Certificates of Insurance
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- Certificates of Insurance
Purdue University Fort Wayne requires general liability insurance for approved external (third party) facility users (organizations or individuals) that are holding non-university events in our facilities including but not limited to meetings, conferences, sports camps/clinics, weddings or other special functions or events. This requirement can be satisfied by providing a certificate of insurance or by purchasing a general liability insurance policy. They should be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to worker compensation and have sufficient coverage to handle any liability arising out of any such claim brought by any employee, agent, subcontractor or independent contractor of the group.
Such insurance shall be in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and shall name Purdue University and the Trustees of Purdue as an additional insured.
Purdue University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to alter the required insurance and/or to turn down an event.
In general, the cost of the special event insurance is based on the type of event(s) being covered, the number of attendees and the length of the event. Obtaining event insurance is independent of leasing or reserving the campus facilities or obtaining security for your event.
The third-party wishing to have an event on campus that requires insurance shall, at its own expense, procure and maintain, without interruption during the entire term of the event, insurance of the kinds and limits listed hereunder. A certificate(s) of insurance and an Additional Insured Endorsement issued by the third party’s insurance carrier shall be furnished to Purdue University Fort Wayne before the event and shall name Purdue University and the Trustees of Purdue as Additional Insureds on the General Liability, Automobile Liability and/or Umbrella Liability policies as applicable.
A certificate of insurance, also known as an insurance certificate, COI, or proof of insurance, is a document used to verify that insurance coverage is in force. A certificate of insurance generally provides information about the policy, such as the policy number, and the effective dates of coverage. The certificate also provides the contact information for the insurance rep and the total limits of coverage provided by the policy.
Certificates of insurance contain separate sections for different types of liability coverage listed as general, auto, umbrella, and workers’ compensation. “Insured” refers to the policyholder, the person, or company who appears on the certificate as being covered by the insurance.
In addition to coverage levels, the certificate includes the policyholder's name, mailing address, and describes the operations the insured performs. The address of the issuing insurance company is listed, along with contact information for the insurance agent or the insurance agency’s contact person. If several insurance companies are involved, all names and contact information are listed.
When a client requests a COI, they become a certificate holder. The client's name and contact information appear in the bottom left-hand corner along with statements showing the insurer's obligation to notify the client of policy cancellations. The certificate briefly describes the insured’s policies and limits provided for each type of coverage.
Additional insured is a type of status associated with general liability insurance policies that provides coverage to other individuals/groups that were not initially named. With an additional insured endorsement, the additional insured will then be protected under the named insurer's policy and can file a claim in the event that they are sued.
If your group or organization does not have insurance or you agent/insurance company is unable to provide the coverage requested, the following online agencies specialize in event insurance:
Film Emporium Insurance: http://filmemporium.com/special-events
Hass and Wilkerson Insurance www.hwins.com
InsureEvents: https://www.insurevents.com/
K&K Insurance: http://www.kandkinsurance.com/Pages/Home.aspx
Private Event Insurance: www.privateeventinsurance.com
The Event Helper: www.theeventhelper.com
WedSafe: https://www.wedsafe.com/Pages/home.aspx
WedSure: https://www.wedsure.com/
Note: Purdue University Fort Wayne is not endorsing or recommending the online insurance agents listed above.
All Certificates of Insurance must be sent no later than 10 business days prior to the date of the event/meeting so that the Special Events Department and/or the PARCK Committee can review the document. Without the approved COI, the event will not be able to take place.
Click here to view a sample Certificate of Insurance
For additional information, visit the Special Event Web Site here (https://www.pfw.edu/offices/special-events/policies/insurance-requirement.html)