IT Equipment
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- IT Equipment
Steps for all technology-related orders
Step 1: Contact the IT Services Help Desk at x16030 or fill out the IT Equipment Form. There are restrictions on the types of computing equipment that may be ordered for use with the PFW network, including laptops. Your request will be assigned to the appropriate IT Services employee who will contact you for further details. He or she will then get a quote from an approved vendor and send it to you via email.
Step 2: Place requisition in Ariba: Always attach your quote to the Ariba requisition even if you have referenced it in the title and/or line item description. Reference quick steps to ordering from Dell and Apple.
Step 3: Always include a comment noting who in ITS reviewed and advised of the purchase
- Add comment under the Summary tab of Ariba requisition
- Comment should NOT be visible to the supplier, so leave that box unchecked.
- IT Advisor: List name, title, phone#, and email address of the person in IT Services who advised the purchase of this equipment, software, or service.
Step 4: Orders for new computers or laptops are delivered to IT Services first to receive the standard initial setup required for all University-owned computers. Purchaser (requisitioner) must complete receiving in Ariba upon delivery notification from IT Services.
NOTE: All new purchases of IT software, applications or cloud services must undergo a security review conducted by ITaP prior to purchase.
NOTE: Any purchase that involves computer hardware, software, and AV equipment must be reviewed by ITS regardless of price. This excludes misc. peripherals such as keyboards, mice, and flash drives which can be purchased from the ODP Business Solutions catalog.
NOTE: Regardless of price, all technology equipment orders must be made through Ariba. No laptops should be purchased using a department credit card.
Computers can be purchased from either Dell (catalog vendor) or Apple (non-catalog vendor). Fill out the Technology Purchase Survey to request a quote from ITS. Quick steps for creating Dell and Apple requisitions in Ariba can be found here.
Supporting Equipment
Supporting equipment such as computer mice, keyboards, headphones, speakers and cables should be purchased through the ODP Business Solutions (formerly Office Depot) catalog.
Printers, Toner & Maintenance
Printers should be purchased from Cannon IV (catalog vendor). You can request a quote from ITS by filling out the Technology Purchase Survey. Once you’re ready to order, enter the quote # in the box above the Add Quote to Cart button.
Please note, all new printers purchased from Cannon IV are automatically placed on a Cost Per Page (CPP) Plan.
Cost Per Page Plan Details:
Cannon IV’s Cost Per Page (CPP) plan covers toner, service calls, maintenance kits, parts and labor. Really about the only thing it won’t cover is paper and staples. Cannon IV will bill your department quarterly for what you print and charges are based on the actual volume or usage of each device. All CPP invoices are paid ZV60.
Networked printers are added to Cannon IV’s Auto Toner Replenishment program, which monitors the toner usage levels of the device and automatically ships toner once low levels are reached. For non-networked printers, the end user will be required to report print counts and request toner from Cannon IV by providing them with the C4 ID# assigned to the printer. Toner can be requested from Cannon IV by emailing [email protected]. Meter reading (print count) emails for non-networked printers will be sent to the end user where they can simply enter their printers meter reading.
Cannon IV offers contract pricing on toner cartridges through the punchout catalog in Ariba.
Note: Toner should not be ordered for printers with cost per (CPP) plans.
Printer Maintenance
To request service on a printer, send an email to [email protected]. Cannon IV will schedule a technician to come out and take a look at the machine. For printer’s not covered by a CPP plan, service would be billed at a time and material rate of $90 per hour + cost of repair parts.