Electronic Marquee
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- Electronic Marquee
Electronic Marquee Posting Policy and Procedure
The Electronic Marquee (aka the Electronic Message Board) is on Broyles Blvd, adjacent to the Athletic Fields. It delivers information to the campus population and visiting community members, announcing events or activities on campus.
A request to post information on the marquee must be made in connection with an event that has a planned attendance of at least 50 people. In addition, the request to post information on the marquee must be made in connection with an event that is open to the entire Purdue FW community or an event that is co- sponsored by Purdue FW. A department or registered student organization may request the posting of general Purdue FW community information on the marquee; however, such information will be posted only on a space-available basis.
On campus, open events sponsored by Athletics, Music, Theatre, PSGA, and Student Life or hosted in Special Events venues may, upon the approval of the Director of Special Events, have access to placing messages on the marquee. The Director shall have the authority to determine which organizations may place messages on the marquee, when, and in what order messages shall run and for how long they may remain placed on the marquee.
User Priority
- Emergency Announcement such as snow emergencies or recesses.
- Events of university-wide interest such as The Big Event, Homecoming, etc.
- Athletics, Music, Theatre
- Special Events Department open to the public events
- PSGA/Student Life events
- Other Departmental Events
- Student Organization Events
- Message content shall not include business advertisements or any information of a strictly or significantly commercial nature. No promotions for any individual business or group of businesses or any type of commercial activity shall be permitted
- A request to post information on the marquee must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the requested posting date. To post information regarding an event, www.pfw.edu/electronic-marquee should be filled out. An email response will be sent to the requestor approving or denying the request.
- Users are limited to two submissions at any one time per calendar event.
- The Special Events Department offers no guarantee with respect to the appearance of messages on the marquee. Prospective users are encouraged to use a variety of media for events and not to rely solely on the marquee.
- The Special Events Department has the sole and complete discretion to approve or deny any request to post information on a marquee. For a request that is approved, the Special Events Department has the sole and complete discretion to determine the content and scheduling of the information posted.
- The Special Events Department provides no guarantee that every program, event, or activity for which a request is received will be posted. Due to limited space, message submissions may be prioritized at the discretion of the Special Events Department.
- The number of messages, which appear in any given time period is limited. During busy times, the Special Events Department may elect to limit or not program submitted events.
- Content of messages may be altered slightly by the Special Events staff to adjust to message board format. The Special Events staff reserve the right to edit messages for clarity, brevity, and propriety
- Maximum days your message can play: 14
Message Specifics:
Line 1: 30 characters (including spaces) maximum
Line 2: 25 characters (including spaces) maximum
Date & Time (Day, Month, Date, Time)
Logo Guidelines:
- Submit a full size high-resolution version of your image.
- Images should either be a .png or .jpg format.
- Your image will be resized to fit the marquee’s dimensions 300 px by 80 px.
- Images with bold graphics and contrasting colors work best.
- Fine details, subtle color changes, and text should be avoided within graphics.
- Special Events reserves the right to not use any images due to incompatibility.
About Messages:
- Messages are limited to one per specific event, program, or activity date.
- The University reserves the right to use the Electronic marquee exclusively for emergency notification and communication (i.e. snow emergencies or closures) as events or situations require.
- All posts must comply with the University’s non-discrimination policy.
- Display messages need to be extremely brief. We recommend fewer than 15 words. Messages should be edited by the requestor to conform to the general journalistic style of answering “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and/or “how much” (admission fee). Include any punctuation in your message as you wish it to appear on the marquee..
- All requestors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their submissions. Messages may be returned for clarity and conformity to standards.
- Requestors may suggest the type, duration, and color scheme of each message panel, and simple graphics and other elements that can enhance their message.
- Logos or graphics can sometimes be accommodated, but all are subject to compatibility requirements on the marquee. Standard graphics available on the system can be included if requested and/or appropriate.
- Messages may be updated at the discretion of the Special Events staff during the display period.
- Nominal slide view time is set at 5 seconds per message.
- Multiple slides may be requested to accommodate larger amounts of information. A maximum limit of no more than two (2) slides may be requested for a particular event, and each message (1 or 2 slides) will be viewable for a maximum of 10 seconds start to finish. Duration of length of slide view time is at the discretion of the Special Events staff.
- Requests that do not meet the established policy criteria will be returned to the Requestor. If the Requestor would like to ask for an exception to the policy, the Requestor may provide additional justification to the Director of Special Events. Requests for exception must be submitted within 24 hours of receiving notification that the submitted message has been rejected. All appeals will be given priority attention and normally will be reviewed and decided no later than three (3) days from receipt by the Director of Special Events.
- The Special Events Department reserves the right to refuse any requested posting that it deems inappropriate or that exceeds message volume.
Messages that will NOT be displayed:
- General meetings or perpetual/recurring activities (i.e. occurring more often than once a month); weekly activities may be posted periodically, but not every week, by submitting individual request forms for entries
- Events open only to members of an organization
- Events off-campus
- Messages pertinent to only selected individuals or organization members
- Messages of a personal nature, such as birthday wishes, congratulations, engagements, milestones, items for sale, personal parties and private events
- Messages inconsistent with University policies or local, state or federal law
- Non-University related events or commercial enterprises (other than university lessees)
- Messages listing specific prices or “x dollars off” discounts for goods or services
- Messages that state or imply university endorsement or approval of any goods, services, or event/program content
- Any promotion of the sale or consumption of alcohol
- Political campaign messages of any kind (campus, local, state, or national)
- Disrespectful or derogatory language directed toward any individual, group of individuals, organization, department, or school
- Naming of commercial sponsorships for events or activities
Submitting a Request
- All requests for posting to the Electronic marquee are initiated by submitting an online request to the Special Event staff www.pfw.edu/electronic-marquee
- Message requests will not be taken over the phone or via e-mail.
- Request forms must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the requested posting date for the program, event, or activity. Failure to follow this schedule could result in not receiving requested display date/time(s).
- Late requests may be considered by the Special Events staff but are not guaranteed to be run.
- However, no program, event, or activity message request will be accepted within two (2) working days of the program.
- Approved messages will be displayed as early as possible on the requested start date. Messages will terminate at midnight on event day unless an earlier termination time is requested at submission of the request OR if the consecutive days the message is to run ends before the event date occurs.
Questions about this policy and the use of the Electronic marquee should be directed to the Director of Special Events at 260-481-5493 or [email protected]