Military science
What is ROTC?
The mission of the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is to commission college students to be future leaders of the United States Army. As a top-quality college student with the desire to lead, you’re the kind of cadet we are always seeking. Throughout the program, you’ll be trained and challenged. And once you succeed, you will receive a commission as a second lieutenant in the US Army (active or part-time in the Army Reserve or National Guard).
The basic course
Freshman and sophomore years.
You will learn basic military skills, explore the fundamentals of leadership, and start the groundwork toward becoming an Army leader. Choose one elective class and lab each semester along with the requisite physical training and field training exercises. You can take the Army ROTC basic courses without a military commitment.
The Advanced Course
Junior and senior years.
You will learn advanced military tactics and gain experience in team organization, planning, and decision-making. The advanced course takes place during your last two years in college as elective courses. Choose one elective class and lab each semester, in addition to the requisite physical training and field training exercises, plus a summer leadership camp. To benefit from the leadership training in the advanced course, all cadets must have completed either the basic course or have attended the Leader’s Training course. Entering the advanced course requires a commitment to serve as an officer in the US Army after you graduate.

Explore the minor.
Explore the minor.
See the program detail page for all the requirements, highlights, and course descriptions.
Are you up for the challenge?
Army ROTC is all about developing your leadership skills while focusing on physical and academic excellence. Each day, you will be challenged both physically and mentally. You may elect to complete the program by earning a commission through the Army, Army Reserve, or National Guard.
Enroll during your freshman or sophomore year without military commitment to fine-tune your leadership skills. Or, if you would like to enroll as a prospective cadet candidate, you can apply for admission to the Office of Military Science. If eligible, you can receive a full-tuition scholarship for up to four years, in addition to the committed-students monthly stipend and $1,200 to offset education and living expenses.
If you enter the program as a sophomore or junior, you will attend the basic camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, in order to validate courses that you would have taken during your freshman and sophomore years. Once enrolled in the program, you will participate in physical training, classes, classroom instruction, and field training. Pirate Battalion Army ROTC conducts intense conditioning sessions to improve health and physical fitness throughout the week. You will learn the principles of leadership and military theory from professors who are, first and foremost, military officers or senior NCOs. You will then have the opportunity to employ your skills in hands-on practical exercises. Field training provides opportunities for advanced skill-set exercises and greater exposure to military tactics and techniques.
Take part in basic camp when you enter the Army ROTC, when you have two to three years left in college. Basic campus is a 28-day course held each summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky. All expenses are paid, and you may even earn pay while there. This course allows you to catch up to those who completed the regular Army basic training. The first phase of training will introduce you to the Army and prepare you for the following phases of training. The remaining phases consist of team building, leadership development, and field-training exercises.
If you contract with the Army after you complete basic camp, and you meet all other contracting requirements (including maintaining a minimum 2.5 GPA), you may qualify for a two-year scholarship.
As an Army ROTC cadet in the advanced course, you will attend cadet summer training. This is a four-week course at Fort Knox, Kentucky, that is designed to train and evaluate all Army ROTC cadets.
You may apply for airborne training at Fort Benning, Georgia, if you have passed the airborne physical examination and attained the appropriate score on the Army Physical Fitness Test. Training is divided across the three weeks into three categories: ground, tower, and jump. Once you successfully complete this training, you will earn the Army Airborne badge.
Training is offered on a voluntary and limited basis.
You may apply to attend air assault training at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, or Fort Campbell, Kentucky, if you passed the airborne physical examination and attained the appropriate score on the Army Physical Fitness Test. This 10-day training is designed to teach air assault skills and procedures, improve basic leadership skills, and instill the air assault spirit. During the course, you will face such challenges as an obstacle course, physical training, rappelling, troop ladder, rigging and sling loading, road marches, and evaluations. Once you successfully complete this training, you will earn the Army Air Assault badge.
Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) pairs you with active-duty or Army Reserve and National Guard units and allows you to serve in a leadership position. The program is approximately three weeks in duration and is available only to third-year cadets during the same year that you attend cadet summer training. Overseas CTLT tours are usually four weeks. Upon completion of this assignment, you will receive a performance evaluation by an officer in the assigned unit. This evaluation is used by the professor of military science when providing further counseling and leadership training.
The pay rate matches the cadet summer training rate, and training is offered on a voluntary and limited basis.