Service Changes - May, 1, 2013
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- Service Changes - May, 1, 2013
To: All Faculty and Staff
From: Lisa Zerkle
Date: May 1, 2013
Subject: Service Changes
Due to recent budget and staffing cuts, the Special Events department will be implementing the
following changes effective Sunday, May 12, 2013:
- Delivery of portable technology to classroom and conferences rooms will end.
- Select meeting rooms in Walb Union will have 2 standard set ups from which to choose.
- Requests for tables/chairs, audio equipment, personnel, etc made with less than 2 business days’ notice may not be able to be fulfilled.
- External Clients using outdoor venues will now have clean-up and/or equipment fees.
- Rental equipment is to be set up by the Rental Company. Physical Plant and Special Event Staff will no longer be able to set up or tear down rental equipment.
Audio Visual Technology Services
Deliveries of portable technology to classrooms and conference rooms will end on Saturday, May 11, 2013. Special Events will continue to support A/V needs for events in the Special Event Venues. University Press conferences will still be supported regardless of their on campus location.
After May 12, 2013, all current AVTS equipment will be dispersed to departments based on historical use or justified need. Please submit your departmental request for equipment along with written justification of the need to Lisa Zerkle by
Sunday, May 12th. Equipment will be divided among departments in a fair and equitable manner based upon the requests that are received. Special Events will maintain a select
stock of portable equipment for short term reservation/check out on a 1st come/1st served basis. A complete list of this equipment will be made available upon completion of an
inventory but is likely to contain laptops, camcorders, boomboxes, etc. Equipment can be requested thru the AVTS link: (
Easels and Sign Poles/bases can also still be requested but are now located here:
Walb Union Meeting Rooms
Walb Union, rooms 114 and 116 will be combined into a single room. The divider wall will be removed to make it a more functional space.
Walb Union rooms 114/116, G21 and G21A will be converted to ‘Standard’ set up spaces. You will have the choice of Rows of Chairs (theatre style) or Tables/Chairs (classroom style). Our website has been updated to reflect these changes and features diagrams for your viewing. Walb Union room G08 will continue to be a standard set up room that features Tables/chairs (classroom style). Rooms will no longer have furniture removed for meetings that are smaller than the room capacity.
Outdoor Venues
External Clients who use campus outdoor venues will now have per ‘site’ cleaning fees. A ‘site’ is defined as a reservable space (i.e. Parking lot 11 or Science Mall part “A” or the Visual Arts Amphitheater, etc). The cost of trash containers and
recycling bins table and chairs will be added to the fees charged based on the number of sites reserved and the size of the anticipated crowd. Our website has been updated to reflect these changes.
Set up and Tear Down of Rental Equipment
Physical Plant Maintenance and Building Services, along with the Special Events staff will no longer set up or tear down equipment rented from an external company for events on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, tables, chairs and stages. Rented equipment is to be set up and torn down by vendor supplying the equipment within your reservation time in the venue.
We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause you, but due to the recent reductions these changes are necessary.
Thank you
Special Event Links
- Event Scheduling Form
- Request Venue Information
- Event Scheduling Calendar
- AV Equipment Request
- Purchase Tickets
- Classroom Building Table and Chair Request Form
- Special Events Customer Service Survey
- Temporary Event Food Service Application
- Event Payments
- Program Activities for Risk Compliance and Kids (PARCK)