Financial Resources
Financial Resources
Financial wellness involves the successful management of financial means, which includes things like food, transportation, social activities, various wants and other needs. We know managing your money can be extremely successful. The resources below are designed to help you understand how to manage your money, make wise financial decisions, and prepare financially for your future.
Your student account is more than just a bill. Take a look at everything you can do with it:
- Sign up for direct deposit
- Set up authorized-user access
- Request text alerts
- Choose your payment plan
- Pay your account online
- View and print your eStatement
Your student account also provides a safe and secure way to pay your bill and receive your refund.
Here’s how to access your account:
- Go to goPFW
- Enter your username and password in the designated areas and click the sign-in button.
- Find the Bursar Student Account Information card.
- Select "Click Here to See Your Bill" (a new window will open revealing your student account).
Career Development Center
The Career Development Center can assist in the search for part-time, full-time or paid internship employment. Most positions posted in Handshake, our student-employer employment platform, offer excellent opportunities to grow your transferable skills and strengthen your resume while financing your degree. Finding a position connected to your field of study can help financially now as well as contribute to your success later. Studies show that students who participate in a paid internship earn more after graduation than those who do not.
Choi-Frank Students as Parents Childcare Support Award
The Choi-Frank Students as Parents Childcare Support Award offers support for current students who are experiencing financial difficulty in paying for childcare while attending Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW). This award is for PFW students.
The Choi-Frank Students as Parents Childcare Support Award Website
Financial Aid
Whether you are a new student or are seeking to continue your education, our Financial Aid Guide provides information and resources to help you through our financial aid process. Prior to receiving financial aid, you must first complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. If you require additional help, contact our office for support at [email protected] or 260-481-6820. You may visit us in person at Kettler Hall, Room 103.
GoPFW Account
With goPFW you can register for classes, view enrollment information, check out billing and financial aid information, monitor your academic success, explore student life, and much more. When first accessing goPFW, choose First-Time User on the log-in screen.
Mastodon Student Relief Fund
The Mastodon Student Relief Fund provides financial support to currently enrolled degree-seeking PFW students who experience an accident, illness, financial hardship, or other situation that may jeopardize their ability to succeed academically. In addition to this fund, Purdue University Fort Wayne also offers the Zielinski Angel Fund Emergency Aid (learn more here) and the Brown Ink Society Emergency Assistance (learn more here). Please note that applications for the Brown Ink Society Emergency Assistance must be a nomination for a student from a staff or faculty member. Please consider checking into both emergency funds when considering The Mastodon Student Relief Fund.
Mastodon Student Relief Fund Request Form
Military Student Services (MSS)
The Office of Military Student Services provides assistance for veteran, active military, and military-connected students, as they transition to and through Purdue Fort Wayne. Students can receive guidance about and access to military education benefits, personal and professional development, and camaraderie with their peers.
Services and programs that we provide include the following:
- Assistance with understanding the variety of military educational benefits at the state and federal level available to a student
- Yellow Ribbon Program, pending residency and percentage level
- Military Tuition Assistance (TA)
- VA Work Study Program
Military Student Services Website
Student Health Insurance
As a PFW student, you have access to health insurance options through Academic HealthPlans, so you can keep your health a priority. Before you head to campus, explore your insurance options and all the information you need on required immunizations and records.
Student Health Insurance Website
Student Shuttle Program
The Student Shuttle Program is designed for students living in Student Housing on the Waterfield Campus, Canterbury Green Apartments, or The Arch Apartments, to get free rides to Walb Student Union, Kettler Hall, Music Center, and Doermer School of Business.
Rides are offered on weekdays Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Fridays from 8a.m. to 1:15 p.m., running in approximately 20-minute increments.
Another service offered will be a trip to Walmart on Coldwater, at approximately 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Fridays. Students must sign up for the grocery trips. Space on this shuttle is currently limited to the first seven students who reserve a seat each week.
Student Shuttle Service Website
The Zielinski Angel Fund Emergency Aid
The Zielinski Angel Fund Emergency Aid program provides emergency aid grants up to $250 to students experiencing financial crises that threaten their ability to stay in school, and who have no other resources available to them. This award excludes aid for textbooks and tuition fees.