about us
department of International Language and Culture Studies
This is where passions are put to work.
You know what you love. You just need to a plan to make it work for you, and that’s where we come in. The Department of International Language and Culture Studies is devoted to providing you with the resources and support you need to make the vision you have for your future come to life. Dreaming of living in Tokyo or Paris? Hope to make a living in Berlin or Beirut? Want to backpack through South America? Learn Spanish to help propel your career right here in northeast Indiana? We can help make the language you love become part of your everyday life.

This is where you’ll make your mark.
The Department of International Language and Culture Studies is where you’ll find limitless opportunities to enhance your college experience—and to prepare you for a fulfilling life and successful career.

Have questions?
Contact the Department of International Language and Culture Studies at [email protected].