Statements- 1/1/2019 to Present” you can view all of your previous paystubs.
University Holidays:
PFW Staff Holidays: 24-25 Staff Holidays
You can also find a list of the coming holidays in SuccessFactors in your “Time Off” section; once there, on the right side, there is a list of University holidays for the next fiscal year.
How do I schedule Health Coaching?
Schedule Health Coaching or Small Group Presentations for your team or department
Where is the website for Employee Well-being?
Use the vanity URL
What is the Healthy Boiler Program?
It’s a program to encourage benefits-eligible employees and spouses covered under one of the Purdue health plans to engage in healthy lifestyle choices by offering financial incentives. When you complete specific requirements such as an annual physical with biometrics screenings, dental or vision exams, and others, your financial incentives will be deposited in your HSA or HRA. Learn more about the Healthy Boiler Program or sign up for the program at the Healthy Boiler portal. Registration links can be found under the “Healthy Boiler Workshops” section on the portal’s home page. Hover over the workshop’s square and hit “Submit” to register.
Where do I find a list of upcoming Employee Well-being events?
Visit the Employee Well-being website, then maximize the Events tab and click on upcoming Employee Well-being Events.