The 19th Annual Student Research and Creative Endeavor Symposium
Wednesday, March 30, 2016, in the Walb Union ballroom
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Students presented their research and competed for awards based on scores from IPFW Faculty judges. The Sigma Xi honor society for scientific research also gave its annual student research awards based on scores from this event.
Analysis of Competence of Thrips Species to Transmit Soybean vein necrosis virus and Impact of the Virus on Thrips Vectors Biology and Behavior
Synthesizing Type II Superconductors to Investigate Quantum Locking
Biochemical Characterization of a Mycobacterial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase
The Response Regulator Npun_F1278 is Essential for Scytonemin Biosynthesis in the Cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133
English and Linguistics
Waldere: Fragments of a Lost and Forgotten Epic
Fluorescently Tagged Herpesvirus Encapsidation Proteins: Tools to Understand Encapsidation Protein Interactions
Students' Common Sense Frameworks Regarding Superposition
Comparison of Freshwater Mussel Communities from 1988 to 2015 in the Cedar Creek Watershed, Indiana
Is Photon a Wave or a Particle?
Computer Science
WoundView: A Prototype Telemedicine System Design for Wound Assessment
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis and Prototype Development for a Miniature Diffuser Augemented Wind Turbine
Computer Science
Mobile Application Development for Promoting Usage of City Trails
International Language and Culture Studies
Jean-Paul Sartre's Exploration of the Self in "The Room"
Mathematical Sciences
Computational Mathematics and Minimizing Energy
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from this presentation (1)
- Link to video
from this presentation (2)
Award ceremony at the end of the Symposium
More information and more photos at the IPFW COAS News page
Electronic versions of the posters will be stored on