COI Frequently Asked Questions
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Program Activities for Risk Compliance and Kids
- COI Frequently Asked Questions
What is a certificate of insurance?
A certificate of insurance (COI) is issued by an insurance company or broker. The COI verifies the existence of an insurance policy and summarizes the key aspects and conditions of the policy. For example, a standard COI lists the policyholder's name, policy effective date, the type of coverage, policy limits, and other important details of the policy
What is the point of a certificate of insurance?
A certificate of insurance is a document used to provide information on specific insurance coverage. The certificate provides verification of the insurance and usually contains information on types and limits of coverage, insurance company, policy number, named insured, and the policies' effective periods.
What is the Difference between Certificate Holder and Additional Insured?
Certificate Holder is simply proof of insurance, where an Additional Insured status gives the University coverage and rights under the policy external parties using space on campus.
What do I do with the Certificate of Insurance after I get it?
Keep a copy for yourself and if you are working with the Special Events Department, forward a copy to your Event Coordinator. All other COI’s should be sent to Lisa Zerkle ([email protected]) for review by the PARCK Committee.
How far in advance should I apply for the insurance?
Generally, 2-4 weeks before the event. You want to apply close enough so your plans are firm (i.e. you know what you're going to do and you're not cancelling) but far enough in advance so there's time to secure coverage in case there are problems.
If I can’t get insurance for my on-campus event, can I hold the event anyway?
No, the event would not be allowed to proceed.
What if we're having a series of related events during the month/semester/year?
If you are holding a series of meetings or lectures or other types of events, you can get one Certificate of Insurance to cover all the dates. Discuss this with your insurance agent.
What if I am co-sponsoring an event on campus for an external person or organization?
The outside organization will need to provide the University with verified insurance coverage prior to the event listing Purdue University Fort Wayne and the Trustees of Purdue as additional insureds.