Academic Regulations Academic Honesty
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- Academic Regulations Academic Honesty
Academic Honesty
- 4.0: Academic Honesty
- 4.1: Definitions -Students are expected and required to abide by the laws of the United States, the State of Indiana, and the rules and regulations of IPFW. Students are expected to exercise their freedom to learn with responsibility and to respect the general conditions that maintain such freedom. IPFW has developed the following general regulations concerning student conduct which safeguard the right of every individual student to exercise fully the freedom to learn without interference. IPFW may discipline a student for committing acts of academic or personal misconduct.
- 4.1.2: Academic Misconduct: This type of misconduct is generally defined as any act that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University or subvert the educational process. At IPFW, specific forms of academic misconduct are defined as follows:
- Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. The term "academic exercise" includes all forms of work submitted for cred or hours. The term "unauthorized materials" includes those identified by the instructor.
- Falsifying or fabricating any information or citation in an academic exercise.
- Helping or attempting to help another in committing acts of academic dishonesty.
- Submitting the work of someone else as if it were one's own by adopting or reproducing the ideas and opinions of others without acknowledgment. Such instances of plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional, and may involve isolated words, formulas, sentences, paragraphs, entire works, or other intellectual property; either copied from other published sources, or from unpublished work such as those of other students.
- Submitting work from one course to satisfy the requirements of another course unless submission of such work is permitted by the faculty member.
- Serving as or permitting another student to serve as a substitute (or 'ringer') in taking an exam.
- Altering of answers or grades on a graded assignment without authorization of the faculty member.
- Engaging in activities that unfairly place other students at a disadvantage, such as taking, hiding, or altering resource material.
- Violating professional or ethical standards of the profession or discipline for which a student is preparing (declared major and/or minor) as adopted by the relevant academic program.
- 4.2: Policy
- 4.2.1: Student's responsibilities. Academic honesty is expected of all students. The student is responsible for knowing how to maintain academic honesty and for abstaining from cheating, the appearance of cheating, and permitting or assisting in another's cheating.
- 4.2.2: Instructor's responsibilities. The instructor is responsible for fostering the intellectual honesty as well as the intellectual development of students, and should apply methods of teaching, examination, and assignments which discourage student dishonesty. The instructor should explain clearly any specialized meanings of cheating and plagiarism as they apply to a specific course. The instructor is responsible for providing students with a written course-level policy regarding the authorized/unauthorized usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The instructor must thoroughly investigate signs of academic dishonesty, take appropriate actions, and report such actions properly per procedures described in Part III.A Procedures for Academic Misconduct in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct in the Catalog to prevent repeated offenses and to ensure equity.
- 4.3: Procedures: For all procedures related to Academic Misconduct, see Part III.A Procedures for Academic Misconduct in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct in the Catalog. In order to ensure that the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct are promoted and supported at IPFW, academic departments should establish a written policy/statement, addressing the professional or ethical standards of their discipline, which is distributed to all students who are preparing in the discipline. Students have the responsibility to familiarize themselves with the academic department's policy/statement. (For additional information, see the Student Disciplinary Procedures section of the Code of Students Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct in the Bulletin).
Academic Regulations and Procedures (SD 16-45)
(Effective July 1, 2018)