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Military Science

Military appreciation day photo. Serving those who serve dinner. Students at ROTC training. ROTC info booth at Spring Campus Visit Day
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Pair practical exercises and hands-on military training with the academic study of warfare and diplomacy in Military Science (ROTC Program).

Education meets leadership excellence.

You have what it takes to be a Mastodon—and a leader. In the military science program, you can be both. More than a minor, Military Science can help prepare you for various government and civilian career paths. You’ll explore interdisciplinary course work that emphasizes leadership, dynamic 
problem-solving, decision-making skills, and effective communication techniques—all characterized within the complexities of modern conflicts. 

Students at military day
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Prospective cadets

A place for you in ROTC.

The Army ROTC is a program that allows cadets to attend college as a traditional student while training to commission as an officer in the US Army upon graduation. A number of opportunities are available to prospective cadets joining the program, and you may even qualify to receive a full scholarship from the Army.

High School
Interested in an ROTC scholarship? Begin in the summer before your senior year by completing the US Army’s ROTC online application process. You must meet the academic, physical, and medical qualifications to earn the scholarship.

Get started with an Army ROTC basic elective course. If you have at least two years remaining toward your undergraduate or graduate degree (but not enough time to complete the first two years of the basic course), you can complete the requirement through the Cadet Summer Training held at Fort Knox, Kentucky. This training program will catch you up and allow you to participate as a third-year cadet in the ROTC program.

Army ROTC Green to Gold
There are many different opportunities and scholarships available to enlisted soldiers. Both scholarship and nonscholarship options are available to you, in addition to being able to go to school while still on active duty.

Learn More

The Simultaneous Membership Program allows you to attend Army ROTC and serve in the US Army Reserve or Army National Guard at the same time. It gives you an opportunity for additional training and experience. As a cadet, you will serve as an officer trainee in the US Army Reserve or National Guard while completing college. You can even earn reserve or guard pay and benefits, in addition to your Army ROTC allowances.

Leadership Excellence

Embrace the US Army values.





Selfless Service



Personal Courage

Contact Us

Have questions?


Contact Mac Hathaway, recruiting operations officer, at [email protected] or 260-481-5709.