Spring 2016 Events
19th Annual Student Research and Creative Endeavor Symposium
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
9am - 3pm, Walb Classic Ballroom
Important dates:
- January 11 Symposium Registration opens
- February 1 Proposals due
- February 16 Faculty Panel 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
- February 17 Faculty Panel 11:00 am-12:00 pm
- March 15 Final pdf of poster due for printing
- March 28 Pick up printed poster at KT 255
For more information on participating or attending the Symposium, go to the IPFW Office of Sponsored Programs page.
The Sigma Xi IPFW Chapter has traditionally given its own awards for science (including engineering) topics at the Symposium. All students registered with the Symposium are automatically considered for the awards.
Congratulations to winners of the 2016 Sigma Xi student research awards!
Sigma Xi Award for Best Graduate Student Poster: Kumud Joshi, Biology, Fac. Sponsor Vamsi Nalam
Sigma Xi Award for Best Undergraduate Poster: Michael Stoller, Geosciences, Fac. Sponsor Ben Datillo
Sigma Xi Award for Best Team Poster: Jordan Brown, Gladys Calderon, & Elisa Hernandez, Psychology, Fac. Sponsor Michelle Drouin
Annual Sigma Xi Faculty Awards for Research and Science Teaching
- Congratulations to 2016 IPFW Sigma Xi Research Award winners! John Licato, Computer Science, and Yuan Zhang, Mathematical Sciences.
- Application due date: April 8, 2016.
- Nomination form for IPFW Sigma Xi Research Award:
- Nomination form for IPFW Sigma Xi Science Teaching Award:
Annual Sigma Xi Banquet
- The Sigma Xi awards for students and faculty are presented at the annual dinner.
- Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016. Dinner starting at 6:00, followed by awards and presentation.
- Location: The Lucky Moose, 622 E Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
- No reservation required, the "Coconut Club" room in the back is reserved for our event and you may order from the menu.
- Photos from this event
Other Events:
2016 IPFW Engineering Research and Design Conference:
- Modeling & Simulation Symposium
- Conference poster:
- Friday, April 29, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, IPFW Walb Ballroom
IRSC Event: The University: Its Past, Present, and Future. February 9.
IPFW Outstanding Research Award: Peter Dragnev, professor and chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, will present the 2015-16 Outstanding Research Award Lecture. His presentation, "The Mathematics of the Soccer Ball: A Mathematician's Quest to Minimize Energy," March 18, 2016. Photos from this event
Fall 2015 Events
IPFW Science and Society Event: Nov. 14.
Department of Mathematical Sciences: A Celebration of Mind, Nov. 13.
COAS Distinguished Lecturer: Don Howard, Notre Dame, Robot Ethics, Oct. 23.