Student resources
college of engineering, technology, and computer science
Academic Resources
The support you need.
Your education is not a singular pursuit, and we recognize that. You’ll have plenty of support from the Mastodon community.
Dedicated to the creation of new knowledge.
The expertise of our faculty combined with the passion of community members leads to real-world impact, and the Centers of Excellence serve as the hub for it all. The college is proud to be home to three centers: the Information Analytics and Visualization Center; the Center of Excellence in Systems Engineering; and the Northeast Indiana Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education Resource Center (NISTEM).

Study Abroad
Expand your world.
Explore beyond the classroom, beyond campus, beyond your dreams. Discover what knowledge awaits you by taking the opportunity to study abroad.

Student and Professional Organizations
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Association for Computing Machinery
Engineers without Borders
ETCS Motorsports Club
Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
National Society of Professional Engineers
Phi Sigma Rho
Polytechnical Engineering Club
Society of Women Engineers
Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Director of Engagement
Updates & Newsletters