student conduct
Office of Student Conduct and Care
Values and standards.
The Office of Student Conduct and Care promotes responsibility and encourages honesty, integrity, and respect among Purdue Fort Wayne students and the campus community. We accomplish our mission through education, the promotion of compliance to behavioral standards, and the support of individual rights. Our work helps enhance the quality of the university and community environment.
All students are expected to behave in accordance with local, state, and federal laws and with university rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. Instances of personal misconduct can occur both on and off campus. Alleged misconduct is addressed using the procedures found in the PFW Student Code.

The Student Conduct Process
If you are alleged to be in violation of the university's code of conduct, you'll be given the chance to explain more about the incident during either an administrative conference or Conduct Review Board Hearing. The Office of Student Conduct & CARE and Student Housing facilitate all student conduct processes. You may have been referred to these offices for the following types of behaviors:
- Alcohol or Drug misconduct
- Vandalism
- Disruptive/Disorderly Conduct
- Threatening, Harming or Endangering Others
- Theft or Burglary
- Fraud or Providing False Information
- Computer Misuse
- Weapons
- Violation of your Student Housing Contract
Good Neighbor Exception
This exception was created to encourage students to make responsible decisions and seek assistance for fellow students who may be experiencing an alcohol or drug overdose.
Students or student groups, who may be in violation of code of conduct policies but seek medical assistance for others experiencing an alcohol and drug overdose, will receive educational and supportive measures over disciplinary sanctions. The following are the good-neighbor steps:
- KNOW: Review the policy.
- CALL: Reach out to emergency services at 911 or university police department
- STAY: If you call for assistance, it is important to stay with the student until help arrives and roll the person on their side.
- AMNESTY: Provide your name to emergency personnel and you can avoid punitive sanctions.
What to Expect
You will meet with the conduct officer to discuss the alleged violation. This is typically a one-on-one discussion. You'll learn the nature of the incident and review any information, photos, videos or other materials related to the incident and be able to present similarly relevant documentation. Please bring any relevant information to your conduct conference.
Standard: The University use the preponderance standard for all personal misconduct cases when determining if a student is responsible or not responsible for an alleged violation. This means it is more likely than not that the alleged violation occurred.
Resolution: The Student Conduct Officer may:
- Dismiss some or all charges if determined that the violation is not supported by the information.
- Continue an investigation into the complaint to determine if the allegations have merit. Cases that are complicated in nature and scope can be referred to the Conduct Review Board for resolution.
- Find the student responsible and impose sanction(s) by means of a written notice if the information supports the alleged violation.
You may appeal the result of an administrative conduct conference to the next level administrator. (LINK to form). You have five business days from the date of the outcome letter in which to submit an appeal. Appeals can only be submitted on the following reasons:
- There is significant and new information related to the case that was not available at the time of the conduct conference that would alter the finding and sanctions of the case. This cannot be used if you didn’t attend your conduct conference.
- You believe the University failed to follow established procedures outlined in the Code.
- You believe the assigned sanction of disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, degree deferral, or restrictions, is grossly disproportionate to the violation. Assigned sanctions of a written warning and/or educational sanctions not be appealed.
Conduct Review Boards are used for incidents that potentially warrant removal from Student Housing, suspension or expulsion. Additionally, cases may be referred to the Board that are complex in nature and scope. If your case is being heard at a Review Board, you will receive this information in a letter to your university email.
Pre-Hearing Meeting & Preparation- A Conduct officer will schedule both your pre-hearing meeting and your conduct review board time. In the pre-hearing meeting, they will go over all information that you need to know regarding the board hearing. Please note, if you do not attend this meeting, the hearing will still take place.
In preparation, write out your thoughts on the incident, including:
- How did your actions affect others?
- What have you learned as a result?
- How did your actions relate to the Carolinian Creed?
- What outcome would be appropriate and educational?
Additionally, a few other tips include:
- Dress appropriately. The hearing will be formal, and members will be in their work attire.
- Know where you are going and arrive 5-10 minutes early.
- Prepare questions to ask the conduct officer, witnesses and practice your remarks.
Conduct Review Board Hearing- A panel of three or five members will be convened. Realistically, you should not know who these people are or have interacted with them previously. This is to ensure they have no bias when deciding on your case.
