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Study Elementary Experiential

Student Teaching, Practicum, 

& Field Experiences

Department of Teacher Education

Step from your classroom to theirs.

As a Teacher Education student, the classroom experience is your real-world experience. This is your chance to apply your knowledge, to become a student leader and educator.

PFW student at Peace Montessori field experience.

Placement Requirements

Complete your Criminal History Report.

The safety of the community we serve is a top priority. Teacher Education students must complete a criminal history report annually to participate in field, student teaching, practicum, and residency experiences. Please see the details below about the placement requirements for your program.

Early Childhood Education (B-5, P-3, and Elementary Dual License)

The following are required documents by the state of Indiana for all students in an early childhood setting (Birth through PK classrooms) and must be completed before starting a field or practicum placement.

The following are required documents for placement within an elementary, middle, or secondary education setting and must be completed before starting a field, student teaching, or practicum placement.

Student Teaching, Practicum, & Year-long Residency Applications

Check the boxes. 

Early Childhood Practicum Application

for ECE Birth - Age 5 Majors and B.A.S. with an E.C.E. Concentration


Year-Long Residency Student Teaching Application

to be submitted 14 months prior to your regularly anticipated student teaching semester 


The PFW School of Education in partnership with Garrett-Keyser-Butler and Whitley County Consolidated Schools is offering a Teacher Residency Program. Completion of this program satisfies your student teaching requirement. PFW student teachers have an opportunity to engage in a yearlong teacher residency experience with the direct support and leadership of a collaborative mentor teacher. 

Why this matters: 

· Individual guidance, support, and leadership from a mentor teacher 

· Putting pedagogy and theory into practice · Extended yearlong experience 

· Engaging in professional development opportunities 

· Classroom preparation for after graduation 

· Program participants receive stipend of $12,000 Students participating in the program will register for evening or online sections of the courses in their final methods block, taking some classes in the fall semester and (if needed) some in the spring semester during the yearlong residency. 

Completion of the "Student Teaching Residency Application" does not guarantee placement in the program. Due to the limited number of spots, candidates will be selected based on academic merit, a resume review, faculty recommendation and a school district interview. Employment with the school district is a desired outcome. 


Application and Selection Process 

1. Submit application, resume, and letter of recommendation to [email protected] by the last day of November. Then schedule a student teaching appointment with Jim Beard. 

2. Candidate materials are reviewed by faculty committee for recommendation to school district 

3. Candidate notified by last day of January their materials will be submitted to school district for interviews 

4. School districts will interview candidates during the months of February and March 

5. Candidates will be notified by the school district if they have been selected 

6. If not selected by the school district, the candidate will be placed in a traditional student teaching placement

Artistic Mastodon

Student Teaching, Practicum, & Residency Appointments

Prepare for your placement.

Students should complete the appropriate application from the list above before scheduling an appointment. During your one-on-one student teaching or practicum appointment, you will review your application to ensure that all requirements are met and you understand the placement policies and expectations. 


Appointments should be scheduled approximately one year prior to your anticipated placement. 

Student Teaching and Field Experience

Put your knowledge to the test in the real world.

Student teaching is your time to start using the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired in the classroom. Lead the students of today, help them grow, and build your confidence and experience as an educator.

Course Number of Hours in Field Placement

Social Studies and the Family

Teaching and Learning for All Young Children I: Focus on Birth to Age 3

Field Experience: B–3

The courses are taken together and share one field experience, which is 30 hours outside of course time.

Teaching and Learning Children Ages 3–5

Issues in Infancy and Early Childhood Mental Health

Field Experience: Preschool

The courses are taken together and share one field experience, which is 40 hours outside of course time.
Practicum: B–3 (Birth–5 Program Option Only) 160 (outside of course instruction)
Practicum: 3-5 160 (outside of course instruction)
Birth–5 option, prior to student teaching 390
Preschool–3 option, prior to student teaching 230


Course Number of Hours in Field Placement

General Educational Psychology Lab / Field Experience

The course requires you to complete 30 hours of field experience outside of course instructional time.

Block 1 courses are taken together and share one common field experience.

The courses are taken together and share one field experience, which is 30 hours outside of course time.
Block 2 courses are taken together and share one common field experience. The number of field hours completed outside of course instructional time for the block 2 courses is 78 hours.
Block 3 courses are taken together and share one common field experience. The number of field hours completed outside of course instructional time for the block 3 courses is 156 hours.
Field experiences, prior to student teaching 294


Course Number of Hours in Field Placement

Examining Self as Teacher Lab/Field Experience

30 (outside of course instruction)

General Education Psychology Lab/Field Experience

30 (outside of course instruction)

Subject area methods courses and the adolescent development/classroom management class share a field experience.

The methods courses (as well as the psychology course) have a 30-hour field placement. The methods course and the adolescent development course are taken together in the fall semester. You will be placed in one field experience that is 60 hours outside of the instructional time of both courses.
Total amount of hours completed in field experiences, prior to student teaching 120