Placement and Course Testing
Testing Services
Find your place.
Reading, writing, math, and English. These tests will help you find your place and maximize your potential in your courses. If you’re a newly admitted student, you must follow the writing guided self-placement process and take the online math placement test before registering for courses. Academic advisors will use your placement-test results to help you plan your first-semester courses.

What you need to know.
- A photo ID is required in order to take all tests.
- Cell phones are not allowed at the testing stations. Please make the appropriate arrangements for storing your phone.
- Testing times can be subject to change based on availability and/or test length.
- You should arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment. If you arrive late, you will be asked to reschedule.
- Testing-room temperatures may vary; it’s advisable to bring a sweater or jacket.
- Children are not allowed in the testing facilities; please make childcare arrangements before your exam.
- If you require test accommodations based on disability, contact the director of testing services at least seven business days before your scheduled test date; disability documentation may be required.
- Testing Services is unable to give placement or entrance exams for students who attend universities other than Purdue Fort Wayne.
The math placement test can be taken and completed online by logging in to Brightspace and clicking on the tab PFW No End Date Non-Credit.
You should allow at least one hour for the math placement test. Calculators, TI84CE or below, are allowed, and you will need a pencil and scratch paper.
The math placement test may be retaken once. The highest score you receive will be used.
If you are a transfer or nondegree student and have taken math courses at another college or university, check with your Purdue Fort Wayne academic advising department about placement requirements. Information about your academic advising department is available through your goPFW account.
You can take the writing guided self-placement exam and reading placement test online. You may complete the writing self-placement exam as many times as necessary.
You can complete the Reading Accuplacer placement test twice in a two-year period if you do not have ACT or SAT scores. If you have received a letter grade for completion in a course, you are not eligible for placement testing. If you’re enrolled in a course that is in progress, you can retest only during the first week of semester classes. On a retest, scores can be the same, higher, or lower. The most recent testing date will be used, and your writing-guided self-placement may be completed as many times as necessary.
If you are a transfer or nondegree student and have taken English-composition courses at another college or university, check with your Purdue Fort Wayne academic advising department about placement requirements. Information about advising is available through your goPFW account.
Testing Services is unable to give placement or entrance exams for students who attend universities other than Purdue University Fort Wayne and Indiana University Fort Wayne.
Take your writing-guided self-placement exam.
View your reading placement.
We proctor on-campus makeup classroom tests and face-to-face course-makeup exams. To schedule an exam, call us at 260-481-6600.