Your hearing will be closed and confidential. Video and audio recordings are not permitted by anyone other than the Office of Student Conduct & CARE. Hearings typically last between one and three hours. After all information has been presented, the board will meet in private to reach a decision, and, if appropriate, determine sanctions. Decisions of the board must be a majority vote. If you are found responsible, the board may review any of your prior conduct records to determine the appropriate outcome. The outcome will be provided to you via a letter to your PFW email and will include findings, any assigned sanctions and information about your right to appeal.
If you choose to not attend your hearing, the hearing will occur without your participation. You will still be notified of the outcome of the Hearing.
If you have are allegedly have violated the Student Code, you may bring one support person with you to both administrative conduct conferences and conduct review bard hearings. This support person can be a parent, friend, or attorney. This role of a support person is meant to support you as you go through the conduct process. You will need to fill out a conduct to release information form for anyone attending your meetings with you.
Please understand that the University conduct process is different from the criminal judicial system. We have worked with our legal counsel to make sure that our policies and practices are consistent with state and federal laws that pertain to due process protections in college disciplinary cases. Our system is an educational process designed to help students reflect and grow through honest conversations about values and decision making. Consequently, only the student can speak to these issues and firsthand to what happened. The University’s process is meant to be non-adversarial. We do realize that advisors have a role in assisting their clients and we typically have no issue with permitting a break so that students may consult with their advisors during the process.
If there is reasonable cause, the Office of Student Conduct & CARE may find it necessary to take interim measures before a formal decision is made in order to mitigate the effects of alleged misconduct and to promote the safety of the university campus community. Interim Measure may include but are not limited to:
- No Contact Orders
- Student Housing removal or reassignments
- Changes to student’s academic schedule or employment assignment
- Counseling evaluation
- Temporary delay in graduation
- Revocation of admission
- Restriction on the student’s presence in university buildings, on university property, at university events, and/or use of the university’s online resources
Interim Suspension
When the behavior of a student poses an immediate risk to the safety of or a substantial disruption to the effective operations of the university community, the university may interim suspend the student. This interim suspension immediately suspends the student from all university premises and activities.
Get the in-depth details.
Academic Regulations
The academic regulations section of the academic catalog addresses topics such as academic standing, grading scale, student classification, and more.
Civility Statement
Purdue University Fort Wayne is committed to the goals and ethics of academic investigation and education.
Student Hanbook
See the valuable resources you'll need throughout your time as a student.
Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
See the regulations governing student conduct, disciplinary proceedings, and appeals.
Email Policy
See policies and regulations for the use of official university email accounts.
Grade Appeals
See the official procedures for grade appeals.
Grade Appeal Checklist for Students
This document outlines each step to ensure that the process is followed properly.
Petition for Campus Appeals Board
Form for appeals related to academic misconduct, SGA Judicial Court rulings, and faculty/staff decisions that allegedly violate student rights as outlined in Part 1 of the Code.
Persona Non Grata and Trespass Policy
Procedure for the issuance of persona non grata (PNG) notifications.
University response to violent behavior by any member of the campus community
Student Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Policy
University response to a student suicide attempt.
University response to a student crisis requiring notification of their listed emergency contact.
University response to the death of a student
Alcohol and Other Drug Information
University information related to The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA).
Guidelines for Implementing Purdue’s Policy on Weapons
Information related to the prohibition of weapons on the Purdue Fort Wayne campus.
See guidelines governing harassment and intolerance in the university community.
Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
PFW is committed to maintaining a community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach their potential. See the official university statement regarding discrimination and anti-harassment.
Equal Opportunity, Equal Access, and Affirmative Action
See guidelines addressing diversity and discrimination.
Disciplinary Records Check Request
Records & Background Checks
Most professional schools, graduate programs and high-security jobs require student applicants to provide academic and judicial records as part of the application process.
A disciplinary reference check can take up to 10 days, so be mindful of your application deadline. Once the form is completed and signed, our office will return it directly to the institution to which you are applying.
When filling out the Disciplinary Records Check Request, you will be asked to indicate how you would like the form returned. Provide either a fax number for the requesting institution or email address. You will also be asked to include your student ID number on the form.
A disciplinary reference request only provides information from the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. If necessary, you will have to contact the Office of the Registrar separately for records regarding your academic standing.